
Number of publications: 170
BOROWSKI Ł.S., SZCZESNY R.J., Measurement of mitochondrial RNA stability by metabolic labeling of transcripts with 4-thiouridine. Chapter 22 in: Polyadenylation: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology. Ed. Rorbach J., Bobrowicz J.A., Humana Press; ISBN 978-1-62703-970-3 [377p.] 2014, 1125: 277-286
SKOROBOGATOV O.Y., LOZHKO D., ZHUKOV I., KOZLOV O., TKACHUK Z., Study of dephosphorylated 2'-5'-linked oligoadenylates impact on apo-S100A1 protein conformation by heteronuclear NMR and circular dichroism. Biopolymers and Cell (2014) 30(4): 279-285 IF -
LICHOCKA M., SCHMELZER E., Subcellular localization experiments and FRET-FLIM measurements in plants. Bio-protocol (2014) vol.4(1) (12 p.) IF-
LICHOCKA M., Biolistic bombardment for co-expression of proteins fused to YFP and mRFP in leaf epidermal cells of Phaseolus vulgaris ‘Red Mexican’. Bio-protocol (2014) vol. 4(1) (5p.) IF-
ZBOROWSKA M., SULIMA M., MARSZAŁEK I., WYSLOUCH-CIESZYNSKA A., RADECKA H., RADECKI J., Nitrilotriacetic acid–copper(II) monolayer deposited on a gold electrode for the immobilization of histidine tagged V domain of receptor for advanced glycation end products–the basis of amyloid–beta peptide sensing. Analytical Letters (2014) 47(8): 1375-1391 IF 1.019
NICHOLLS T.J., ZSURKA G., PEEVA V., SCHÖLER S., SZCZESNY R.J., CYSEWSKI D., REYES A., KORNBLUM C., SCIACCO M., MOGGIO M., DZIEMBOWSKI A., KUNZ W.S., MINCZUK M., Linear mtDNA fragments and unusual mtDNA rearrangements associated with pathological deficiency of MGME1 exonuclease. Human Molecular Genetics (2014) 23(23): 6147-6162 IF 6.677
SINGH R.K., MIAZGA A.A., DABROWSKA A., LIPNIACKI A., PIASEK A., KULIKOWSKI T., SHUGAR D., Myristoylated derivatives of 2',3'-didehydro-2',3'-dideoxythymidine (stavudine) bi-functional prodrugs with potent anti-HIV-1 activity and low cytotoxicity. Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy (2014) 23(6): 231-236 IF -
ZIEMINSKA E., STAFIEJ A., TOCZYLOWSKA B., LAZAREWICZ J.W., Bastadin 12 and ryanodine reveal similarities between thapsigarginand tetrabromobisphenol A-induced intracellular Ca2+ release in cultured cerebellar granule cells. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology (2014) 65(5): 679-686 IF 2.720
GALLAGHER J.M., YAMAK A., KIRILENKO P., BLACK S., BOCHTLER M., LEFEBVRE CH., NEMER M., LATINKIĆ B.V., Carboxy terminus of GATA4 transcription factor is required for its cardiogenic activity and interaction with CDK4. Mechanisms of Development (2014) 134: 31-41 IF 2.238
ZOCHOWSKA M., PIGUET A.CH., JEMIELITY J., KOWALSKA J., SZOLAJSKA E., DUFOUR J.F., CHROBOCZEK J., Virus-like particle-mediated intracellular delivery of mRNA cap analog with in vivo activity against hepatocellular carcinoma. Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine (2014) 11: 67-76 IF 5.978
MUSZEWSKA A., Fungal genomes tell a story of ecological adaptations. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Folia Biologica et Oecologica (2014) 10: 9-17 IF -
PAWLOWSKI P.H., Sieci biologiczne. Rozdział 15 w: Inżynieria biomedyczna: podstawy i zastosowania. T. 10: Bioinformatyka. Red. P.Pawłowski, A. Świerniak, A. Polański, P. Zielenkiewicz, EXIT; ISBN 978-83-7837-039-0 [414 s.] 2014, s. 329-359
SIWIAK M., Dokowanie białek. Rozdział 13 w: Inżynieria biomedyczna: podstawy i zastosowania. T. 10: Bioinformatyka. Red. P.Pawłowski, A. Świerniak, A. Polański, P. Zielenkiewicz, EXIT; ISBN 978-83-7837-039-0 [414 s.] 2014, s. 271-293
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