MSCA for Julia Zinsmeister

Dr. Julia Zinsmeister received an Horizon 2020 Widening Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships while being on the reserve list for the main MSCA in the panel “Life Sciences, LIF”.

The awarded project “POP1Seed, Population-wide analysis of molecular and metabolic features intrinsic to dormancy variability in single seeds” will be conducted in Szymon Swiezewski’s laboratory at IBB in collaboration with the Institute of Plant Molecular Biology, CNRS, in Strasbourg, France. The aim of the project is to understand the molecular and metabolic features of the acquisition of seed dormancy at single seed level. In nature, seed dormancy variability enables plants to hedge their bets in seed germination, but is an undesirable trait in crops as it generates field anuniformity and subsequent yields losses.


The Marie Curie Widening Fellowship is meant to help spread excellence and close the research and innovation gap within Europe. The Marie Curie program offers a 2-year salary plus research, training and administrative expenses.

Link to Marie Curie fellowship program