
Seminarium Instytutowe

Dr León A. Bravo

Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology

Department Agronomical Sciences and Natural Resources

Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco Chile.

'Unraveling the impact of regional warming on Antarctic vascular plants: Learning from an in situ warming experiment.’ (…)

Seminarium Instytutowe

Dr León A. Bravo

Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology

Department Agronomical Sciences and Natural Resources

Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco Chile.

'Unraveling the impact of regional warming on Antarctic vascular plants: Learning from an in situ warming experiment.’ (…)

Obrona rozprawy doktorskiej

Mgr Agata Malinowska

„Problemy analizy i walidacji wyników uzyskanych z jakościowych i ilościowych wielkoskalowych eksperymentów proteomicznych, przeprowadzanych metodą spektrometrii mas” (…)

Seminarium Doktoranckie

mgr Julia Rachowka
„How annexin 1 from Arabidopsis thaliana protects chloroplasts from oxidative stress”

mgr Aleksandra Tymoszewska
„Molecular basis of mechanisms of novel bacteriocins action and resistance development” (…)

Obrona rozprawy doktorskiej

Mgr Deepshikha Malik

„Mechanism of action of exonuclease REXO2 and noncanonical nucleotidyl transferase CutA in mRNA decay” (…)

Seminarium Instytutowe

Dr hab. Michał Małecki

RNA tails laboratory, Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology UW

Cytoplasmic mRNA turnover in fission yeast (…)

Seed Technology Webinar

Dr Julia Zinsmeister

Dr Julia Zinsmeister a postdoc in Szymon Swiezewski laboratory will be giving a seminar as part of the Seed Technology Webinar on 12 May 2021 2pm (CEST). Seminar is free but registration is required by May 11th 2021 at latest. Seminar title: HSFA9, a seed specific trancription factor linking thermotolerance and seed dormancy. (…)

Seminarium Instytutowe

Dr Abu Musa Md Talimur Reza

Laboratory of RNA Metabolism in Immune Responses

'Investigation of the effects of tRNA genes knock-out in human cells’ (…)

Seminaria Doktoranckie

Mgr Jarosław Steciuk
„Evaluation of the function of the SNF5-type core subunit of the SWI/SNF complex on Arabidopsis thaliana using new T-DNA insertion knock-out line”

Mgr Grzegorz Brzyżek
“An intimate relation of transcription and splicing” (…)

Seminarium Instytutowe

Dr Patrycja Wińska

Chair of Drug and Cosmetics Biotechnology, Faculty of Chemistry, Warsaw University of Technology

'Anticancer properties of protein kinase CK2 inhibitors and their combinations with antimetabolites of the thymidylate biosynthesis cycle’ (…)

Seminarium Instytutowe

Dr Ewelina Szymańska

Laboratory of Cell Biology, International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology

Investigating cancer-associated VPS4B loss – in search of  therapeutic targets for personalized oncology (…)

Seminaria Doktoranckie

mgr Agata Jabczyńska

„Identification and functional analysis of novel RNA-binding proteins in human mitochondria” (…)