Scientific Session
The Scientific Session of IBB PAS covering the years 2010-2021 will take place on November 17-19, 2021. The aim of this event will be to familiarize with IBB PAN research groups, to show their quality and the possibility of cooperation between them. Due to the current risk related to Covid-19 pandemic the Session will be (…)
New mass spectrometers in IBB
We are pleased to announce that Laboratories led by Prof. Michał Dadlez have expanded their infrastructure with new spectrometers. New instruments combined with the expertise of our specialists will enable to conduct proteomic, structural and metabolomic research at the highest quality level. The acquisition of the equipment was possible due to the efforts of Prof. (…)
START Scholarship
Dr Anna Detman received prestigious scholarship in the START program organized by the Foundation for Polish Science. Congratulations! Dr Anna Detman obtained PhD in 2019 at the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She received MSc in Biotechnology at the Faculty of Chemistry at Warsaw University of Technology. She completed (…)
IBB PAS researchers received funds from National Science Center
The National Science Center has awarded grants for OPUS 20, SONATA 16, PRELUDIUM BIS 2 projects. The founding for OPUS was granted to dr hab. Tomasz Sarnowski, prof. IBB PAN, dr hab. Paweł Siedlecki, dr hab. Marcin Grynberg. The founding for SONATA was granted to dr Tomasz Turowski, dr Agnieszka Tudek. Prof. Magdalena Gabig-Cimińska received (…)
Welcome to IBB Center
We are pleased to inform you that the Institute has received funding from the National Agency for Academic Exchange for the implementation of the project “Welcome to IBB Center”. The aim of the project is to increase the internationalization of the Institute and to improve the quality of service for foreign scientific staff and students. (…)
Recruitment to the Doctoral School
We are looking for candidates for the Doctoral School of Molecular Biology and Biological Chemistry. Documents should be submitted by June 10, 2021 via e-mail to the following address: PhDschool-recruitment@ibb.waw.pl. The admission exam is scheduled for June 21-25, 2021. Documents and admission exam can be given in Polish or English – the choice of language (…)
Laboratory of Translatomics
W Instytucie została utworzona Pracownia Translatomiki, którą pokieruje dr hab. Agata Starosta. Dr Starosta wraz z zespołem bada mechanizmy regulacji ekspresji genów działające na poziomie translacji. Szczególnym obiektem zainteresowań zespołu są czynniki wpływające na funkcjonowanie rybosomów. Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z pełnym opisem nowej Pracowni. (…)
MSCA for Julia Zinsmeister
Dr. Julia Zinsmeister received a Horizon 2020 Widening Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships while being on the reserve list for the main MSCA in the panel “Life Sciences, LIF”. The awarded project “POP1Seed, Population wide analysis of molecular and metabolic features intrinsic to dormancy variability in single seeds” will be conducted in Szymon Swiezewski’s laboratory at (…)
New IBB Website
We are happy to announce that the main work on our new web-site development has been completed. Please note, however, that page has not been fully filled in with the content yet (this will be progressively done in the coming weeks). Some of the content on the new web-site is accessible only for registered users. (…)
EMBO Installation Grant awarded to Dr Michał Wandel
Dr Michał Wandel znalazł się w gronie laureatów prestiżowego programu Europejskiej Organizacji Biologii Molekularnej (European Molecular Biology Organization) – EMBO Installation Grants, w ramach którego nagrodzonym badaczom przyznane zostają fundusze na utworzenie swoich pierwszych niezależnych laboratoriów. Dr Wandel utworzy swoje laboratorium w Instytucie Biochemii i Biofizyki PAN w Warszawie. Badania dra Wandel dotyczą mechanizmów odpowiedzi (…)
IBB scientist awarded NCN MINIATURA grants
Naukowcy z IBB PAN zostali laureatami konkursu MINIATURA 4 Narodowego Centrum Nauki. Projekty dr Sylwii Bloch, dr inż. Marcina Olszaka, dr Talimur Abu Musa Md Reza zostały zakwalifikowane do finansowania. Więcej informacji (…)
Happy New Year
We would like to wish you all the best in New Year 2021. Board of Directors. (…)