Seminarium Instytutowe
Dr Ewelina Szymańska
Laboratory of Cell Biology, International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
’Investigating cancer-associated VPS4B loss – in search of therapeutic targets for personalized oncology’
Somatic copy number alterations play a critical role in oncogenesis. Loss of chromosomal regions containing tumor suppressors can lead to collateral deletion of passenger genes. This can be exploited therapeutically if synthetic lethal partners of such passenger genes are known and represent druggable targets. Recently we found that VPS4B gene, encoding an ATPase involved in endosomal membrane remodeling, is such a passenger gene frequently deleted in many cancer types, notably in colorectal cancer (CRC). We identified VPS4A paralog as a synthetic lethal interactor for VPS4B in vitro and in mouse xenografts. We also characterized molecular consequences of simultaneous depletion of VPS4A and VPS4B for cancer cell.
Our results identify a pair of novel druggable targets for personalized oncology and provide a rationale to develop VPS4 inhibitors for precision therapy of VPS4B-deficient cancers.
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