
Number of publications: 151
KAMIENSKA-TRELA K., WOJCIK J., Applications of spin-spin couplings. Chapter in: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (572p.) (2013) 42: 181-229
BOROWSKI Ł.S., DZIEMBOWSKI A., HEJNOWICZ M.S., STEPIEN P.P., SZCZESNY R.J., Human mitochondrial RNA decay mediated by PNPase-hSuv3 complex takes place in distinct foci. Nucleic Acids Research (2013) 41(2): 1223-1240 IF 8.278
POZNANSKI J., SZCZESNY P., RUSZCZYŃSKA K., ZIELENKIEWICZ P., PĄCZEK L., Proteins contribute insignificantly to the intrinsic buffering capacity of yeast cytoplasm. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (2013) 430(2): 741-744 IF 2.406
WOJCIECHOWSKI M., CZAPIŃSKA H., BOCHTLER M., CpG underrepresentation and the bacterial CpG-specific DNA methyltransferase M.MpeI. PNAS-Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2013) 110(1): 105–110 IF 9.737
SURMACZ L., ŚWIEŻEWSKA E., What we do and do not know about the cellular functions of polyisoprenoids. Chapter 21 in: Isoprenoid Synthesis in Plants and Microorganisms New Concepts and Experimental Approaches (p.505) / Eds. Bach, Thomas J., Rohmer Michel; Springer Science New York 2013, p.307-313, ISBN 978-1-4614-4063-5
YANG X-C., SABATH I., DEBSKI J., KAUS-DROBEK M., DADLEZ M., MARZLUFF W.F., DOMIŃSKI Z., A complex containing the CPSF73 endonuclease and other polyadenylation factors associates with U7 snRNP and is recruited to histone pre-mRNA for 3’ end processing. Molecular and Cellular Biology (2013) 33(1): 28-37 IF 5.372
CAL M., JAREMKO M., JAREMKO L., STEFANOWICZ P., Solid phase synthesis of peptide hydroxamic acids on poly(ethylene glycol)-based support. Journal of Peptide Science (2013) 19(1): 9–15 IF 2.071
MACIEJEWSKA A.M., POZNANSKI J., KACZMARSKA Z., KROWISZ B., NIEMINUSZCZY J., POLKOWSKA-NOWAKOWSKA A., GRZESIUK E., KUSMIEREK J.T., AlkB dioxygenase preferentially repairs protonated substrates: specificity against exocyclic adducts and molecular mechanism of action. Journal of Biological Chemistry (2013) 288(1): 432-441 IF 4.651
NAGAJ J., STOKOWA-SOŁTYS K., ZAWISZA I., JEZOWSKA-BOJCZUK M., BONNA A., BAL W., Selective control of Cu(II) complex stability in histidine peptides by β-alanine. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry (2013) 119: 85-89 IF 3.197
JÓŹWIAK A., PLĘŚ M., SKORUPINSKA-TUDEK K., KANIA M., DYDAK M., DANIKIEWICZ W., ŚWIEŻEWSKA E., Sugar availability modulates polyisoprenoid and phytosterol profiles in Arabidopsis thaliana hairy root culture. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids (2013) 1831(2): 438-447 IF 4.134
WOJTKOWIAK A., WITEK K., HENNIG J., JASKOLSKI M., Structures of an active-site mutant of a plant 1,3-β-glucanase in complex with oligosaccharide products of hydrolysis. Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography (2013) 69(Pt 1): 52-62 IF 14.103
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