
IBB PAS researchers received funds from National Science Center

We would like to inform that IBB PAS will be implementing new grants awarded by the National Science Center. MAESTRO grant will be implemented under the direction of Dr. Kevin Waldron. Dr hab. Roman Szczęsny and Dr Michał Turek will implement SONATA BIS grants. Prof. Magdalena Boguta oraz Prof. Wojciech Bal will supervise PRELUDIUM BIS (…)

Our scientists co-authored a publication in Nature

We are pleased to inform that Dr. Karolina Skorupińska-Tudek and Prof. Ewa Świeżewska are co-authors of an article published in prestigious Nature. In this paper the structure of WaaL from Cupriavidus metallidurans in complex with its product – undecaprenyl diphosphate is presented. WaaL is a glycosyltransferase carrying out the addition of the O-antigen to the (…)

Rare Disease Day at IBB PAS

Every year, on the last day of February, we celebrate the World Rare Disease Day. This day, we express our solidarity with those affected by these diseases and their caregivers. An expression of this solidarity is the international action of illuminating buildings with the colors of this day; green, blue and pink. This year, for (…)

IBB PAS participates in the international ISIDORe project

ISIDORe project aims to create a rapid response network developing agents neutralizing novel variants of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and other pathogens with pandemic potential. IBB PAS takes part in this project as the EU-OPENSCREEN “partner site”. For the IBB PAS the Department of Bioinformatics (in silico methods) and the Laboratory of Gene Expression Regulation (nanoantibodies) (…)


With great sorrow, we inform you about the death of our long-term employee of the Financial and Accounting Unit – Mrs. Renata Kamińska. Her knowledge and skills guaranteed the appropriate functioning of our Institute. For many of us – a Friend. For all of us – a guide through the accounting intricacies. A memorial service (…)

Independent and sovereign Ukraine-Суверенна та незалежна Україна

We express our opposition against actions taken by the Russian Federation towards independent and sovereign Ukraine. We encourage all people who would like to support the humanitarian action to participate in public donations and to support activities undertaken by the IBB PAS community. IBB PAS Authorities and Head of the Scientific Council Until today, 50 (…)

Awards for the IBB PAS scientists

With great pleasure, we announce that prof. dr hab. Agnieszka Sirko and prof. dr hab. Wojciech Bal received the Award of the Minister of Education and Science for lifetime achievements and significant scientific achievements respectively. Dr. Anna Kotrys received the Prime Minister Award for the outstanding Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations! Link to the ceremony       (…)

Myco RiseUp Conference

We would like to invite you to participate in the 3rd edition of MycoRise Up! Youth in Mycology Conference initiated by the Polish Mycological Society. It will take place in Warsaw between 27th and 29th of May 2022. The conference is co-organized by students from the Faculty of Biology (University of Warsaw), Botanical Garden (University (…)

Rare Disease Day 2022

For the fifth time, IBB PAS is organizing a mini-symposium on the International Rare Disease Day, coordinated by EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe. The event will be held on-line, in Polish. The Rare Disease Awareness Campaign will take place for the 15th time and will target millions of people in over 100 countries. Rare Disease Day is (…)

1st Polish Yeast Conference

Are you an yeast researcher or are you using yeast as a model organism? If YES, you are invited to participate in the historic 1st Polish Yeast Conference, Rzeszow, 22-24.06.2022, organized by the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics PAS and University of Rzeszow. Finally, it will happen in the hybrid formula: on site in the (…)


With deep sorrow, we would like to inform you that on January 3, 2022, Prof. Marcin Filutowicz, an outstanding scientist, our colleague and friend, passed away. Prof. Filutowicz was an employee of the Institute in 1974-1980, he worked at the Department of Biochemistry of Microbes. He was the initiator and co-implementer of numerous projects in (…)

The new program of MEiN “Pearls of Science”

The subject of the program is to create conditions for the development of uniquely talented graduates of first-cycle studies or students after completing the third or fourth year of studies, by enabling them to conduct scientific research or artistic creativity under the supervision of an academic or artistic supervisor. The first call for proposals for (…)