
Scopus – a scholarly database maintained by Elsevier Publishers that contains information on published scholarly work such as articles in  journals, books, conference proceedings, and patents.

Web of Science – a suite of abstract and bibliometric databases (citation indexes), published by Clarivate Analytics.

Impact factor – a measure of the number of times an average paper in a journal is cited, during a year. Clarivate Analytics releases the Journal Impact Factors annually as part of the Web of Science Journal Citation Reports.

Indeks Hirscha – an indicator characterizing the output of a scientist. It is equal to h if h publications of a given author were cited at least h times



Research data – are digital documents, other than scientific publications, that are produced as part of research and scientific activities and are used, as evidence in the research process or are necessary to verify the validity of the research results – Directive of the European Parliament and of the EU Council and Act of 11 August 2021 on open data and re-use of public sector information. NCN has a research data management plan
Example repositories for research data:,
Domain search engine for data repositories:

More information about research data management – including a guide for preparing a data management plan and information about various research data repositories – is available at Individual consultation in research data management is provided by Dr. Marta Hoffman-Sommer, contact:

CC Legal Licenses – A set of model licensing agreements under which an author makes available, under certain conditions, his or her copyrighted work.Information for Authors.

Open Access – the designations of each type of article described can be checked in the Web of Science database (search using the Open Access filter).

  • Gold – identified as having a Creative Commons (CC) license.
  • Gold Hybrid – identified as having a Creative Commons (CC) license, but not found in journals designated as Gold.
  • Free to Read (Bronze) – These are articles available for free or publicly available on the publisher’s website.
  • Green Published – final published versions of articles placed in an institutional or subject repository.
  • Green Accepted – accepted manuscripts that have been reviewed in final form but may not have been edited or typeset by the publisher.
  • Green Submitted – original manuscripts submitted for publication but were not subject to the review process.

THE DIRECTORY OF OPEN ACCESS JOURNALS – a database indexing peer-reviewed scientific journals published in free access.

Open access publishing programs – information for corresponding authors about possibility of covering publication costs under the Virtual Library of Science license (applies to publications at the IBB PAN : Elsevier, Springer, OUP, ACS).

SherpaRomeo – an online resource that aggregates and analyses publisher open access policies from around the world and provides summaries of publisher copyright and open access archiving policies on a journal-by-journal basis.

BioRxiv – a free online archive and distribution service for unpublished preprints in biology.

ResearchGate – an international, free social networking site for researchers of all disciplines.

Publons – a website that provides a free service for researchers to track, review and present their scientific reviews and editorial contributions to scientific journals.

Journal Checker Tool – a tool for testing the compliance of journal selection with the requirements of the National Science Center (NCN) Open Access Publication Policy.

Author identifiers and instructions – types of unique identifiers used to uniquely identify authors and their publications (ORCID, ResearcherID, ScopusID, PBN)

PBN – database created by the Ministry of Education and Science. Authors may register their bibliography. Possibility of transferring publications to and from ORCID.

ORCID – Open Researcher and Contributor Id. It gives unambiguous recognition and identification of the researcher and their output to publishers and research funding agencies.

RESEARCHER ID Web of Science – identifies publications by the author only in Web of Science. All newly published papers must be added from the database to your profile. Gathering in one place all your publications enables automatic access to the number of citations of the publication and the number H. A connection to ORCID is possible. Login to Web of Science gives access to the bibliometric database InCites (it is a tool with which the author can define and determine the impact of his/her scientific output, as well as establish cooperation with scientists from other universities or choose an appropriate source to publish his/her research) as well as Publons (a platform for researchers to share, discuss and acknowledge reviews) and Endnote, which is used to compile a bibliography for a forthcoming scientific publication.

SCOPUS  Autor ID – is created automatically for each researcher. It is used to identify a given author only within the Scopus – Elsevier database. If a publication is missing, click “Search for missing documents” and after searching the database add it to the profile.  Identifies publications by a given author only within the Scopus database. Registering in the Scopus database gives you access to the SciVal analytical tool to observe the effectiveness of scientific research in 230 countries.