
Number of publications: 110
ARNAIZ O., MALINOWSKA A., KLOTZ C., SPERLING L., DADLEZ M., KOLL F., COHEN J., Cildb: a knowledgebase for centrosomes and cilia. Database (2009) 2009: bap022 (14 p./electronic only)
HAVRYLOV S., RZHEPETSKYY Y., MALINOWSKA A., DROBOT L., REDOWICZ M.J., Proteins recruited by SH3 domains of Ruk/CIN85 adaptor identified by LC-MS/MS. Proteome Science (2009) 7:21 (19p./electronic only) IF 2,537
PAWLOWSKI P.H., Mechanosensitivity of cell membrane may govern creep-strain recovery, osmotic expansion and lysis. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2009) 56(3): 471-480 IF 1,448
DIECK VAN J., TEUFEL D.P., JAULENT A.M., FERNANDEZ-FERNANDEZ M.R., RUTHERFORD T.J., WYSLOUCH-CIESZYNSKA A., FERSHT A.R., Posttranslational modifications affect the interaction of S100 proteins with tumor suppressor p53. Journal of Molecular Biology (2009) 394: 922-930 IF 4,146
LONIEWSKA A., CHEŁSTOWSKA S., ZAGORSKI-OSTOJA W., PALUCHA A., Elements regulating Potato leafroll virus sgRNA1 translation are located within the coding sequences of the coat protein and read-trough domain. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2009) 56(4): 619-625 IF 1,448
LOZINSKI T., WIERZCHOWSKI K.L., Evaluation of mixed-salt effects on thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of RNA polymerase-promoter DNA complexes in terms of equivalent salt concentrations. General applicability to DNA complexes. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2009) 56(4): 697-704 IF 1,448
GRYNBERG M., GODZIK A., The signal for signaling, found. PLoS Pathogens (2009) 5(4): e1000398 (2 p./electronic only) IF 9,125
GORSKI A., MIĘDZYBRODZKI R., BORYSOWSKI J., WEBER-DABROWSKA B., LOBOCKA M.B., FORTUNA W., LETKIEWICZ S., ZIMECKI M., FILBY G., Bacteriophage therapy for the treatment of infections. Current Opinion in Investigational Drugs (2009) 10(8): 766-774 IF 3,324
KACZANOWSKI S., SIEDLECKI P., ZIELENKIEWICZ P., The high throughput sequence annotation service (HT-SAS) - the shortcut from sequence to true Medline words. BMC Bioinformatics (2009) 10: 148 (7 p./electronic only) IF 3,781
HRABAK J., EMPEL J., BERGEROVA T., FAJFRLIK K., URBASKOVA P., KERN-ZDANOWICZ I., HRYNIEWICZ W., GNIADKOWSKI M., International clones of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli with extended-spectrum β-lactamases in a Czech hospital. Journal of Clinical Microbiology (2009) 47(10): 3353-3357 IF 3,945
KAMINSKA B., ELLERT-MIKLASZEWSKA A., OBERBEK A., WIŚNIEWSKI P., KAZA B., MAKOWSKA M., BRETNER M., KAZIMIERCZUK Z., Efficacy and mechanism of anti-tumor action of new potential CK2 inhibitors toward glioblastoma cells. International Journal of Oncology (2009) 35(5): 1091-1100 IF 2,234
TRZCINSKA-DANIELEWICZ J., BILSKA A., FRONK J., ZIELENKIEWICZ P., JAROCHOWSKA E., ROSZCZYK M., JOŃCZYK M., AXENTOWICZ E., SKONECZNY M., SOWIŃSKI P., Global analysis of gene expression in maize leaves treated with low temperature I. Moderate chilling (14 °C). Plant Science (2009) 177: 648-658 IF 1,974
ZOCHOWSKA M., PACA A., SCHOEHN G., ANDRIEU J.P.,CHROBOCZEK J., DUBLET B., SZOLAJSKA E., Adenovirus dodecahedron, as a drug delivery vector. PLoS ONE (2009) 4(5): e5569 (12 p./electronic only) IF 4,351
PAWŁOWSKI M., ŁASICA A.M., JAGUSZTYN-KRYNICKA E.K., BUJNICKI J.M., AAN82231 protein from uropathogenic E. coli CFT073 is a close paralog of DsbB enzymes and does not belong to the DsbI family. Polish Journal of Microbiology (2009) 58(2):181-4 IF -
CIESIELSKI A., KRYGOWSKI T.M., CYRANSKI M.K., DOBROWOLSKI M.A., AIHARA J., Graph-topological approach to magnetic properties of benzenoid hydrocarbons. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2009) 11: 11447-11455 IF 4,064
NIEMINUSZCZY J., MIELECKI D., SIKORA A., WRZESINSKI M., CHOJNACKA A., KRWAWICZ J., JANION C., GRZESIUK E., Mutagenic potency of MMS-induced 1meA/3meC lesions in E.coli. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis (2009) 50: 791-799 IF 2,181
NASKALSKA A., SZOLAJSKA E., CHAPEROT L., ANGEL J., PLUMAS J., CHROBOCZEK J., Influenza recombinant vaccine: Matrix protein M1 on the platform of the adenovirus dodecahedron. Vaccine (2009) 27: 7385-7393 IF 3,298
VISSER R.G.F., BACHEM CH.W.B., BOER DE J.M., BRYAN G.J., CHAKRABATI S.K., FEINGOLD S., GROMADKA R., HAM VAN R.C.H.J., HUANG S., JACOBS J.M.E., KUZNETSOV B., MELO DE P.E., MILBOURNE D., ORJEDA G., SAGREDO B., TANG X., Sequencing the potato genome: outline and first results to come from the elucidation of the sequence of the world's third most important food crop. American Journal of Potato Research (2009) 86: 417-429 IF 0,604
PIOTROWSKA A., JAKOBKIEWICZ-BANECKA J., TYLKI-SZYMANSKA A., CZARTORYSKA B., WEGRZYN A., WEGRZYN G., Correlation between severity of mucopolysaccharidoses and combination of the residual enzyme activity and efficiency of glycosaminoglycan synthesis. Acta Paediatrica (2009) 98: 743-749 IF 1,517
WANG Z., JIN L., YUAN Z., WEGRZYN G., WEGRZYN A., Classification of plasmid vectors using replication origin, selection marker and promoter as criteria. Plasmid (2009) 61: 47-51 IF 1,255
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