
Number of publications: 110
BOGUSŁAWSKA J., ZYCKA-KRZESINSKA J., WILCKS A., BARDOWSKI J.K., Intra- and interspecies conjugal transfer of Tn916-like elements from Lactococcus lactis in vitro and in vivo. Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2009) 75(19): 6352-6360 IF 3,801
BARANIAK A., IZDEBSKI R., HERDA M., FIETT J., HRYNIEWICZ W., GNIADKOWSKI M., KERN-ZDANOWICZ I., FILCZAK K., ŁOPACIUK URSZULA Emergence of Klebsiella pneunomoniae ST258 with KPC-2 in Poland. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (2009) 4565-4567 IF 4,716
JASZCZUR M., RUDZKA J., KRASZEWSKA J., FLIS K., POLACZEK P., CAMPBELL J.L., FIJALKOWSKA I.J., JONCZYK P., Defective interaction between Pol2p and Dpb2p, subunits of DNA polymerase epsilon, contributes to a mutator phenotype in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mutation Research / Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis (2009) 669: 27-35 IF 3,198
MISIAK M., KOZMINSKI W., KWASIBORSKA M., WOJCIK J., CIEPICHAL-GLODOWSKA E., SWIEZEWSKA E., Complete 1H and 13C signal assignment of prenol-10 with 3D NMR spectroscopy. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry (2009) 47: 825-829 IF 1,443
NOWAKOWSKI M., DLUGOSZ M., TARASZEWSKA J., WOJCIK J., Complexation of aminoglutethimide with native and modified cyclodextrins. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry (2009) 22: 948-953 IF 1,415
MACIAG M., ADAMOWICZ-SALACH A., SIWICKA A., SPYCHALSKA J., BURZYNSKA B., The use of real-time PCR technique in the detection of novel protein 4.2 gene mutations that coexist with thalassaemia alpha in a single patient. European Journal of Haematology (2009) 83: 373-377 IF 2,237
GAJJAR D., JÓŹWIAK A., SWIEZEWSKA E., ALAPURE B., PARMAR T., JOHAR K., VASAVADA A.R., Quantification of dolichol in the human lens with different types of cataracts. Molecular Vision (2009) 15: 1573-1579 IF 2,464
WOJAS S., HENNIG J., PLAZA S., GEISLER M., SIEMIANOWSKI O., SKŁODOWSKA A., RUSZCZYŃSKA A., BULSKA E., ANTOSIEWICZ D.M., Ectopic expression of Arabidopsis ABC transporter MRP7 modifies cadmium root-to-shoot transport and accumulation. Environmental Pollution (2009) 157: 2781-2789 IF 3,135
LEWANDOWSKA M., BAJDA A., SWIEZEWSKA E., SIRKO A., Influence of short term sulfur starvation on photosynthesis-related compounds and process in tobacco. Chapter in: Sulfur Metabolism in Plants. Regulatory Aspects, Significance of Sulfur in the Food Chain, Agriculture and the Environment. Ed. A. Sirko, L.J. De Kok, S. Haneklaus, M.J. Hawkesford, H. Rennenberg, K. Saito, E. Schung and I.Stulen. (p.316) Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, 2009 ISBN 978-3-8236-1547-7, p.79-83
LEWANDOWSKA M., SIRKO A., Identification of additional genes regulated by sulfur shortage in tobacco. Chapter in: Sulfur Metabolism in Plants. Regulatory Aspects, Significance of Sulfur in the Food Chain, Agriculture and the Environment. Ed. A. Sirko, L.J. De Kok, S. Haneklaus, M.J. Hawkesford, H. Rennenberg, K. Saito, E. Schung and I.Stulen. (p.316) Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, 2009 ISBN 978-3-8236-1547-7, p.73-77
OLEJNIK K., PLOCHOCKA D., GRYNBERG M., GOCH G., GRUSZECKI W. I., BASINSKA T., KRASZEWSKA E., Mutational analysis of the AtNUDT7 Nudix hydrolase from Arabidopsis thaliana reveals residues required from protein quarternary structure formation and activity. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2009) 56(2): 291-300 IF 1,448
KONOPKA-POSTUPOLSKA D., CLARK G., GOCH G., DEBSKI J., FLORAS K., CANTERO A., FIJOŁEK B., ROUX S., HENNIG J., The role of annexin 1 in drought stress in Arabidopsis1[W]. Plant Physiology (2009) 150: 1394-1410 IF 6,110
MACIAG M., PLOCHOCKA D., ADAMOWICZ-SALACH A., BURZYNSKA B., Novel beta-spectrin mutations in hereditary spherocytosis associated with decreased levels of mRNA. British Journal of Haematology (2009) 146: 326-332 IF 4,478
BRASUŃ J., CEBRAT M., JAREMKO M., JAREMKO L., GŁADYSZ O., ZHUKOV I., Histidine analogues of oxytocin and vasopressin as efficient ligands for Zn2+ ions - Potentiometric and NMR studies. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry (2009) 103: 1033-1038 IF 3,133
BRASUŃ J., CEBRAT M., JAREMKO L., JAREMKO M., ILC G., GŁADYSZ O., ZHUKOV I., The structural effects of the Cys-S-S-Cys bridge exchange by the His-Cu(II)-His motif studied on natural peptides - a promising tool for natural compounds-based design. Dalton Transactions (2009): 4853-4857 IF 3,580
SOKOLOWSKA M., WSZELAKA-RYLIK M., POZNANSKI J., BAL W., Spectroscopic and thermodynamic determination of three distinct binding sites for Co(II) ions in human serum albumin. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry (2009) 103: 1005-1013 IF 3,133
LOZINSKI T., BOLEWSKA K., WIERZCHOWSKI K.L., Equivalence of Mg2+ and Na+ ions in salt dependance of the equilibrium binding and dissociation rate constans of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase open complex. Biophysical Chemistry (2009) 142: 65-75 IF 2,362
ZIELENKIEWICZ U., KOWALEWSKA M., KACZOR C., CEGŁOWSKI P., In vivo interactions between toxin-antitoxin proteins epsilon and zeta of streptococcal plasmid pSM19035 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Bacteriology (2009) 191(11): 3677-3684 IF 3,636
TRZEMECKA A., PLOCHOCKA D., BEBENEK A., Different behaviors in vivo of mutations in the β hairpin loop of the DNA polymerases of the closely related phages T4 and RB69. Journal of Molecular Biology (2009) 389: 797-807 IF 4,146
KUCHARCZYK R., RAK M., DI RAGO J.-P., Biochemical consequences in yeast of the human mitochondrial DNA 8992T>C mutation in the ATPase6 gene found in NARP/MILS patients. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Cell Research (2009) 1793: 817-824 IF 4,893
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