
Number of publications: 170
PANAGIOTOPOULOU H., POPOVIC D., ZALEWSKA K., WEGLENSKI P., STANKOVIC A., Microsatellite multiplex assay for the analysis of Atlantic sturgeon populations. Journal of Applied Genetics (2014) 55(4): 505-510 IF 1.902
KOPERA E., DWORNYK A., KOSSON P., FLORYS K., SĄCZYŃSKA V., DEBSKI J., CECUDA-ADAMCZEWSKA V., SZEWCZYK B., ZAGORSKI-OSTOJA W., GRZELAK A., Expression, purification and characterization of glycosylated influenza H5N1 hemagglutinin produced in Pichia pastoris. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2014) 61(3): 597-602 IF 1.389
CHROBOCZEK J., SZURGOT I., SZOLAJSKA E., Virus-like particles as vaccine. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2014) 61(3): 531-539 IF 1.389
RADOMSKI J.P., SLONIMSKI P.P., ZAGORSKI-OSTOJA W., BOROWICZ P., Mapping of the influenza A hemagglutinin serotypes evolution by the ISSCOR method. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2014) 61(3): 441-451 IF 1.389
CIESIELSKI S., GÓRNIAK D., MOŻEJKO J., ŚWIĄTECKI A., GRZESIAK J., ZDANOWSKI M., The diversity of bacteria isolated from antarctic freshwater reservoirs possesing the ability to produce polyhydroxyalkanoates. Current Microbiology (2014) 69(5): 594-603 IF 1.359
SZATRAJ K., SZCZEPANKOWSKA A.K., SĄCZYŃSKA V., FLORYS K., GROMADZKA B., LEPEK K., PLUCIENNICZAK G., SZEWCZYK B., ZAGORSKI-OSTOJA W., BARDOWSKI J.K., Expression of avian influenza haemagglutinin (H5) and chicken interleukin 2 (chIL-2) under control of the ptcB promoter in Lactococcus lactis. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2014) 61(3): 609-614 IF 1.389
UZIĘBŁO-ŻYCZKOWSKA B., GIELERAK G., SIEDLECKI P., PAJĄK B., Genetic diversity of SCN5A gene and its possible association with the concealed form of Brugada syndrome development in polish group of patients. BioMed Research International (2014) Article ID 462609, 13 p. IF 2.706
ZARĘBA-KOZIOŁ M., SZWAJDA A., DADLEZ M., WYSLOUCH-CIESZYNSKA A., LALOWSKI M., Global analysis of S-nitrosylation sites in the wild type (APP) transgenic mouse brain-clues for synaptic pathology. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics (2014) 13(9): 2288-2305 IF 7.254
KOLESIŃSKI P., BELUSIAK I., CZARNOCKI-CIECIURA M., SZCZEPANIAK A., Rubisco Accumulation Factor 1 from Thermosynechococcus elongatus participates in the final stages of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase assembly in Escherichia coli cells and in vitro. FEBS Journal (2014) 281(17): 3920-3932 IF 3.986
KURZĄTKOWSKA K., MIELECKI M., GRZELAK A., VERWILST P., DEHAEN W., RADECKI J., RADECKA H., Immobilization of His-tagged kinase JAK2 onto the surface of a plasmon resonance gold disc modified with different copper (II) complexes. Talanta (2014) 130: 336-341 IF 3.511
REDKIEWICZ P.A., SIRKO A., KAMEL K.A., GORA-SOCHACKA A., Plant expression systems for production of hemagglutinin as a vaccine against influenza virus. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2014) 61(3): 551-560 IF 1.389
STACHYRA A., GORA-SOCHACKA A., SIRKO A., DNA vaccines against influenza. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2014) 61(3): 515-522 IF 1.389
JAROCKA U., SAWICKA R., GORA-SOCHACKA A., SIRKO A., ZAGORSKI-OSTOJA W., RADECKI J., RADECKA H., An immunosensor based on antibody binding fragments attached to gold nanoparticles for the detection of peptides derived from avian influenza hemagglutinin H5. Sensors (2014) 14(9): 15714-15728 IF 2.048
KALENIK B., SAWICKA R., GORA-SOCHACKA A., SIRKO A., Influenza prevention and treatment by passive immunization. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2014) 61(3): 573-587 IF 1.389
STACHYRA A., GORA-SOCHACKA A., ZAGORSKI-OSTOJA W., KRÓL E., SIRKO A., Antibody response to DNA vaccine against H5N1 avian influenza virus in broilers immunized according to three schedules. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2014) 61(3): 593-596 IF 1.389
BACZEWSKA A., DMUCHOWSKI W., JÓŹWIAK A., GOZDOWSKI D., BRĄGOSZEWSKA P., DĄBROWSKI P., ŚWIEŻEWSKA E., Effect of salt stress on prenol lipids in the leaves of Tilia ‘Euchlora’. Dendrobiology (2014) 72: 177-186 IF 0.525
RADZIWIŁŁ-BIEŃKOWSKA J.M., ŹOCHOWSKA D., BARDOWSKI J.K., MERCIER-BONIN M., KOWALCZYK M., Lactococcus lactis IBB477 presenting adhesive and muco-adhesive properties as a candidate carrier strain for oral vaccination against influenza virus. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2014) 61(3): 603-607 IF 1.389
OBSZAŃSKA K., KERN-ZDANOWICZ I., SITKIEWICZ I., Mechanizmy wirulencji paciorkowców β-hemolizujących. Postępy Mikrobiologii (2014) 53(2): 101-111 IF 0.271
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