
Number of publications: 94
SROMEK M., CZETWERTYŃSKA M., SKASKO E., ZIELIŃSKA J., CZAPCZAK D., STEFFEN J., The frequency of selected polymorphic variants of the RET gene in patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma and in the general population of central Poland. Endocrine Pathology (2010) 21: 178-185 IF 1,417
PIEKARSKA I., KUCHARCZYK R., MICKOWSKA B., RYTKA J., REMPOLA B., Mutants of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae VPS genes CCZ1 and YPT7 are blocked in different stages of sporulation. European Journal of Cell Biology (2010) 89: 780-787 IF 3,314
MUCHA K., FORONCEWICZ B., ZIARKIEWICZ-WRÓBLEWSKA B., KRAWCZYK M., LERUT J., PĄCZEK L., Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder in view of the new WHO classification: a more rational approach to a protean disease? Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation (2010) 25(7): 2077-2085 IF 3,306
OBTULOWICZ T., SWOBODA M., SPEINA E., GACKOWSKI D., ROZALSKI R., SIOMEK A., JANIK J., JANOWSKA B., CIESLA J.M., JAWIEŃ A., BANASZKIEWICZ Z., GUZ J., DZIAMAN T., SZPILA A., OLINSKI R., TUDEK B., Oxidative stress and 8-oxoguanine repair are enhanced in colon adenoma and carcinoma patients. Mutagenesis (2010) 25: 463-471 IF 3,541
BROOKS M.A., GEWARTOWSKI K., MITSIKI E., LÉTOQUART J., PACHE R.A., BILLIER Y., BERTERO M., CORRÉA M., CZARNOCKI-CIECIURA M., DADLEZ M., HENRIOT V., LAZAR N., DELBOS L., LEBERT D., PIWOWARSKI J., ROCHAIX P., BŐTTCHER B., SERRANO L., SÉRAPHIN B., TILBEURGH van H., ALOY P., PERRAKIS A., DZIEMBOWSKI A., Systematic bioinformatics and experimental validation of yeast complexes reduces the rate of attrition during structural investigations. Structure (2010) 18: 1075-1082 IF 5,904
TOMECKI R., DZIEMBOWSKI A., Novel endoribonucleases as central players in various pathways of eukaryotic RNA metabolism. RNA (2010) 16: 1692-1724 IF 5,198
LIPINSKI P., STARZYNSKI R.R., CANONNE-HERGAUX F., TUDEK B., OLINSKI R., KOWALCZYK P., DZIAMAN T., THIBAUDEAU O., GRALAK M.A., SMUDA E., WOLINSKI J., USINSKA A., ZABIELSKI R., Benefits and risks of iron supplementation in anemic neonatal pigs. American Journal of Pathology (2010) 177 (3): 1233-1243 IF 5,673
KAMIENSKA-TRELA K., WOJCIK J., Applications of spin-spin couplings. Chapter in: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (p.512) 2010 vol.39 p.179-226 ISBN 978-1-84973-147-8
MARSZAŁEK R., PISKLAK M., JANKOWSKI W., ŁUKASZKIEWICZ J., HORSZTYŃSKI D., WAWER I., NMR and gas chromatography studies of lyophilized human brain tumors. Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica - Drug Research (2010) 67(2): 129-136 IF 0,347
CANTAGREL V., LEFEBER D.J., NG B.G., GUAN Z., SILHAVY J.L., BIELAS S.L., LEHLE L., HOMBAUER H., ADAMOWICZ M., SWIEZEWSKA E., DE BROUWER A.P., BLUMEL P., SYKUT-CEGIELSKA J., HOULISTON S., ŚWISTUN D., ALI B.R., DOBYNS W.B., BABOVIC-VUKSANOVIC D., BOKHOVEN van H., WEVERS R.A., RAETZ CH.R.H., FREEZE H.H., MORAVA E., AL-GAZALI L., GLEESON J.G., SRD5A3 is required for converting polyprenol to dolichol and is mutated in a congenital glycosylation disorder. Cell (2010) 142(2): 203-217 IF 31,152
SIWIAK M., ZIELENKIEWICZ P., A comprehensive, quantitative, and genome-wide model of translation. PLoS Computational Biology (2010) 6(7): e1000865 IF 5,759
WĄSIK R., LEBSKA M., FELCZAK K., POZNANSKI J., SHUGAR D., Relative role of halogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions in inhibition of human protein kinase CK2α by tetrabromobenzotriazole and some C(5)-substituted analogues. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2010) 114(32): 10601-10611 IF 3,471
MAYO B., ALEKSANDRZAK-PIEKARCZYK T., FERNANDEZ M., KOWALCZYK M., ALVAREZ-MARTIN P., BARDOWSKI J.K., Updates in the metabolism of lactic acid bacteria. Chapter in: Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria. Novel Applications. Ed. F.Mozzi, R.R. Raya, G.M.Vingolo (p.408), Wiley-Blackwell 2010, p.3-33, ISBN 978-0813815831
JACHIMIUK M., PASIKOWSKA M., ZATORSKA E., LAUDY A.E., SMOLENSKA-SYM G., PALAMARCZYK G., Defect in dolichol-dependent glycosylation increases sensitivity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae towards anti-fungal drugs. Yeast (2010) 27(8): 637-645 IF 1,805
OBTULOWICZ T., WINCZURA A., SPEINA E., SWOBODA M., JANIK J., JANOWSKA B., CIESLA J.M., KOWALCZYK P., JAWIEŃ A., GACKOWSKI D., BANASZKIEWICZ Z., KRASNODĘBSKI I., CHABER A., OLINSKI R., NAIR J., BARTSCH H., DOUKI T., CADET J., TUDEK B., Aberrant repair of etheno-DNA adducts in leukocytes and colon tissue of colon cancer patients. Free Radical Biology & Medicine (2010) 49(6): 1064-1071 IF 6,081
TOMECKI R., KRISTIANSEN M.S., LYKKE-ANDERSEN S., CHLEBOWSKI A., LARSEN K.M., SZCZESNY R.J., DRĄŻKOWSKA K., PASTULA A., ANDERSEN J.S., STEPIEN P.P., DZIEMBOWSKI A., JENSEN T.H., The human core exosome interacts with differentially localized processive RNases: hDIS3 and hDIS3L. The EMBO Journal (2010) 29: 2342-2357 IF 8,993
KOPERA E., KREZEL A., PROTAS A.M., BELCZYK-CIESIELSKA A., BONNA A., WYSLOUCH-CIESZYNSKA A., POZNANSKI J., BAL W., Sequence-specific Ni(II)-dependent peptide bond hydrolysis for protein engineering: reaction conditions and molecular mechanism. Inorganic Chemistry (2010) 49: 6636-6645 IF 4,657
WĄSOWICZ M., MILNER-KRAWCZYK M., RADECKA D., GRZELAK A., RADECKA H., Immunosensor incorporating anti-his ( C-term) IgG F(ab`) fragments attached to gold nanorods for detection of his-tagged proteins in culture medium. Sensors (2010) 10: 5409-5424 IF 1,573
CIESIELSKI A., KRYGOWSKI T.M., CYRANSKI M.K., How to find the fries structures for benzenoid hydrocarbons. Symmetry (2010) 2: 1390-1400 IF -
ZURAWSKA A., URBAŃSKI J., MATULIENE J., BARANIAK J., KLEJMAN M.P., FILIPEK S., MATULIS D., BIEGANOWSKI P., Mutations that increase both Hsp90 ATPase activity in vitro and Hsp90 drug resistance in vivo. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Cell Research (2010) 1803: 575-583 IF 4,374
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