Obrona rozprawy doktorskiej
Mgr Aneta Jurkiewicz
„Regulation of RNA polymerase III in macrophages” (…)
Seminarium Instytutowe
Prof. Hubert D. Becker
Université de Strasbourg, CNRS, Génétique Moléculaire, Génomique, Microbiologie, UMR 7156
Filamentous fungi use aminoacyl-tRNAs to reshape sterols. (…)
Seminarium Doktoranckie
Agnieszka Onyśk
„Polyisoprenoid biosynthesis in unicellular eukaryote Paramecium”
Mikołaj Fedorowicz
„A role of RNF2 protein in regulation of human polymerase iota”
Paweł Ćwiek
„Identification of new signaling mechanisms regulating chromatin transcriptional activity in eukaryotes” (…)
Seminarium Instytutowe
Prof. Ramesh Pillai
Department of Molecular Biology, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Role of chemical modifications of RNA in gene regulation (…)
Seminarium Doktoranckie
Damian Garbicz
„Searching for compounds of anticancer activity directed against ALKBH and HDAC proteins” (…)
Seminarium Instytutowe
Prof. Ulrike Kutay
Institute of Biochemistry, Chair, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Taking Apart the Nuclear Envelope for Open Mitosis (…)
Seminarium Instytutowe
Dr León A. Bravo
Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology
Department Agronomical Sciences and Natural Resources
Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco Chile.
'Unraveling the impact of regional warming on Antarctic vascular plants: Learning from an in situ warming experiment.’ (…)
Seminarium Instytutowe
Dr León A. Bravo
Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology
Department Agronomical Sciences and Natural Resources
Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco Chile.
'Unraveling the impact of regional warming on Antarctic vascular plants: Learning from an in situ warming experiment.’ (…)
Obrona rozprawy doktorskiej
Mgr Agata Malinowska
„Problemy analizy i walidacji wyników uzyskanych z jakościowych i ilościowych wielkoskalowych eksperymentów proteomicznych, przeprowadzanych metodą spektrometrii mas” (…)
Seminarium Doktoranckie
mgr Julia Rachowka
„How annexin 1 from Arabidopsis thaliana protects chloroplasts from oxidative stress”
mgr Aleksandra Tymoszewska
„Molecular basis of mechanisms of novel bacteriocins action and resistance development” (…)
Obrona rozprawy doktorskiej
Mgr Deepshikha Malik
„Mechanism of action of exonuclease REXO2 and noncanonical nucleotidyl transferase CutA in mRNA decay” (…)
Seminarium Instytutowe
Dr hab. Michał Małecki
RNA tails laboratory, Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology UW
Cytoplasmic mRNA turnover in fission yeast (…)