Pracownie badawcze

Dr hab. Magdalena Kowalczyk

Pracownia Biotechnologii Bakterii Mlekowych

Our laboratory is interested in biodiversity and environmental interactions in complex ecosystems with a special regard to lactic acid bacteria (LAB). It deals with studies of bacterial population diversity and (…)

Prof. dr hab. Joanna Kruszewska

Pracownia Biologii Grzybów

Regulation of cellular metabolism in fungi, with a special emphasis on cell wall assembly, protein synthesis, modification, and secretion, endoplasmic reticulum stress, and the creation and regulation of pathogenic features (…)

Dr hab. Magdalena Krzymowska, Prof. IBB PAN

Pracownia Biologii Roślin i Mikroorganizmów

Research in our laboratory investigates the interplay between plants and pathogenic microorganisms. We focus on the roles of proteinaceous effectors that are secreted by pathogens to dampen host defense responses. (…)

Prof. dr hab. Róża Kucharczyk

Pracownia Bioenergetyki i Mechanizmów Chorób Mitochondrialnych

Our research focuses on mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthase biogenesis, regulation, and deficiencies, including control of the expression of mitochondrially encoded subunits of ATP synthase, S. cerevisiae as a model (…)

Prof. dr hab. Małgorzata Łobocka

Pracownia Biologii Bakteriofagów

The long-term goal of our studies is to elucidate unknown aspects of bacteriophage biology that underlie the wide host range of certain phages, their survival strategies among hosts in various (…)

Dr hab. Anna Muszewska, Prof. IBB PAN

Pracownia Bioinformatyki Grzybów

We trace genomic changes across branches of the fungal tree of life. We also study the relationship between the genome composition and the ecology of the organism. (…)

Dr Jacek K. Nowak

Pracownia Niekodujących RNA i Rearanżacji Genomu

Our research seeks to understand the mechanisms that are responsible for the synthesis of developmentally regulated non-coding RNAs and their role in programmed genome rearrangements. The key question that we (…)

Prof. dr hab. Jarosław Poznański

Pracownia Molekularnych Podstaw Aktywności Biologicznej

We are combining computational and experimental methods to explain biochemical, biological, and medical observations. We currently focus on proteins, including their structure, stability, function, and interactions with substrates, small-molecule ligands, (…)

Prof. dr hab. Tomasz J. Sarnowski

Pracownia Regulacji Ekspresji Genów

The Laboratory is interested in deciphering the evolutionarily conserved and diversified molecular properties of SWI/SNF chromatin remodelling complexes in various models including human, plants and shrimps. We aim to understand (…)

Dr hab. Anna Sikora, Prof. IBB PAN

Pracownia Białej Biotechnologii

Our laboratory is interested in microbial interactions and functions in built-environment microbiomes, especially anaerobic digestion microbiomes. The long-term goal of our studies is the microbial production of biohydrogen and biomethane (…)

Prof. dr hab. Agnieszka Sirko

Pracownia Homeostazy Białek Roślinnych

Our laboratory focuses on the role of protein degradation in the plant response to abiotic stress. We seek to dissect the complex network that is responsible for the selectivity of (…)

Dr hab. Adrianna Skoneczna, Prof. IBB PAN

Pracownia Mechanizmów Stabilności Genetycznej

The maintenance of genome stability is an essential task that ensures proper cell function. Under stressful conditions, it becomes crucial for survival. Our research uses budding yeast as an experimental (…)