
Number of publications: 94
RUTKOWSKA-WLODARCZYK I., KIERDASZUK B., WŁODARCZYK J., Analysis of proton exchange kinetics with time-dependent exchange rate. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Proteins & Proteomics (2010) 1804(4) :891-898 IF 2,480
SIKORA A., MIELECKI D., CHOJNACKA A., NIEMINUSZCZY J., WRZESINSKI M., GRZESIUK E., Lethal and mutagenic properties of MMS-generated DNA lesions in Escherichia coli cells deficient in BER and AlkB-directed DNA repair. Mutagenesis (2010) 25(2): 139-147 IF 3,541
LEBSKA M., CIESIELSKI A., SZYMONA L., GODECKA L., LEWANDOWSKA-GNATOWSKA E., SZCZEGIELNIAK J., MUSZYNSKA G., Phosphorylation of maize eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A) by casein kinase 2. Journal of Biological Chemistry (2010) 285(9): 6217-6226 IF 5,328
ROZGA M., KLONIECKI M., DADLEZ M., BAL W., A direct determination of the dissociation constant for the Cu(II) complex of amyloid β 1-40 peptide. Chemical Research in Toxicology (2010) 23: 336-340 IF 3,740
ROZGA M., BAL W., The Cu(II)/Aβ/human serum albumin model of control mechanism for copper-related amyloid neurotoxitcity. Chemical Research in Toxicology (2010) 23: 298-308 IF 3,740
BERNATOWICZ P., RUSZCZYNSKA-BARTNIK K., EJCHART A., DODZIUK H., KACZOROWSKA E., UEDA H., Carbon-13 NMR relaxation study of the internal dynamics in cyclodextrins in isotropic solution. Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2010) 114: 59-65 IF 3,471
WAWRZYNSKA A.K., LEWANDOWSKA M., SIRKO A., Nicotiana tabacum EIL2 directly regulates expression of at least one tobacco gene induced by sulphur starvation. Journal of Experimental Botany (2010) 61(3): 889-900 IF 4,271
CZARNECKA A.M., KLEMBA A., KRAWCZYK T., ZDROŻNY M., ARNOLD R.S., BARTNIK E., PETROS J.A., Mitochondrial NADH-dehydrogenase polymorphisms as sporadic breast cancer risk factor. Oncology Reports (2010) 23: 531-535 IF 1,588
SZCZESNY R.J., BOROWSKI Ł.S., BRZEŹNIAK L.K., DMOCHOWSKA A., GEWARTOWSKI K., BARTNIK E., STEPIEN P.P., Human mitochondrial RNA turnover caught in flagranti: involvement of hSuv3p helicase in RNA surveillance. Nucleic Acids Research (2010) 38(1): 279-298 IF 7,479
FLIS S., GNYSZKA A., FLIS K., SPLAWINSKI J., MS275 enhances cytotoxicity induced by 5-fluorouracil in the colorectal cancer cells. European Journal of Pharmacology (2010) 627: 26-32 IF 2,585
LANGIE S.A.S., KOWALCZYK P., TUDEK B., ZABIELSKI R., DZIAMAN T., OLINSKI R., van SCHOOTEN F.J., GODSCHALK R.W.L., The effect of oxidative stress on nucleotide-excision repair in colon tissue of newborn piglets. Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis (2010) 695: 75-80 IF 2,552
MACIEJEWSKA A.M., RUSZEL K.P., NIEMINUSZCZY J., LEWICKA J.B., SOKOLOWSKA B., GRZESIUK E., KUSMIEREK J.T., Chloroacetaldehyde-induced mutagenesis in Escherichia coli: The role of AlkB protein in repair of 3,N4 -ethenocytosine and 3,N4 -α-hydroxyethanocytosine. Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis (2010) 684: 24-34 IF 3,556
KACZANOWSKI S., ZIELENKIEWICZ P., Why similar protein sequences encode similar three-dimensional structures? Theoretical Chemistry Accounts (2010) 125: 643-650 IF 2,584
KURANDA K.K., FRANCOIS J., PALAMARCZYK G., The isoprenoid pathway and transcriptional response to its inhibitors in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. FEMS Yeast Research (2010) 10: 14-27 IF 1,789
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