Popularization of Science

For years, the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences has been involved in activities related to disseminating knowledge about the surrounding world, acquainting the general public with modern scientific achievements, indicating the importance of scientific developments in the progress of civilization, enhancing the interest in research among young people.

IBB PAS implements these goals by supporting the activities of the BioCentre of Scientific Education, and organization of workshops and courses for a wide audience. Every year, IBB PAS employees and PhD students actively participate in the Science Festival, offering practical classes and lectures. Through the Internet, we present facts and debunk the “myths” that mislead the public opinion, including information about vaccines. IBB PAS hosts talented young people by offering them short-term internships under the supervision of experienced researchers with a passion for transferring knowledge.

• Lessons
Mikromacierze i Sekwencjonowanie DNA: odkrywamy tajemnice genetyki
Dlaczego i w jaki sposób bakterie stają się oporne na antybiotyki?
Probiotyki, czyli tak naprawdę co?
• Weekend meetings
Enzymy restrykcyjne – tajna broń bakterii w służbie nauki
Modelowy celebryta – elegancki nicień Caenorhabditis elegans
Model Celebrity: The Elegant Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
SCIENCE PICNIC – June 15, 2024
The lead theme for 2024 was: Unbelievable!
Main theme of the demonstrations by the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics PAS: The fascinating world of microbiomes
Demonstration: All-powerful microbiomes
Demonstration: DNA sequencer
Main theme of the demonstrations by the Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station: Exploring the inaccessible and complex world of polar ecosystems
Demonstration: Magical tattoos
Demonstration: The fascinating polar world