
IBB PAS scientists are investigating bird colonies in the Antarctic

Researchers from the Antarctic Biology Department, in collaboration with the team of Appsilon Data for Good and with the support of scientists from South Africa and Germany, completed a microgrant by publishing a paper in Ecological Informatics: “Using machine learning to count Antarctic shag (Leucocarbo bransfieldensis) nests on images captured by remotely piloted aircraft systems”. This project combines unique and important research data with state-of-the-art techniques for object detection. (…)

Kornelia Wójcik-Długoborska and Joanna Plenzler receive MINIATURA grants

We are pleased to announce that dr Kornelia Wójcik-Długoborska and dr Joanna Plenzler from the Department of Antarctic Biology have been awarded grants in the NCN call MINIATURA 8. The grants will serve to carry out the research projects: “The lakes of King George Island: Water physicochemistry and carbon content in sediments” (K. Wójcik-Długoborska) and (…)

Resolution of the Presidium of the IBB PAS Scientific Council on NCN

The Presidium of the Scientific Council of IBB PAS supports the appeal of the Council of the National Science Centre (NCN) to increase funding for scientific research in Poland. A Resolution to this effect was passed on October 9, 2024. (…)

70th Anniversary of IBB PAS – October 10, 2024

We are happy to remind you that a celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics PAS will be held on 10.10.2024 at 10:00 am at the POLIN Museum in Warsaw. The program will include a Jubilee Lecture Session and an open remembrance session. (…)

IBB DAY – October 11, 2024

The Board of Directors of the Institute, together with the Chairman of the Scientific Council, invite all employees, doctoral students and students of IBB PAS to “IBB DAY”, which will be held on October 11, 2024. The lectures will be held in English. For presentations and lectures, we invite you to the Waclaw Gajewski Auditorium (hall (…)

Science Festival 2024

Scientists from the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences once again invite you to lessons and meetings as part of the 28th Warsaw Science Festival, which will start on Friday, September 20, and last until September 29, 2024. Detailed program available at: Admission to the events is open, but (…)

Researchers from the IBB PAS have demonstrated spatial and temporal coordination of translation during sporulation in the bacterium Bacillus subtilis

Members of the Laboratory of Translatomics, led by Agata Starosta, described the transcriptome and translatome of the Bacillus subtilis during sporulation. The authors used a combination of high-throughput sequencing of the transcriptome (RNA-seq) and translatome (RIBO-seq, ribosome profiling) and confocal microscopy to monitor the translatome and translational machinery during sporulation. The authors monitored ribosome localization, (…)

SONATINA 8 – NCN grant for dr. Piotr Włodzimierz

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Piotr Włodzimierz (Department of Bioinformatics) has been awarded an NCN grant in the SONATINA 8 call. Dr. Włodzimierz will carry out the project “Organisation and Evolution of the Eukaryotic Centromeric Sequences”. Congratulations! (…)

The international funding scheme IMPRESS-U

NCN is calling for applications in the international funding scheme IMPRESS-U, intended for research teams from Poland that conduct research in collaboration with research teams from Ukraine and the United States (optionally also from Lithuania, Latvia and/or Estonia). The call for applications has already started on August 2, 2023, and will continue until December 31, (…)

New main building of the Polish Antarctic Station – Minister of Science grants additional PLN 43 million for expansion

The Minister of Science, Dariusz Wieczorek, has increased by PLN 43 million the subvention for the implementation of a comprehensive reconstruction of the infrastructure entitled ‘ARCTOWSKI – PolarPOL – Polish Multidisciplinary Laboratory for Polar Research in the Antarctic’. The amount of the subvention will be more than PLN 173 million. To date, more than PLN (…)

ProteoCure STSM grant for Dr. Somayeh Shahmoradi Ghahe

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Somayeh Shahmoradi Ghahe, a member of Laboratory of Molecular Basis of Aging and Rejuvenation, received an STSM grant from the ProteoCure program, under the COST Action CA20113, to study the impact of molecular chaperones on proteasome assembly and function in the nematode C. elegans. The research will be (…)

Join IBB PAS at the Science Picnic

We invite everyone to join us at the Science Picnic. The lead theme for 2024 is: Unbelievable! The picnic will take place on Saturday, June 15, from 11 am to 8 pm at the PGE Narodowy Stadium. IBB PAS is organizing two stands: The Fascinating World of Microbiomes and Exploring the World of Polar Ecosystems. (…)