
Dr Agnieszka Tudek with two distinctions in the prof. Bassalik and prof. Krzyżosiak competitions

Dr Agnieszka Tudek et al., 2021 Nature Commun. publication was awarded two distinctions in the prof. Bassalik and prof. Krzyżosiak competitions organized yearly by the Molecular Biology Committee of Polish Academy of Sciences. Title: Global view on the metabolism of RNA poly(A) tails in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae The polyadenosine tail (poly[A]-tail) is a universal modification (…)

Aż 10 grantów NCN dla naukowców z IBB PAN

Z radością informujemy o sukcesach naszych naukowców. Pracownicy i doktoranci Instytutu Biochemii i Biofizyki PAN otrzymali 10 grantów w konkursach Narodowego Centrum Nauki OPUS 23, PRELUDIUM 21, POLONEZ BIS 2. W konkursach wpłynęło 4299 wniosków o łącznym budżecie blisko 3 mld zł; spośród nich 576 otrzymało dofinansowanie, ze średnim wskaźnikiem sukcesu 13,4%. Wskaźnik sukcesu IBB (…)

Prof. Magdalena Rakowska-Boguta awarded the Leon Marchlewski medal

The Medal is awarded for outstanding contribution to the development of molecular biology, cell biology, biochemistry and biophysics.  It is awarded annually to Polish scientists for outstanding research achievements in the field of molecular biology, cell biology, biochemistry and biophysics. The medal was founded by the Committee of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Polish Academy (…)

COVID-19: diagnostyka, objawy kliniczne, leczenie, badania post mortem

W imieniu organizatorów — Warszawskiego Oddziału Polskiego Towarzystwa Biochemicznego oraz Instytutu Biochemii i Biofizyki PAN — serdecznie zapraszamy na sympozjum „COVID-19: diagnostyka, objawy kliniczne, leczenie, badania post mortem”, które odbędzie się on-line już 23 listopada w godzinach 10:00-14:00. Język: polski Uwaga: wymagana rejestracja TUTAJ. (…)

Scientific Council Prizes for articles published in 2021

It is our great pleasure to announce that Institute’s Scientific Council awarded prizes for the best articles published by IBB’s scientists in 2021. In the category of experimental articles: I prize: Detman A, Laubitz D, Chojnacka A, Kiela PR, Salamon A, Barberán A, Chen Y, Yang F, Błaszczyk MK, Sikora A. Dynamics of dark fermentation (…)

IBB scientists co-invented new RNA selection method

The new method of preparing RNA for sequencing Team lead by Dr Maria Górna from the Faculty of Chemistry, Warsaw University and Dr. Habil. Agata Starosta from the IBB PAS developed a new method of preparing RNA for high- throughput sequencing, which will facilitate the study of gene expression for many species of fungi, plants (…)


With deep sorrow, we regret to inform you that on October 15, 2022, prof. dr hab. Grażyna Palamarczyk passed away. The professor was an outstanding, internationally recognized specialist in the field of glycobiology. She worked at the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences from 1970, and from 1992 she was (…)

IBB DAY – October 11th

The Board of Directors of the Institute, together with the Chairman of the Scientific Council, invite all employees, doctoral students and students of IBB PAS to “IBB DAY”, which will be held on October 11, 2022. The lectures will be held in English. For presentations and lectures, we invite you to the Waclaw Gajewski Auditorium (…)

Miniatura 6

NCN – MINIATURE 6 grants awarded

Dr inż. Marta Hałasa (Laboratory of Transcription Mechanisms, IBB PAS) and dr Kamila Patrycja Liput (Laboratory of Molecular Basis of Aging and Rejuvenation, IBB PAS) were awarded a MINIATURE 6 NCN grants. Congratulations! The National Centre of Science (NCN) has published the 5th ranking list of the MINIATURA 6 competition. NCN experts have selected 115 (…)

Festiwal Nauki

The 26th Science Festival

IBB PAS traditionally takes part in The Science Festival in Warsaw. The 26th Science Festival started on Friday, with over 670 events planned: debates, meetings, exhibitions, and lessons for young people. This year’s festival is dedicated to energy, health and education. The event will last until September 30. The festival meetings are organized by scientific (…)

18th Congress of the Polish Biophysical Society (PTBF)

On 6-9 September 2022, the 18th Congress of the Polish Biophysical Society will be held at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw. This year’s preliminary program of the Congress is presented on website and is devoted to the issues of Mechanisms of ligand-receptor interactions, Medical applications of proteins and nucleic acids, (…)

PASIFIC Fellowship for Dr Jonak

We are happy to announce that Dr Katarzyna Jonak has been awarded the PASIFIC Postdoctoral Fellowship in the second Call of the programme. PASIFIC is organized by the Polish Academy of Sciences under Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Horizon 2020. In the second Call, 200 candidates applied for the Fellowship, and only 15 stipend holders were selected. (…)