
Number of publications: 119
PRZEWLOKA M.R., VENKEI Z., BOLANOS-GARCIA V.M., DEBSKI J., DADLEZ M., GLOVER D.M., CENP-C is a structural platform for kinetochore assembly. Current Biology (2011) 21: 399-405 IF 10.025
NOWAK J.K., GROMADKA R., JUSZCZUK M., JERKA-DZIADOSZ M., MALISZEWSKA K., MUCCHIELLI M.H., GOUT J.F., ARNAIZ O., AGIER N., TANG T., AGGERBECK L., COHEN J., DELACROIX H., SPERLING L., HERBERT CH., ZAGULSKI M., BETERMIER M., A functional study of genes essential for autogamy and nuclear reorganization in Paramecium. Eukaryotic Cell (2011) 10(3): 363-372 IF 3.395
KRAMEROV A.A., GOLUB A.G., BDZHOLA V.G., YARMOLUK S.M., AHMED K., BRETNER M., LJUBIMOV A.V., Treatment of cultured human astrocytes and vascular endothelial cells with protein kinase CK2 inhibitors induces early changes in cell shape and cytoskeleton. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry (2011) 349: 125-137 IF 2.168
WIESYK A., CANDRESSE T., ZAGORSKI-OSTOJA W., GORA-SOCHACKA A., Use of randomly mutagenized genomic cDNA banks of potato spindle tuber viroid to screen for viable versions of the viroid genome. Journal of General Virology (2011) 92: 457-466 IF 3.568
GOLEC P., DĄBROWSKI K., HEJNOWICZ M.S., GOZDEK A., ŁOŚ J.M., WEGRZYN G., LOBOCKA M.B., ŁOŚ M., A reliable method for storage of talied phages. Journal of Microbiological Methods (2011) 84: 486-489 IF 2.018
KLONIECKI M., JABLONOWSKA A.M., POZNANSKI J., LANGRIDGE J., ,HUGHES CH., CAMPUZANO I., GILES K., DADLEZ M., Ion mobility separation coupled with MS detects two structural states of Alzheimer's disease Aβ1–40 peptide oligomers. Journal of Molecular Biology (2011) 407: 110-124 IF 4.008
JÓŹWIK A., SOKOLOWSKA B., NIEBROJ-DOBOSZ I., JANIK P., KWIECIŃSKI H., Extraction of biomedical traits for patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis using parallel and hierarchical classifiers. International Journal of Biometrics (2011) 3(1): 85-94 IF-
CIESIELSKI A., KRYGOWSKI T.M., CYRANSKI M.K., BALABAN A.T., Defining rules of aromaticity: a unified approach to the Hückel, Clar and Randić concepts. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2011) 13: 3737-3747 IF 3.453
KAPCZYŃSKA K., STEFANOWICZ P., JAREMKO L., JAREMKO M., KLUCZYK A., SZEWCZUK Z., The efficient synthesis of isotopically labeled peptide-derived Amadori products and their characterization. Amino Acids (2011) 40(3): 923-932 IF 4.106
JAREMKO L., JAREMKO M., ELFAKI I., MUELLER J.W., EJCHART A., BAYER P., ZHUKOV I., Structure and dynamics of the first archaeal parvulin reveal a new functionally important loop in parvulin-type prolyl isomerases. Journal of Biological Chemistry (2011) 286(8): 6554-6565 IF 5.328
ALEKSANDRZAK-PIEKARCZYK T., POLAK J., JEZIERSKA B., RENAULT P., BARDOWSKI J.K., Genetic characterization of the CcpA-dependent, cellobiose-specific PTS system comprising CelB, PtcB and PtcA that transports lactose in Lactococcus lactis IL1403. International Journal of Food Microbiology (2011) 145: 186-194 IF 3.143
GORKA-NIEC W., KANIA A., PERLINSKA-LENART U., SMOLENSKA-SYM G., PALAMARCZYK G., KRUSZEWSKA J.S., Integration of additional copies of Trichoderma reesei gene encoding protein O-mannosyltransferase I result in a decrease of the enzyme activity and alteration of cell wall composition. Fungal Biology former title: Mycological Research (2011) 155: 124-132 IF 2.259
BUCHOLC M., CIESIELSKI A., GOCH G., ANIELSKA-MAZUR A., KULIK A., KRZYWIŃSKA E., DOBROWOLSKA G., SNF1-related protein kinases 2 are negatively regulated by a plant-specific calcium sensor. Journal of Biological Chemistry (2011) 286(5): 3429-41 IF 5.328
PROTAS A.M., BONNA A., KOPERA E., BAL W., Selective peptide bond hydrolysis of cysteine peptides in the presence of Ni(II) ions. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry (2011) 105(1): 10-6 IF 3.317
NEJMAN B., NADRATOWSKA-WESOŁOWSKA B., SZALEWSKA-PALASZ A., WEGRZYN A., WEGRZYN G., Replication of plasmids derived from Shiga toxin-converting bacteriophages in starved Escherichia coli. Microbiology-SGM (2011) 157: 220-233 IF 2.957
MILANOWSKA K., KRWAWICZ J., PAPAJ G., KOSIŃSKI J., POLESZAK K., LESIAK J., OSIŃSKA E., ROTHER K., BUJNICKI J.M., REPAIRtoire—a database of DNA repair pathways. Nucleic Acids Research (2011) 39(1): D788-D792 IF 7.836
GAWEL D., JONCZYK P., FIJALKOWSKA I.J., SCHAAPER R.M, dnaX36 mutator of Escherichia coli : effect of the τ subunit of the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme on chromosomal DNA replication fidelity. Journal of Bacteriology (2011) 193(1): 296-300 IF 3.726
SZAMBOWSKA A., PIERECHOD M., WEGRZYN G., GLINKOWSKA M., Coupling of transcription and replication machineries in λ DNA replication initiation: evidence for direct interaction of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase and the λO protein. Nucleic Acids Research (2011) 39(1): 168-177 IF 7.836
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