
Number of publications: 94
MALET H., TOPF M., CLARE D.K., EBERT J., BONNEAU F., BASQUIN J., DRĄŻKOWSKA K., TOMECKI R., DZIEMBOWSKI A., CONTI E., SAIBIL H.R., LORENTZEN E., RNA channelling by the eukaryotic exosome. EMBO Reports (2010) 11(12): 936 - 942 IF 6,907
WAWER I., BUCHOLC M., ASTIER J., ANIELSKA-MAZUR A., DAHAN J., KULIK A., WYSLOUCH-CIESZYNSKA A., ZARĘBA-KOZIOŁ M., KRZYWIŃSKA E., DADLEZ M., DOBROWOLSKA G., WENDEHENNE D., Regulation of Nicotiana tabacum osmotic stress-activated protein kinase and its cellular partner GAPDH by nitric oxide in response to salinity. Biochemical Journal (2010) 429(1): 73-83 IF 5,155
LIPIŃSKI K.A., KANIAK-GOLIK A., GOLIK P., Maintenance and expression of the S. cerevisiae mitochondrial genome - from genetics to evolution and systems biology. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics (2010) 1797(6-7): 1086-1098 IF 3,688
PAWŁOWSKI K., MUSZEWSKA A., LENART A., SZCZEPIŃSKA T., GODZIK A., GRYNBERG M., A widespread peroxiredoxin-like domain present in tumor suppression- and progression-implicated proteins. BMC Genomics (2010) 11: 590 open access 18 p. IF 3,759
EMPEL J., HRABAK J., KOZIŃSKA A., BERGEROVA T., URBASKOVA P., KERN-ZDANOWICZ I., GNIADKOWSKI M., DHA-1-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in a teaching hospital in the Czech Republic. Microbial Drug Resistance (2010) 16(4): 291-5 IF 1,989
CZERSKA K., SOBCZYNSKA-TOMASZEWSKA A., SANDS D., NOWAKOWSKA A., BAK D., WERTHEIM K., POZNANSKI J., ZIELENSKI J., NOREK A., BAL J., Prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase genes COX1 and COX2 - novel modifiers of disease severity in cystic fibrosis patients. Journal of Applied Genetics (2010) 51(3): 323-330 IF 1,324
TRZEMECKA A., JACEWICZ A., CARVER G.T., DRAKE J.W., BEBENEK A., Reversal of a mutator activity by a nearby fidelity-neutral substitution in the RB69 DNA polymerase binding pocket. Journal of Molecular Biology (2010) 404: 778-793 IF 3,871
CZARNECKA A., KRAWCZYK T., PLAK K., KLEMBA A., ZDROŻNY M., ARNOLD R.S., KOFLER B., GOLIK P., SZYBIŃSKA A., LUBIŃSKI J., MOSSAKOWSKA M., BARTNIK E., PETROS J.A., Mitochondrial genotype and breast cancer predisposition. Oncology Reports (2010) 24: 1521-1534 IF 1,588
PIEKARSKA I., RYTKA J., REMPOLA B., Regulation of sporulation in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2010) 57(3): 241-250 IF 1,262
GAJDA A.E., TOWPIK J., STEUERWALD U., MÜLLER C.W., LEFEBVRE O., BOGUTA M., Full repression of RNA polymerase III transcription requires interaction between two domains of its negative regulator Maf1. Journal of Biological Chemistry (2010) 285(46): 35719-35727 IF 5,328
GOUT E., GUTKOWSKA M., TAKAYAMA S., REED J.C., CHROBOCZEK J., Co-chaperone BAG3 and adenovirus penton base protein partnership. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry (2010) 111: 699-708 IF 2,935
WIŃSKA P., MIAZGA A.A., POZNANSKI J., KULIKOWSKI T., Partial selective inhibition of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase and human DNA polymerases γ and β by thiated 3'-fluorothymidine analogue 5'-triphosphates. Antiviral Research (2010) 88(2): 176-181 IF 3,612
ZIEMINSKA E., TOCZYLOWSKA B., STAFIEJ A., LAZAREWICZ J.W., Low molecular weight thiols reduce thimerosal neurotoxicity in vitro: modulation by proteins. Toxicology (2010) 276: 154-163 IF 3,241
KUPNIEWSKA-KOZAK A., GOSPODARSKA E., DADLEZ M., Interwined structured and unstructured regions of exRAGE identified by monitoring hydrogen-deuterium exchange. Journal of Molecular Biology (2010) 403(1): 52-65 IF 3,871
SZCZERBAKOWA A., TARWACKA J., OSKIERA M., JAKUCZUN H., WIELGAT B., Somatic hybridization between the diploids of S. x michoacanum and S. tuberosum. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum (2010) 32: 867-873 IF 1,232
GORKA-NIEC W., PERLINSKA-LENART U., ZEMBEK P., PALAMARCZYK G., KRUSZEWSKA J.S., Influence of sorbitol on protein production and glycosylation and cell wall formation in Trichoderma reesei. Fungal Biology [Formerly known as Mycological Research] (2010) 114(10): 855-862 IF 2,921
KLEMBA A., KOWALEWSKA M., KUKWA W., TONSKA K., SZYBIŃSKA A., MOSSAKOWSKA M., SCINSKA A., GOLIK P., KOPER K., RADZISZEWSKI J., KUKWA A., CZARNECKA A.M., BARTNIK E., Mitochondrial genotype in vulvar carcinoma - cuckoo in the nest. Journal of Biomedical Science (2010) 17(73) pp.15 open access IF 2,01
LISOWSKI M., JAREMKO L., JAREMKO M., MAZUR A., LATAJKA R., MAKOWSKI M., Effect of the ΔPhe residue configuration on a didehydropeptides conformation: A combined CD and NMR study. Biopolymers (2010) 93 (12): 1055-1064 IF 2,605
NAJDA-BERNATOWICZ A., KRAWCZYK M., STANKIEWICZ-DROGOŃ A., BRETNER M., BOGUSZEWSKA-CHACHULSKA A.M., Studies on the anti-hepatitis C virus activity of newly synthesized tropolone derivatives: Identification of NS3 helicase inhibitors that specifically inhibit subgenomic HCV replication. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry (2010) 18: 5129-5136 IF 2,822
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