
Number of publications: 119
RUSZCZYNSKA-BARTNIK K., MACIEJCZYK M., STOLARSKI R., Dynamical insight into Caenorhabditis elegans eIF4E recognition specificity for mono-and trimethylated structures of mRNA 5′ cap. Journal of Molecular Modeling (2011) 17(4) : 727-737 IF 1.871
SURMACZ L., ŚWIEŻEWSKA E., Polyisoprenoids - secondary metabolites or physiologically important superlipids? Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (2011) 407(4): 627-32 IF 2.595
MACIEJEWSKA A.M., SOKOLOWSKA B., NOWICKI A., KUSMIEREK J.T., The role of AlkB protein in repair of 1,N6-ethenoadenine in Escherichia coli cells. Mutagenesis (2011) 26(3): 401-406 IF 3.983
URBAS L., JARC B.L., BARUT M., ZOCHOWSKA M., CHROBOCZEK J., PIHLAR B., SZOLAJSKA E., Purification of recombinant adenovirus type 3 dodecahedric virus-like particles for biomedical applications using short monolithic columns. Journal of Chromatography A (2011) 1218 (17) : 2451-2459 IF 4.194
HALAS A., PODLASKA A., DERKACZ J., McINTYRE J., SKONECZNA A., SLEDZIEWSKA-GOJSKA E., The roles of PCNA SUMOylation, Mms2-Ubc13 and Rad5 in translesion DNA synthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Molecular Microbiology (2011) 80(3): 786-797 IF 4.819
JANIK J., SWOBODA M., JANOWSKA B., CIESLA J.M., GACKOWSKI D., KOWALEWSKI J., OLINSKI R., TUDEK B., SPEINA E., 8-Oxoguanine incision activity is impaired in lung tissues of NSCLC patients with the polymorphism of OGG1 and XRCC1 genes. Mutation Research / Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis (2011) 709-710: 21-21 IF 3.204
NOWAKOWSKI M., JAREMKO L., JAREMKO M., ZHUKOV I., BELCZYK-CIESIELSKA A., BIERZYNSKI A., EJCHART A., Solution NMR structure and dynamics of human apo-S100A1 protein. Journal of Structural Biology (2011) 174: 391-399 IF 3.497
SIKORA A., WÓJTOWICZ-SIEŃKO J., PIELA P., ZIELENKIEWICZ U., TOMCZYK-ZAK K., CHOJNACKA A., SIKORA R., KOWALCZYK P., GRZESIUK E., BŁASZCZYK M.K., Selection of bacteria capable of dissimilatory reduction of Fe(III) from a long-term continuous culture on molasses and their use in a microbial fuel cell. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology (2011) 21(3): 305-316 IF 1.224
GRACZYK D., DEBSKI J., MUSZYNSKA G., BRETNER M., LEFEBVRE O., BOGUTA M., Casein kinase II-mediated phosphorylation of general repressor Maf1 triggers RNA polymerase III activation. PNAS-Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2011) 108(12): 4926-4931 IF 9.771
ŚWIEŻEWSKA E., WOJCIK J., NMR of carbohydrates, lipids and membranes. Chapter in: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (p.533) Ed. G.A. Webb. RSC Publishing (2011) 40: 344-390, ISBN 978-1-84973-147-8
GOLEC P., WICZK A., ŁOŚ J.M., KONOPA G., WEGRZYN G., ŁOŚ M., Persistence of bacteriophage T4 in a starved Escherichia coli culture: evidence for the presence of phage subpopulations. Journal of General Virology (2011) 92: 997-1003 IF 3.568
DMOWSKI M., JAGURA-BURDZY G., Mapping of interactions between partition proteins Delta and Omega of plasmid pSM19035 from Streptococcus pyogenes. Microbiology-SGM (2011) 157: 1009-1020 IF 2.957
RUDA G.F., NGUYEN C., ZIEMKOWSKI P., FELCZAK K., KASINATHAN G., MUSSO-BUENDIA A., SUND C., ZHOU X.X., KAISER M., RUIZ-PERÉZ L.M., BRUN R., KULIKOWSKI T., JOHANSSON N.G., GONZÁLEZ-PACANOWSKA D., GILBERT I.H., Modified 5'-trityl nucleosides as inhibitors of Plasmodium falciparum dUTPase. ChemMedChem (2011) 6(2): 309-20 IF 3.306
KULINSKA A., CAO Y., MACIOSZEK M., HAYES F., JAGURA-BURDZY G., The centromere site of the segregation cassette of broad-host-range plasmid RA3 is located at the border of the maintenance and conjugative transfer modules. Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2011) 77(7) : 2414-2427 IF 3.778
ARCZEWSKA K., BAUMAIER C., KASSAHUN H., SENGUPTA T., BJORAS M., KUSMIEREK J.T., NILSEN H., Caenorhabditis elegans NDX-4 is a MutT- type enzyme that contributes to genomic stability. DNA Repair (2011) 10: 176-187 IF 4.293
BRZYWCZY J., KACPRZAK M., PASZEWSKI A., Novel mutations reveal two important regions in Aspergillus nidulans transcriptional activator MetR. Fungal Genetics and Biology (2011) 48: 104-112 IF 3.333
KAMIENSKA-TRELA K., WOJCIK J., Applications of spin-spin couplings. Chapter in: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (p.533) Ed. G.A. Webb. RSC Publishing (2011) 40: 162-204, ISBN 978-1-84973-147-8
BAL W., PROTAS A.M., KASPRZAK K.S., Genotoxicity of metal ions: chemical insights. Chapter in: Metal Ions in Life Sciences (p.422) Ed. A.Siegel, H.Siegel, R.K.O.Siegel. Royal Society of Chemistry 2011, v.8 p.319-373, ISBN 978-1-84973-211-6
KREZEL A., WOJCIK J., MACIEJCZYK M., BAL W., Zn(II) complexes of glutathione disulfide: structural basis of elevated stabilities. Inorganic Chemistry (2011) 50: 72-85 IF 4.325
STRANZL G.R., SANTELLI E., BANKSTON L.A., LA CLAIR C., BOBKOV A., SCHWARZENBACHER R., GODZIK A., PEREGO M., GRYNBERG M., LIDDINGTON R.C., Structural insights into inhibition of Bacillus anthracis sporulation by a novel class of non-heme globin sensor domains. Journal of Biological Chemistry (2001) 286(10) : 8448-8458 IF 5.328
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