
Number of publications: 94
PIELA P., MICHAŁOWSKI T., MILTKO R., SZEWCZYK K., SIKORA R., GRZESIUK E., SIKORA A., Can a fermentation gas mainly produced by rumen Isotrichidae ciliates be a potential source of biohydrogen and a fuel for a chemical fuel cell? Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology (2010) 20(7): 1092-1100 IF 2,062
ILC G., GIACHIN G., JAREMKO M., JAREMKO L., BENETTI F., PLAVEC J., ZHUKOV I., LEGNAME G., NMR structure of the human prion protein with the pathological Q212P mutation reveals unique structural features. PLoS One (2010) 5(7): e11715 IF 4,351
TUDEK B., WINCZURA A., JANIK J., SIOMEK A., FOKSIŃSKI M., OLINSKI R., Involvement of oxidatively damaged DNA and repair in cancer development and aging. American Journal of Translational Research (2010) 2: 254-284 IF -
MIAZGA A.A., ZIEMKOWSKI P., SIWECKA M.A., LIPNIACKI A., PIASEK A., KULIKOWSKI T., Synthesis, biological properties and anti-HIV-1 activity of new pyrimidine P1, P2-dinucleotides. Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids (2010) 29: 438-444 IF 0,768
TONSKA K., KODROŃ A., BARTNIK E., Genotype-phenotype correlations in Leber hereditary optic neuropathy. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics (2010) 1797: 1119-1123 IF 3,688
CZARNECKA A.M., KRAWCZYK T., ZDROŻNY M., LUBIŃSKI J., ARNOLD R.S., KUKWA W., SCINSKA A., GOLIK P., BARTNIK E., PETROS J.A., Mitochondrial NADH-dehydrogenase subunit 3 (ND3) polymorphism (A10398G) and sporadic breast cancer in Poland. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment (2010) 121: 511-518 IF 4,696
TOMECKI R., DRĄŻKOWSKA K., DZIEMBOWSKI A., Mechanisms of RNA degradation by the eukaryotic exosome. ChemBioChem (2010) 11: 938-945 IF 3,824
KUROWSKA E., BAL W., Recent advances in molecular toxicology of cadmium and nickel. Chapter in: Advances in Molecular Toxicology. Ed. J.C. Fishbein, (p.276) Elsevier 2010 vol.4 p. 85-126, ISBN 978-0-444-53584-9
PUCHTA O., LUBAS M., LIPIŃSKI K.A., PIĄTKOWSKI J., MAŁECKI M., GOLIK P., DMR1 (CCM1/YGR150C) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes an RNA-binding protein from the pentatricopeptide repeat family required for the maintenance of the mitochondrial 15S ribosomal RNA. Genetics (2010) 184: 959-973 IF 3,889
SPEINA E., DAWUT L., HEDAYATI M., WANG Z.M., MAY A., SCHWENDENER S., JANSCAK P., CROTEAU D.L., BOHR V.A., Human RECQL5ß stimulates flap endonuclease 1. Nucleic Acids Research (2010) 38: 2904-2916 IF 7,479
WRZESINSKI M., NIEMINUSZCZY J., SIKORA A., MIELECKI D., CHOJNACKA A., KOZŁOWSKI M., KRWAWICZ J., GRZESIUK E., Contribution of transcription-coupled DNA repair to MMS-induced mutagenesis in E.coli strains deficient in functional AlkB protein. Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis (2010) 688: 19-27 IF 3,556
VAN DIJK M. R., VAN SCHAIJK B.C.L., KHAN S.M., VAN DOOREN M.W., RAMESAR J., KACZANOWSKI S., VAN GEMERT G.-J., KROEZE H., STUNNENBERG H.G., ELING W.M., SAUERWEIN R.W., WATERS A.P., JANSE CH.J., Three members of the 6-cys protein family of Plasmodium play a role in gamete fertility. PLoS Pathogens (2010) 6(4): e1000853 (13 p./electronic only) IF 8,978
GORA-SOCHACKA A., REDKIEWICZ P.A., NAPIORKOWSKA B., GAGANIDZE D., BRODZIK R., SIRKO A., Recombinant mouse granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor is glycosylated in transgenic tobacco and maintains its biological activity. Journal of Interferon & Cytokine Research (2010) 30:13-19 IF 1,627
LEWANDOWSKA M., WAWRZYNSKA A.K., MONIUSZKO G., ŁUKOMSKA J., ZIENTARA-RYTTER K., PIECHO M., HODUREK P., ZHUKOV I., LISZEWSKA F., NIKIFOROVA V., SIRKO A., A contribution to identification of novel regulators of plant response to sulfur deficiency: characteristics of a tobacco gene UP9C, its protein product and the effects of UP9C silencing. Molecular Plant (2010) 3(2): 347-360 IF 2,784
FRACZYK T., RUMAN T., RUT D., DĄBROWSKA-MAŚ E., CIESLA J., ZIELINSKI Z., SIECZKA K., DEBSKI J., GOŁOS B., WIŃSKA P., WAŁAJTYS-RODE E., SHUGAR D., RODE W., Histidine phosphorylation, or tyrosine nitration, affect thymidylate synthase properties. Pteridines (2010) 20: 137-142 IF 0,379
FRACZYK T., KUBINSKI K., MASLYK M., CIESLA J., HELLMAN U., SHUGAR D., RODE W., Phosphorylation of thymidylate synthase from various sources by human protein
kinase CK2 and its catalytic subunits.
Bioorganic Chemistry (2010) 38: 124-131 IF 1,588
CLARK G., KONOPKA-POSTUPOLSKA D., HENNIG J., ROUX S., Is annexin 1 a multifunctional protein during stress responses? Plant Signaling & Behavior (2010) 5(3): 1-5 IF-
KREZEL A., KOPERA E., PROTAS A.M., POZNANSKI J., WYSLOUCH-CIESZYNSKA A., BAL W., Sequence-specific Ni(II)-dependent peptide bond hydrolysis for protein engineering. Combinatorial library determination of optimal sequence. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2010) 132(10): 3355-3366 IF 8,580
SOBIEŚCIAK T.D., ZIELENKIEWICZ P., Double selective synthetic approach to the N-functionalized 1,4,7-triazacyclononane derivatives: chelating compounds for controllable protein orientation. Journal of Organic Chemistry (2010) 75(6): 2069-2072 IF 4,219
KACZKA P., POLKOWSKA-NOWAKOWSKA A., BOLEWSKA K., ZHUKOV I., POZNANSKI J., WIERZCHOWSKI K.L., Backbone dynamics of TFE-induced native-like fold of region 4 of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase σ70 subunit. Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics (2010) 78(3): 754-768 IF 3,085
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