
Number of publications: 151
JACEWICZ A., TRZEMECKA A., GUJA K.E., PLOCHOCKA D., YAKUBOVSKAYA E., BEBENEK A., GARCIA-DIAZ M., A remote palm domain residue of RB69 DNA polymerase is critical for enzyme activity and influences the conformation of the active site. PLOS ONE (2013) 8(10): e76700 (14 p.) IF 3.730
KORYSZEWSKA-BAGIŃSKA A., ALEKSANDRZAK-PIEKARCZYK T., BARDOWSKI J.K., Complete genome sequence of the probiotic strain Lactobacillus casei (formerly Lactobacillus paracasei) LOCK919. Genome Announcements (2013) 1(5): e00758-13 (2p.) IF -
SHE W., GRIMANELLI D., RUTOWICZ K., WHITEHEAD M.W.J., PUZIO M., KOTLIŃSKI M., JERZMANOWSKI A., BAROUX C., Chromatin reprogramming during the somatic-to-reproductive cell fate transition in plants. Development (2013) 140(19): 4008-4019 IF 6.208
PROROK P., ALILI D., SAINT-PIERRE CH., GASPARUTTO D., ZHARKOV D.O., ISHCHENKO A.A., TUDEK B., SAPARBAEV M.K., Uracil in duplex DNA is a substrate for the nucleotide incision repair pathway in human cells. PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2013) 110(39): E3695-E3703 IF 9.737
HOFFMAN-ZACHARSKA D., KMIEĆ T., POZNANSKI J., JUREK M., BAL J., Mutations in the PLP1 gene residue p. Gly198 as the molecular basis of Pelizeaus-Merzbacher phenotype. Brain & Development (2013) 35(9): 877-880 IF 1,668
TARWACKA J., POLKOWSKA-KOWALCZYK L., KOLANO B., SLIWKA J., WIELGAT B., Interspecific somatic hybrids Solanum villosum (+) S. tuberosum, resistant to Phytophthora infestans. Journal of Plant Physiology (2013) 170(17): 1541-1548 IF 2.699
MIELECKI D., SAUMAA S., WRZESINSKI M., MACIEJEWSKA A.M., ŻUCHNIEWICZ K., SIKORA A., PIWOWARSKI J., NIEMINUSZCZY J., KIVISAAR M., GRZESIUK E., Pseudomonas putida AlkA and AlkB proteins comprise different defense systems for the repair of alkylation damage to DNA – In Vivo, In Vitro, and In Silico studies. PLOS ONE (2013) 8(10): e76198 (24 p.) IF 3.730
WYSOCKA-KAPCIŃSKA M., TOROCSIK B., TURIAK L., TSAPRAILIS G., DAVID C.L., HUNT A., VEKEY K., ADAM-VIZI V., KUCHARCZYK R., CHINOPOULOS C., The suppressor of AAC2 lethality SAL1 modulates sensitivity of heterologously expressed artemia ADP/ATP carrier to bongkrekate in yeast. PLOS ONE (2013) 8(9): e74187 (11p.) IF 3.730
GORA M., KILISZEK M., BURZYNSKA B., Will global transcriptome analysis allow the detection of novel prognostic markers in coronary artery disease and heart failure? Current Genomics (2013) 14: 388-396 IF 2.475
SZURGOT I., SZOLAJSKA E., LAURIN D., LAMBRECHT B., CHAPEROT L., SCHOEHN G., CHROBOCZEK J., Self-adjuvanting influenza candidate vaccine presenting epitopes for cell-mediated immunity on a proteinaceous multivalent nanoplatform. Vaccine (2013) 31(40): 4338-4346 IF 3.492
AUGUSTYNIUK-KRAM A., CHWEDORZEWSKA K.J., KORCZAK-ABSHIRE M., OLECH M.A., LITYŃSKA-ZAJĄC M., An analysis of fungal propagules transported to the Henryk Arctowski Station. Polish Polar Research (2013) 34(3): 269-278 IF 0.745
SCHWAB R.A., NIEMINUSZCZY J., SHIN-YA K., NIEDŹWIEDŹ W., FANCJ couples replication past natural fork barriers with maintenance of chromatin structure. Journal of Cell Biology (2013) 201(1): 33-48 IF 10.822
SIWIAK M., ZIELENKIEWICZ P., Transimulation - protein biosynthesis web service. PLOS ONE (2013) 8(9): e73943 (8 p.) IF 3.730
SARNOWSKA E., ROLICKA A.T., BUCIOR E., ĆWIEK P., TOHGE T., FERNIE A.R., JIKUMARU Y., KUMIYA Y., FRANZEN R., SCHMELZER E., PORRI A., SACHAROWSKI S.P., GRATKOWSKA D.M., ZUGAJ D., TAFF A., ZALEWSKA A., ARCHACKI R., DAVIS S.J., COUPLAND G., KONCZ C., JERZMANOWSKI A., SARNOWSKI T.J., DELLA-interacting SWI3C core subunit of switch/sucrose nonfermenting chromatin remodeling complex modulates gibberellin responses and hormonal cross talk in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology (2013) 163(1): 305-317 IF 6.555
KROL K., MOROZOV I.Y., JONES M.G., WYSZOMIRSKI T., WEGLENSKI P., DZIKOWSKA A., CADDICK M.X., RrmA regulates the stability of specific transcripts in response to both nitrogen source and oxidative stress. Molecular Microbiology (2013) 89(5): 975–988 IF 4.961
HOSER R., ŻURCZAK M., LICHOCKA M., ZUZGA S., DADLEZ M., SAMUEL M.A., ELLIS B.E., STUTTMANN J., PARKER J.E., HENNIG J., KRZYMOWSKA M., Nucleocytoplasmic partitioning of tobacco N receptor is modulated by SGT1. New Phytologist (2013) 200: 158-171 IF 6.736
LASKOWSKI Z., JEŻEWSKI W., ZDZITOWIECKI K., Description of a new opecoelid trematode species from nototheniid fish in the Beagle Channel (sub-Antarctica). Journal of Parasitology (2013) 99(3): 487-489 IF 1.321
SARNOWSKA E., BALCERAK A., OLSZYNA-SEREMĘTA M., KOTLAREK D., SARNOWSKI T.J., SIEDLECKI J.A., Kinaza białkowa aktywowana przez AMP (AMPK) jako cel terapeutyczny. Postępy Higieny i Medycyny Doświadczalnej (2013) 67: 750-760 IF 0.552
PROTAS A.M., ARIANI H.H., BONNA A., POLKOWSKA-NOWAKOWSKA A., POZNANSKI J., BAL W., Sequence-specific Ni(II)-dependent peptide bond hydrolysis for protein engineering: Active sequence optimization. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry (2013) 127: 99-106 IF 3.197
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