
Number of publications: 110
WANG Z., JIN L., WEGRZYN G., WEGRZYN A., A novel method for screening the glutathione transferase inhibitors. BMC Biochemistry (2009) 10: 6 (11 p./electronic only) IF unofficial 3,21
ŁOŚ J.M., ŁOŚ M., WEGRZYN G., WEGRZYN A., Differential efficiency of induction of various lambdoid prophages responsible for production of Shiga toxins in response to different induction agents. Microbial Pathogenesis (2009) 47: 289-298 IF 2,289
NEJMAN B., ŁOŚ J.M., ŁOŚ M., WEGRZYN G., WEGRZYN A., Plasmids derived from lambdoid bacteriophages as models for studying replication of mobile genetic elements responsible for the production of Shiga toxins by pathogenic Escherichia coli strains. Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology (2009) 17: 211-220 IF 2,286
MAKIELA-DZBEŃSKA K., JASZCZUR M., BANACH-ORLOWSKA M., JONCZYK P., SCHAAPER R.M, FIJALKOWSKA I.J., Role of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I in chromosomal DNA replication fidelity. Molecular Microbiology (2009) 74(5): 1114-1127 IF 5,213
STRZAŁKA K., SZYMAŃSKA R., ŚWIEŻEWSKA E., SKORUPINSKA-TUDEK K., SUWALSKY M., Tocochromanols, plastoquinone and polyprenols in selected plant species from Chilean Patagonia. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia. Series Botanica (2009) 51(1): 39-44 IF 0,351
SIKORA J., TOWPIK J., GRACZYK D., KISTOWSKI M., RUBEL T., POZNANSKI J., LANGRIDGE J., ,HUGHES CH., DADLEZ M., BOGUTA M., Yeast prion [PSI+] lowers the levels of mitochondrial prohibitins. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Cell Research (2009) 1793: 1703-1709 IF 4,893
SHARPTON T.J., STAJICH J.E., ROUNSLEY S.D., GARDNER M.J., WORTMAN J.R., JORDAR V.S., MAITI R., KODIRA CH.D., NEAFSEY D.E., ZENG Q., HUNG C.Y.,McMAHAN C., MUSZEWSKA A., GRYNBERG M., MANDEL M.A., KELLNER E.M., BARKER B.M., GALGIANI J.N., ORBACH M.J., KIRKLAND T.N., COLE G.T., HENN M.R., BIRREN B.W., TAYLOR J.W., Comparative genomic analyses of the human fungal pathogens Coccidioides and their relatives. Genome Research (2009) 19: 1722-1731 IF 10,176
CZARNECKA A., KLEMBA A., SEMCZUK A., PLAK K., MARZEC B., KRAWCZYK T., KOFLER B., GOLIK P., BARTNIK E., Common mitochondrial polymorphisms as risk for endometrial cancer. International Archives of Medicine (2009) 2: 33 (12p./electronic only) IF-
WILCZYNSKA D., KOSSON P., KWASIBORSKA M., EJCHART A., OLMA A., Synthesis and receptor binding of opioid peptide analogues containing ß3-homo-amino acids. Journal of Peptide Science (2009) 15: 777-782 IF 1,654
HOFFMAN-SOMMER M., KUCHARCZYK R., PIEKARSKA I., KOZLOWSKA E., RYTKA J., Mutations in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae vacuolar fusion proteins Ccz1, Mon1 and Ypt7 cause defects in cell cycle progression in a num1∆ background. European Journal of Cell Biology (2009) 88: 639-652 IF 3,955
PILSYK S., PASZEWSKI A., Sulfate permeases - phylogenetic diversity of sulfate transport. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2009) 56(3): 375-384 IF 1,448
HRYNIEWICKA A., MORZYCKI J.W., SIERGIEJCZYK L., WITKOWSKI S., WOJCIK J., GRYFF-KELLER A., Hindered rotation in new air-stable ruthenium olefin metathesis catalysts with chromanylmethylidene ligands. Australian Journal of Chemistry (2009) 62: 1363-1370 IF 2,405
SIENKO M., NATORFF R., OWCZAREK S., OLEWIECKI I., PASZEWSKI A., Aspergillus nidulans genes encoding reverse transsulfuration enzymes belong to homocysteine regulon. Current Genetics (2009) 55: 561-570 IF 2,323
STEFANOWICZ P., KAPCZYŃSKA K., JAREMKO M., JAREMKO L., SZEWCZUK Z., A mechanistic study on the fragmentation of peptide-derived Amadori products. Journal of Mass Spectrometry (2009) 44:1500-1508 IF 2,940
SCHURMAN S.H., HEDAYATI M., WANG Z.M., SINGH D.K., SPEINA E., ZHANG Y., BECKER K., MACRIS M., SUNG P., WILSON D.M.III, CROTEAU D.L., BOHR V.A., Direct and indirect roles of RECQL4 in modulating base excision repair capacity. Human Molecular Genetics (2009) 18: 3470-3483 IF 7,249
WRÓBEL M., LEWANDOWSKA I., BRONOWICKA-ADAMSKA P., PASZEWSKI A., The level of sulfane sulfur in the fungus Aspergillus nidulans wild type and mutant strains. Amino Acids (2009) 37: 565-571 IF 4,132
SZCZEPANSKA A.K., Bacteriophage-encoded functions engaged in initiation of homologous recombination events. Critical Reviews in Microbiology (2009) 35(3): 197-220 IF 2,8
PIATEK K., HARTWIG A., BAL W., Physiological levels of glutathione enhance Zn(II) binding by a Cys4 zinc finger. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (2009) 389: 265-268 IF 2,648
JANOWSKA B., KOMISARSKI M., PROROK P., SOKOŁOWSKA A., KUSMIEREK J.T., JANION C., TUDEK B., Nucleotide excision repair and recombination are engaged in repair of trans-4-hydroxy-2-nonenal adducts to DNA bases in Escherichia coli. International Journal of Biological Sciences (2009) 5(6): 611-620 IF 2,865
MALC E.P., DZIERZBICKI P., KANIAK-GOLIK A., SKONECZNA A., CIESLA Z., Inactivation of the 20S proteasome maturase, Ump1p, leads to the instability of mtDNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis (2009) 669: 95-103 IF 3,198
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