
The evolution of metalloproteins

A new perspective on the evolution of metalloproteins. In his latest paper dr Kevin Waldron presents his research concerning the evolution of metal ion binding by superoxide dismutases. The results show that the dismutases display high evolutionary flexibility in their ion preferences, which has allowed them to switch their preferences between iron and manganese as (…)

Nowy budynek Polskiej Stacji Antarktycznej. Zapraszamy zainteresowanych Wykonawców

W związku z planowanym ogłoszeniem postępowania przetargowego na budowę nowego budynku głównego Polskiej Stacji Antarktycznej im. H. Arctowskiego, Instytut Biochemii i Biofizyki PAN zaprasza zainteresowanych Wykonawców do wzięcia udziału w konsultacjach rynkowych. Ogłoszenie wraz ze szczegółowymi informacjami znajduje się pod adresem: https://ibb.edu.pl/przetargi/inne-ogloszenia/ Celem Wstępnych Konsultacji Rynkowych jest uzyskanie informacji/doradztwo m.in. w zakresie: • technologii prefabrykacji (…)

Welcome to IBB Center 2

We are pleased to inform you that the Institute has received funding from the National Agency for Academic Exchange for the implementation of the project “Welcome to IBB Center”. The aim of the project is to increase the internationalization of the Institute and to improve the quality of service for foreign scientific staff and students. The Center (…)

POLONEZ BIS Call 3 Results

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Tomasz Włodarski has received a grant under the POLONEZ BIS program of the National Science Center. The research will be carried out in the Department headed by Prof. Piotr Zielenkiewicz. Congratulations and we wish you success in the implementation of your research. For more information: https://ncn.gov.pl/en/aktualnosci/2023-05-24-wyniki-polonez-bis3   POLONEZ (…)

National Centre of Science – 5 grants awarded

We are happy to announce the successes of our scientists. Employees of the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics PAS received 5 grants in competitions of the National Science Centre OPUS 24, SONATA 18, PRELUDIUM BIS 4. In the OPUS 24 and SONATA 18 competitions, 3015 applications were submitted, of which 363 were selected for funding. (…)

Zapraszamy na Piknik Naukowy z IBB PAN!

Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich na Piknik Naukowy! 27 maja 2023 godz. 11.00 – 20.00 PGE Narodowy Stanowisko IBB PAN: Strefa A, stanowisko A29 Wstęp bezpłatny Myśl przewodnia pokazów Instytutu Biochemii i Biofizyki PAN: Wybitni naukowcy i rewolucyjne osiągnięcia o kluczowym znaczeniu dla rozwoju badań polarnych, mikrobiologii i biologii molekularnej. Pokaz: Tatuaże tymczasowe Przygotowane będą różne wzory (…)

EMBO Solidarity Grant

We are happy to inform that Dr. Lesia Kolomiiets, a member of the Laboratory of Biological Chemistry of Metal Ions, has been awarded a prestigious EMBO Solidarity Grant for 2024. Such funding is offered on a highly competitive basis to scientists displaced by armed conflicts. Dr. Lesia Kolomiiets received her Ph.D. title at the Institute (…)

Happy Easter!

Wishing you and your family an Easter season filled with peace, joy and hope. Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics Polish Academy of Sciences. (…)

Men’s Day at IBB PAN

On the occasion of Men’s Day, we wish you all the best, Management (…)

IBB researchers with awards of the Minister of Science and Higher Education

On the Day of Polish Science – which was celebrated on February 19, 2023 – awards of the Minister of Science and Higher Education were announced and presented. This year 66 researchers and groups were honored for their current or lifetime achievements in research, teaching, development and implementation, or academic support activities. We are pleased (…)

Human microbiota – colonization, implications for diseases, therapeutic potential

On behalf of the organizers – the Warsaw branch of the Polish Biochemical Society and the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics PAS – we are pleased to invite you to participate in the meeting “Human microbiota – colonization, implications for diseases, therapeutic potential” which will be held on-line on March 22, from 10 am to (…)

IBB PAS researchers have described how incorrect ribonucleotides are removed from the genome

A new paper entitled “Strand specificity of ribonucleotide excision repair in _Escherichia coli_” was published in Nucleic Acids Research. In this paper the authors demonstrate that in _Escherichia coli_ the repair of ribonucleotides inserted by DNA polymerases during DNA replication and trans-lesion synthesis (TLS) differs between both DNA strands. On the leading DNA strand, ribonucleotides (…)