
Number of publications: 118
POTOCKÝ M., PEJCHAR P., GUTKOWSKA M., JIMÉNEZ-QUESADA M.J., POTOCKÁ A., DE DIOS ALCHÉ J., KOST B., ŽÁRSKÝ V., NADPH oxidase activity in pollen tubes is affected by calcium ions, signaling phospholipids and Rac/Rop GTPases. Journal of Plant Physiology (2012) 169(16): 1654-1663 IF 2.791
WIECH M., OLSZEWSKI M.B., TRACZ-GASZEWSKA Z., WAWRZYNÓW B., ZYLICZ M., ŻYLICZ A., Molecular mechanism of mutant p53 stabilization: the role of HSP70 and MDM2. PLoS One (2012) 7(12): e51426 (16p.) IF 4.092
SABAŁA I., JONSSON I-M., TARKOWSKI A., BOCHTLER M., Anti-staphylococcal activities of lysostaphin and LytM catalytic domain. BMC Microbiology (2012) 12:97 (11p.) IF 3.044
STANISZEWSKA M., BONDARYK M., SIENNICKA K., KUREK A., ORLOWSKI J., SCHALLER M., KURZATKOWSKI W., In vitro study of secreted aspartyl proteinases Sap1 to Sap3 and Sap4 to Sap6 expression in Candida albicans pleomorphic forms. Polish Journal of Microbiology (2012) 61(4):247-56 IF 0.760
BACA M., STANKOVIC A., STEFANIAK K., MARCISZAK A., HOFREITER M., NADACHOWSKI A., WEGLENSKI P., MACKIEWICZ P., Genetic analysis of cave bear specimens from Niedźwiedzia Cave, Sudetes, Poland. Palaeontologia Electronica (2012) 15(2) 21A (16p.)
DĄBROWSKA-PROT E., WASIŁOWSKA A., The role of ecotones in man-disturbed landscape : boundaries between mixed forest and adjacent man-made ecosystems in the Kampinos National Park, Poland. Polish Journal of Ecology (2012) 60(4): 677-698 IF 0.506
OLECH M.A., SŁABY A., The lichen biota of Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 151, Lions Rump (King George Island). Rozdział w: Lichen Protection - Protected Lichen Species (p.345)/ Ed. by Ludwik Lipnicki. – Gorzów Wlkp. : Sonar Literacki, 2012 ISBN 978-83-63189-19-8; p.67-78
DZIERZBICKI P., KANIAK-GOLIK A., MALC E.P., MIECZKOWSKI P., CIESLA Z., The generation of oxidative stress-induced rearrangements in Saccharomyces cerevisiae mtDNA is dependent on the Nuc1 (EndoG/ExoG) nuclease and is enhanced by inactivation of the MRX complex. Mutation Research / Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis (2012) 740(1-2): 21-33 IF 2.850
CHMIELARZ I., GABIG-CIMIŃSKA M., MALINOWSKA M., BANECKA-MAJKUTEWICZ Z., WEGRZYN A., JAKOBKIEWICZ-BANECKA J., Comparison of siRNA-mediated silencing of glycosaminoglycan synthesis genes and enzyme replacement therapy for mucopolysaccharidosis in cell culture studies. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2012) 59(4): 697-702 IF 1.491
BRUHN-OLSZEWSKA B., KORZON-BURAKOWSKA A., GABIG-CIMIŃSKA M., OLSZEWSKI P., WEGRZYN A., JAKOBKIEWICZ-BANECKA J., Molecular factors involved in the development of diabetic foot syndrome. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2012) 59(4): 507-513 IF 1.491
LUBAS M., CHLEBOWSKI A., DZIEMBOWSKI A., JENSEN T.H., Biochemistry and function of RNA exosomes. Chapter in: The Enzymes (p.278) 2012 volume 31 p.1-30, ISBN 978-0-12-404740-2
GEWARTOWSKI K., CUÉLLAR J., DZIEMBOWSKI A., VALPUESTA J.M., The yeast THO complex forms a 5-subunit assembly that directly interacts with active chromatin. BioArchitecture (2012) 2(4): 134-137
MILJKOVIC D., STARE T., MOZETIC I., PODPECAN V., PETEK M., WITEK K., DERMASTIA M., LAVRAC N., GRUDEN K., Signalling network construction for modelling plant defence response. PLOS ONE (2012) 7(12): e51822 IF 4.092
PROROK P., SAINT-PIERRE CH., GASPARUTTO D., FEDOROVA O., ISHCHENKO A.A., LEH H., BUCKLE M., TUDEK B., SAPARBAEV M.K., Highly mutagenic exocyclic DNA adducts are substrates for the human nucleotide Incision repair pathway. PLOS ONE (2012) 7(12): e51776 IF 4.092
KOEN E., SZYMANSKA K., KLINGUER A., DOBROWOLSKA G., BESSON-BARD A., WENDEHENNE D., Nitric oxide and glutathione impact the expression of iron uptake-and iron transport-related genes as well as the content of metals in A. thaliana plants grown under iron deficiency. Plant Signaling and Behavior (2012) 7(10): 1246-1250
LEWANDOWSKA M., ZIENTARA-RYTTER K., SIRKO A., Preliminary characteristics of a tobacco gene down-regulated by sulfur deprivation and encoding a cys-rich protein. Chapter in: DeKok LJ, Tausz M, Hawkesford MJ, Hoefgen R, McManus MT, Norton RM, Rennenberg H, Saito K, Schnug E, Tabe L (Eds) Sulfur Metabolism in Plants. Mechanisms and Applications to Food Security and Responses to climate Change. Proceedings of the International Plant Sulfur Workshop (p.284), ISBN 978-94-007-4449-3 ISBN 978-94-007-4450-9 (eBook); DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4450-9; Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2012, pp. 77-83.
SPEISER A., KURZYK A., WAWRZYNSKA A.K., WIRTZ M., SIRKO A., HELL R., The role of cyclophilin CYP20-3 in activation of chloroplast serine acetyltransferase under high light stress. Chapter in: DeKok LJ, Tausz M, Hawkesford MJ, Hoefgen R, McManus MT, Norton RM, Rennenberg H, Saito K, Schnug E, Tabe L (Eds) Sulfur Metabolism in Plants. Mechanisms and Applications to Food Security and Responses to climate Change. Proceedings of the International Plant Sulfur Workshop (p.284), ISBN 978-94-007-4449-3 ISBN 978-94-007-4450-9 (eBook); DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4450-9; Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2012, pp. 265-269.
BAKUN M., NIEMCZYK M., DOMAŃSKI D., JAŹWIEC R., PERZANOWSKA A., NIEMCZYK S., KISTOWSKI M., FABIJAŃSKA A., BOROWIEC A., PĄCZEK L., DADLEZ M., Urine proteome of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease patients. Clinical Proteomics (2012) 9:13
RICHARDSON K., DENNY R., HUGHES CH., SKILLING J., SIKORA J., DADLEZ M., MANTECA A., JUNG H.R., JENSEN O.N., REDEKER V., MELKI R., LANGRIDGE J., ,VISSERS J.P.C., A probabilistic framework for peptide and protein qualification from data-dependent and data-independent LC-MS proteomics experiments. OMICS A Journal of Integrative Biology (2012) 16(9): 468-482 IF 2.441
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