
Number of publications: 151
PERCY A.J., CHAMBERS A.G., YANG J., JACKSON A.M., DOMAŃSKI D., BURKHART J., SICKMANN A., BORCHERS CH.H., Method and platform standardization in MRM-based quantitative plasma proteomics. Journal of Proteomics (2013) 95: 66-76 IF 4.088
MATAK D.P., SZYMAŃSKI Ł., CZARNECKA A., BARTNIK E., SZCZYLIK C., Clear cell renal cell cancer tumor-propagating cells: molecular characteristics. Current Signal Transduction Therapy (2013) 8: 229-239 IF 0.446
SZCZEPIŃSKA T., IWASAKI W., ABEEL T., The spirit of competition: to win or not to win. PLOS Computational Biology (2013) 9(12): e1003413 (3p.) IF 4.867
LIBEREK A., KMIEĆ Z., WIERZBICKI P., JAKOBKIEWICZ-BANECKA J., LIBEREK T., ŁUCZAK G., PLATA-NAZAR K., SŁOMIŃSKA-FRĄCZEK M., KASZUBOWSKA L., GABIG-CIMIŃSKA M., WEGRZYN A., Transforming growth factor β1 protein and mRNA levels in inflammatory bowel diseases: towards solving the contradictions by longitudinal assessment of the protein and mRNA amounts. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2013) 60(4): 683-688 IF 1.185
PIETRAS Z., HARDWICK S.W., SWIEZEWSKI S.S., LUISI B., Potential regulatory interactions of Escherichia coli RraA protein with DEAD-box helicases. Journal of Biological Chemistry (2013) 288(44): 31919-31929 IF 4.651
HOFFMAN-ZACHARSKA D., MIERZEWSKA H., SZCZEPANIK E., POZNANSKI J., MAZURCZAK T., JAKUBIK-TOMASZUK A., MĄDRY J., KIERDASZUK A., BAL J., The spectrum of PLP1 gene mutations in patients with the classical form of the Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease. Developmental Period Medicine/ Medycyna Wieku Rozwojowego (2013) XVII (4): 293-300 IF-
BIELIŃSKA B., GAJ P., KLUSKA A., NOWAKOWSKA D., BALABAS A., DĄBROWSKA M., NIWIŃSKA A., GRUCHOTA J., ZUB R., SKASKO E., STEFFEN J., OSTROWSKI J., SIEDLECKI J.A., Association of the BRCA1 promoter polymorphism rs11655505 with the risk of familial breast and/or ovarian cancer. Familial Cancer (2013) 12: 691-698 IF 1.935
HANIEWICZ P., De SANCTIS D., BÜCHEL C., SCHRÖDER W.P., LOI M.C., KIESELBACH T., BOCHTLER M., PIANO D., Isolation of monomeric photosystem II that retains the subunit PsbS. Photosynthesis Research (2013) 118: 199–207 IF 3.150
MUCHA K., FORONCEWICZ B., ORŁOWSKI T., RELIGIONI J., BOBEK-BILLEWICZ B., JARZĄB B.,RACZYŃSKA J., KRAWCZYK M., PĄCZEK L., Atypical presentation of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in a liver transplant recipient. Annals of Transplantation (2013) 18: 238-242 IF 0.815
NIEMCZYK S., DUDEK M., BARTOSZEWICZ Z., SZAMOTULSKA K., WOŹNIACKI Ł., BRODOWSKA-KANIA D., NIEMCZYK L., MAŁEK W., MATUSZKIEWICZ-ROWIŃSKA J., Determining the enzymatic activities of iodothyronine 5'-deiodinases in renal medulla and cortex. Endokrynologia Polska (2013) 64(3): 182-185 IF 1.070
MIKUŁA M., SULIMA M., MARSZAŁEK I., WYSLOUCH-CIESZYNSKA A., VERWILST P., DEHAEN W., RADECKI J., RADECKA H., Oriented immobilization of his-tagged protein on a redox active thiol derivative of DPTA-Cu(II) layer deposited on a gold electrode—the base of electrochemical biosensors. Sensors (Basel) (2013) 13(9): 11586–11602 IF 1.953
UZELAC G., KOJIC M., LOZO J., ALEKSANDRZAK-PIEKARCZYK T., GABRIELSEN CH., KRISTENSEN T., NES I.F., DIEP D.B., TOPISIROVIC L., A Zn-dependent metallopeptidase is responsible for sensitivity to LsbB, a class II leaderless bacteriocin of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis BGMN1-5. Journal of Bacteriology (2013) 195(24): 5614-5621 IF 3.177
MODRAK-WÓJCIK A., GÓRKA M., NIEDŹWIECKA K., ZDANOWSKI K., ZUBEREK J., NIEDZWIECKA A., STOLARSKI R., Eukaryotic translation initiation is controlled by cooperativity effects within ternary complexes of 4E-BP1, eIF4E, and the mRNA 5' cap. FEBS Letters (2013) 587(24): 3928-34 IF 3.582
JANUSZ A., MIŁEK J., PERYCZ M., PACINI L., BAGNI C., KACZMAREK L., DZIEMBOWSKA M., The Fragile X mental retardation protein regulates Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 mRNA at synapses. The Journal of Neuroscience (2013) 33(46): 18234-18241 IF 6.908
MROCZEK S., DZIEMBOWSKI A., U6 RNA biogenesis and disease association. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: RNA (2013) 4(5): 581-592 IF 4.186
ORLOWSKA K.P., KLOSOWSKA K., SZCZESNY R.J., CYSEWSKI D., KRAWCZYK P., DZIEMBOWSKI A., A new strategy for gene targeting and functional proteomics using the DT40 cell line. Nucleic Acids Research (2013) 41(17): e167 (13p.) IF 8.278
LARMONIER C.B., LAUBITZ D., HILL F.M., SHEHAB K.W., LIPIŃSKI L., MIDURA-KIELA M., McFADDEN R.M., RAMALINGAM R., HASSAN K.A., GOLEBIEWSKI M., BESSELSEN D.G., GHISHAN F.K., KIELA P.R., Reduced colonic microbial diversity is associated with colitis in NHE3-deficient mice. American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology (2013) 305(10): G667-G677 IF 3.649
KASPRZAK K.S., BAL W., Nickel carcinogenesis. Chapter in: Encyclopedia of Metalloproteins (p.2574) Ed. Robert H. Kretsinger, Vladimir N. Uversky, Eugene A. Permyakov, Springer 2013, p. 1477-1485, ISBN 978-1-4614-1532-9
BAL W., SOKOLOWSKA M., KUROWSKA E., FALLER P., Binding of transition metal ions to albumin: Sites, affinities and rates. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects (2013) 1830(12): 5444-5455 IF 3.848
NAGAJ J., STOKOWA-SOŁTYS K., KUROWSKA E., FRACZYK T., JEZOWSKA-BOJCZUK M., BAL W., Revised coordination model and stability constants of Cu(II) complexes of Tris buffer. Inorganic Chemistry (2013) 52(24): 13927-13933 IF 4.593
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