Pracownie badawcze
Prof. dr hab. Ewa Śledziewska-Gójska
Pracownia Mutagenezy i Tolerancji Uszkodzeń DNAWe are interested in processes that affect DNA stability by regulating DNA damage tolerance pathways via translesion synthesis (TLS), with a special focus on TLS DNA polymerases in yeast and (…)
Dr hab. Agata Starosta, Prof. IBB PAN
Pracownia TranslatomikiOur lab is interested in gene expression regulation on a translational level in various bacteria. Using Next Generation Sequencing techniques (including ribosome profiling) in combination with molecular biology and biochemical (…)
Prof. dr hab. Ewa Kula-Świeżewska
Pracownia Biochemii LipidówOur studies focus on identifying cellular functions of isoprenoids and the regulatory mechanisms that govern their biosynthesis. We seek to elucidate the biochemical pathways that lead to the formation of (…)
Dr hab. Szymon Świeżewski, Prof. IBB PAN
Pracownia Biologii Molekularnej NasionSeed dormancy reflects the ability of plants not to germinate despite favorable conditions. Seed dormancy is a fascinating seed property that underlies seed-plant ecological success and forms the overall basis (…)
Dr hab. Roman J. Szczęsny, Prof. IBB PAN
Pracownia Biologii RNAOur laboratory is interested in mechanisms that control the quality, quantity, and processing of RNAs that originate from expression of the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes in humans. Our main goal (…)
Dr hab. Ulrike Topf
Pracownia Podstaw Molekularnych Starzenia i OdmładzaniaOur laboratory is interested in identifying cellular mechanisms and pharmacological interventions that maintain protein homeostasis during acute cellular stress and aging. (…)
Dr hab. Agnieszka Tudek
Pracownia Dojrzewania i Degradacji RNARegulation of mRNA transcription and co-transcriptional events along with degradation are key for adjusting gene expression in response to stimuli. One line of our research aims to describe regulation of (…)
Dr Michał Turek
Pracownia Fizjologii Molekularnej ZwierzątA new proteostasis mechanism for the removal of protein aggregates and damaged mitochondria has recently been described. Within this process, cellular waste material is ejected from the cell via large (…)
Dr hab. Tomasz W. Turowski
Pracownia Mechanizmów TranskrypcjiWe are interested in understanding how the biophysics of transcription affects gene regulation. Our goal is to apply this knowledge to problems such as SARS-CoV-2 transcription and RNA polymerase III‑related (…)
Dr hab. Kevin Waldron, Prof. IBB PAN
Pracownia Biologii MetalobiałekThe Laboratory of Metalloprotein Biology studies the structure and function of metalloproteins and metalloenzymes. We aim to understand how microorganisms acquire, handle, use and detoxify essential metal ions. We are (…)
Dr Michał P. Wandel
Pracownia Odporności WewnątrzkomórkowejWe are interested in understanding the interactions of pathogenic microorganisms with their human host. We explore the molecular details of how cell-intrinsic and cytokine-enhanced immunity protects the interior of the (…)
Dr hab. Urszula Zielenkiewicz
Pracownia Środowiskowej i Ewolucyjnej Biologii SystemówThe main focus of our research is comparative and evolutionary genomics. We investigate microbial consortia from natural and experimental environments and explore the history and evolution of apoptotic machinery and (…)