
Number of publications: 110
NAKONIECZNA J., KACZOROWSKI T., OBARSKA-KOSIŃSKA A., BUJNICKI J.M., Functional analysis of MmeI from methanol utilizer Methylophilus methylotrophus, a subtype IIC restriction-modification enzyme related to type I enzymes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2009) 75(1): 212-23 IF 3.801
KRAWCZYK M., WASOWSKA-LUKAWSKA M., OSZCZAPOWICZ I., BOGUSZEWSKA-CHACHULSKA A.M., Amidinoanthracyclines - a new group of potential anti-hepatitis C virus compounds. Biological Chemistry (2009) 390(4): 351-60 IF 3.035
KENNAWAY CH.K., OBARSKA-KOSIŃSKA A., WHITE J.H., TUSZYŃSKA I., COOPER L.P., BUJNICKI J.M., TRINICK J., DRYDEN D.T.F., The structure of M.EcoKI Type I DNA methyltransferase with a DNA mimic antirestriction protein. Nucleic Acids Research (2009) 37(3): 762-770 IF 6.878
PENA V., JOVIN S.M., FABRIZIO P., ORLOWSKI J., BUJNICKI J.M., LÜHRMANN R., WAHL M.B., Common design principles in the spliceosomal RNA helicase Brr2 and in the Hel308 DNA helicase. Molecular Cell (2009) 35(4): 454-66 IF 12.903
DĄBROWSKA M., SKONECZNY M., MOSIENIAK G., SIKORA E., RODE W., Expression of cell cycle checkpoints regulatory genes during methotrexate-induced senescence in human adenocarcinoma cells. Pteridines (2009) 20 Special Issue pp.143-147 IF 0,379
WALERYCH D., OLSZEWSKI M.B., GUTKOWSKA M., HELWAK A., ZYLICZ M., ŻYLICZ A., Hsp70 molecular chaperones are required to support p53 tumor suppressor activity under stress conditions. Oncogene (2009) 28: 4284–4294 IF 7,216
BOGUTA M., Control of RNA polymerases I and III by the TOR signaling pathway. Cell Cycle (2009) 8(24) 4023-4024 IF 4,12
KORDAN W., MALINOWSKA A., MOGIELNICKA M., LECEWICZ M., Application of mass spectrometry (MS) in the structural analysis of selected polypeptides of boar seminal plasma obtained after two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-D PAGE)*. Animal Science Papers and Reports (2009) 27(1): 41-50 IF 0.349
BOKSZCZANIN K., PALUCHA A., PRZYBYŁA A.A., Description of a new trans-generic Skb-RNase allele in apple. Euphytica (2009) 166: 83-94 IF 1.405
PIERECHOD M., NOWAK A., SAARI A., PURTA E., BUJNICKI J.M., KONIECZNY I., Conformation of a plasmid replication initiator protein affects its proteolysis by ClpXP system. Protein Science (2009) 18(3): 637-49 IF 2.937
SZCZEPANIK W., KUCHARCZYK-KLAMIŃSKA M., STEFANOWICZ P., STASZEWSKA A., SZEWCZUK Z., SKAŁA J., MYSIAK A., JEZOWSKA-BOJCZUK M., DNA oxidative cleavage induced by the novel peptide derivatives of 3-(quinoxalin-6-yl)alanine in combination with Cu(II) or Fe(II) Ions. Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications (2009) Article ID 906836 (10 p.) IF 1.217
CUKROWSKA B., MOTYL I., KOZÁKOVÁ H., SCHWARZER M., GORECKI R.K., KLEWICKA E., ŚLIŻEWSKA K., LIBUDZISZ Z., Probitic Lactobacillus strains: in vitro and in vivo studies. Folia Microbiologica (2009) 54(6): 533-537 IF 1,172
KLUDKIEWICZ B., TAKASU Y., FEDIC R., TAMURA T., SEHNAL F., ZUROVEC M., Structure and expression of the silk adhesive protein Ser2 in Bombyx mori. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2009) 39: 938-946 IF 2,626
LESZCZYŃSKA A., BURZYNSKA B., PLOCHOCKA D., KAMINSKA J., ZIMNICKA M., KANIA M., KILISZEK M., WYSOCKA-KAPCIŃSKA M., DANIKIEWICZ W., SZKOPINSKA A., Investigating the effects of statins on cellular lipid metabolism using a yeast expression system. PLoS ONE (2009) 4(12): e8499 (6 p./electronic only) IF 4,351
JAGUSZTYN-KRYNICKA E.K., DADLEZ M., GRABOWSKA A., ROSZCZENKO P., Proteomic technology in the design of new effective antibacterial vaccines. Expert Review of Proteomics (2009) 6(3) 315-330 IF 3,848
GAMBIN A., SZCZUREK E., DUTKOWSKI J., BAKUN M., DADLEZ M., Classification of peptide mass fingerprint data by novel no-regret boosting method. Computers in Biology and Medicine (2009) 39(5): 460-473 IF 1,272
TRUDEL S., KELLY M., FRITSCH J., NGUYEN-KHOA T., THEROND P., COUTURIER M., DADLEZ M., DEBSKI J., TOUQUI L., VALLEE B., OLLERO M., EDELMAN A., BROUILLARD F., Peroxiredoxin 6 fails to limit phospholipid peroxidation in lung from Cftr-knockout mice subjected to oxidative challenge. PLoS ONE (2009) 4(6): e6075 (13 p./electronic only) IF 4,351
BAKUN M., KARCZMARSKI J., POZNANSKI J., RUBEL T., ROZGA M., MALINOWSKA A., SANDS D., HENNIG E., OLEDZKI J., OSTROWSKI J., DADLEZ M., An integrated LC-ESI-MS platform for quantitation of serum peptide ladders. Application for colon carcinoma study. Proteomics Clinical Applications (2009) 3(8): 932-946 IF 1,514
PETRAKIS S., MALINOWSKA A., DADLEZ M., SKLAVIADIS T., Identification of proteins co-purifying with scrapie infectivity. Journal of Proteomics (2009) 72(4): 690-694 IF 1,994
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