
Number of publications: 94
STANKIEWICZ-DROGOŃ A., DÖRNER B., ERKER T., BOGUSZEWSKA-CHACHULSKA A.M., Synthesis of new acridone derivatives, inhibitors of NS3 helicase, which efficiently and specifically inhibit subgenomic HCV replication. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2010) 53(8): 3117-26 IF 4.802
ZAKRZEWSKA-PŁACZEK M., SOURET F.F., SOBCZYK G.J., GREEN P.J., KUFEL J., Arabidopsis thaliana XRN2 is required for primary cleavage in the pre-ribosomal RNA. Nucleic Acids Research (2010) 38(13): 4487-502 IF 7.479
TUSZYŃSKA I., BUJNICKI J.M., Predicting atomic details of the unfolding pathway for YibK, a knotted protein from the SPOUT superfamily. Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics (2010) 27(4): 511-20 IF 1.124
CHLEBOWSKI A., TOMECKI R., GAS LÓPEZ M. E., SÉRAPHIN B., DZIEMBOWSKI A., Catalytic properties of the eukaryotic exosome. Chapter in: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology vol.702 (2010) RNA Exosome (p.160)/ Ed. T.H. Jensen, p.63-78, ISBN 978-1-4419-7840-0
HARTWIG A., SCHWERDTLE T., BAL W., Biophysical analysis of the interaction of toxic metal ions and oxidants with the zinc finger domain of XPA. Chapter in: Methods in Molecular Biology Ed. J.P. Mackay, D.J. Segal (p.500) Springer Science + Business Media, 2010 v.649 p. 399-410, ISBN 978-1-6076-1752-5
NADRATOWSKA-WESOŁOWSKA B., SŁOMIŃSKA-WOJEWÓDZKA M., LYZEN R., WEGRZYN A., SZALEWSKA-PALASZ A., WEGRZYN G., Transcription regulation of the Escherichia coli pcnB gene coding for poly(A) polymerase I: roles of ppGpp, DksA and sigma factors. Molecular Genetics and Genomics (2010) 284: 289-305 IF 2,579
SIKORA A., GRZESIUK E., Reversion of argE3 to Arg+ in Escherichia coli AB1157 - an informative bacterial system for mutation detection. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2010) 57(4): 479-485 IF 1,262
GAJDA M. J., TUSZYNSKA I., KACZOR M., BAKULINA A.Yu., BUJNICKI J.M., FILTREST3D: discrimination of structural models using restraints from experimental data. Bioinformatics (2010) 26(23): 2986-2987 IF 4,926
PUKÁNCSIK M., BÉKÉSI A., KLEMENT É., HUNYADI-GULYÁS É., MEDZIHRADSZKY K.F., KOSIŃSKI J., BUJNICKI J.M., ALFONSO C., RIVAS G., VÉRTESSY B.G., Physiological truncation and domain organization of a novel uracil-DNA-degrading factor. FEBS Journal (2010) 277: 1245-1295 IF 3,042
ŁOŚ J.M., ŁOŚ M., WEGRZYN A., WEGRZYN G., Hydrogen peroxide-mediated induction of the Shiga toxin-converting lambdoid prophage ST2-8624 in Escherichia coli 0157: H7. FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology (2010) 58: 322-329 IF 2,335
GLINKOWSKA M., ŁOŚ J.M., SZAMBOWSKA A., CZYZ A., CAŁKIEWICZ J., HERMAN-ANTOSIEWICZ A., WRÓBEL B., WEGRZYN G., WEGRZYN A., ŁOŚ M., Influence of the Escherichia coli oxyR gene function on λ prophage maintenance. Archives of Microbiology (2010) 192: 673-683 IF 1,927
WALERYCH D., GUTKOWSKA M., KLEJMAN M.P., WAWRZYNÓW B., TRACZ Z., WIECH M., ZYLICZ M., ŻYLICZ A., ATP binding to Hsp90 is sufficient for effective chaperoning of p53 protein. Journal of Biological Chemistry (2010) 285(42): 32020-32028 IF 5,328
WIŚNIEWSKI Ł., DEPERASIŃSKA I., STASZEWSKA A., STEFANOWICZA P., BERSKI S., LIPKOWSKI P., SZEWCZUKA Z., SZEMIK-HOJNIAK A., Photophysical properties of dipeptides containing substituted 3-(quinoxalin-6-yl) alanine. Spectroscopic studies and theoretical calculations. Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2010) 114: 9405-9412 IF 2,899
POZDZIK M., ZAJAC D., ZASADA I., CZARNOCKI Z., MATYSIAK Z., MAZZATENTA A., POKORSKI M., Absence of bioactivity of lipid derivatives of serotonin. European Journal of Medical Research (2010) 15 (Suppl.II): 128- 134 IF 1,130
BOROWSKI Ł.S., SZCZESNY R.J., BRZEŹNIAK L.K., STEPIEN P.P., RNA turnover in human mitochondria: more questions than answers? Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics (2010) 1797(6-7): 1066-1070 IF 3,688
DZIK J.M., ZIELINSKI Z., CIESLA J.M., WAŁAJTYS-RODE E., Trichinella spiralis infection enhances protein kinase C phosphorylation in guinea pig alveolar macrophages. Parasite Immunology (2010) 32: 209-220 IF 2,014
MIKUŁA M., GAJ P., DZWONEK K., RUBEL T., KARCZMARSKI J., PAZIEWSKA A., DZWONEK A., BRAGOSZEWSKI P., DADLEZ M., OSTROWSKI J., Comprehensive analysis of the palindromic motif TCTCGCGAGA: a regulatory element of the HNRNPK promoter. DNA Research (2010) 17: 245-260 IF 4,917
KĘDRACKA-KROK S., FIC E., JANKOWSKA U., JACIUK M., GRUCA P., PAPP M., KUSMIDER M., SOLICH J., DEBSKI J., DADLEZ M., DZIEDZICKA-WASYLEWSKA M., Effect of chronic mild stress and imipramine on the proteome of the rat dentate gyrus. Journal of Neurochemistry (2010) 113: 848-859 IF 3,999
WEGRZYN G., JAKOBKIEWICZ-BANECKA J., GABIG-CIMIŃSKA M., PIOTROWSKA E., NARAJCZYK M., KLOSKA A., MALINOWSKA M., DZIEDZIC D., GOŁĘBIEWSKA I., MOSKOT M., WEGRZYN A., Genistein: a natural isoflavone with a potential for treatment of genetic diseases. Biochemical Society Transactions (2010) 38(2): 695-701 IF 3,378
WEGRZYN G., JAKOBKIEWICZ-BANECKA J., NARAJCZYK M., WIŚNIEWSKI A., PIOTROWSKA E., GABIG-CIMIŃSKA M., KLOSKA A., SŁOMIŃSKA-WOJEWÓDZKA M., KORZON-BURAKOWSKA A., WEGRZYN A., Why are behaviors of children suffering from various neuronopathic types of mucopolysaccharidoses different? Medical Hypotheses (2010) 75: 605-609 IF 1,393
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