
Number of publications: 170
MIERZEJEWSKA K., SIWEK W., CZAPIŃSKA H., KAUS-DROBEK M., RADLIŃSKA M., SKOWRONEK K., BUJNICKI J.M., DADLEZ M., BOCHTLER M., Structural basis of the methylation specificity of R.DpnI. Nucleic Acids Research (2014) 42(13): 8745-8754 IF 8.808
LEPEK K., PAJĄK B., SIEDLECKI P., NIEMCEWICZ M., KOCIK J., SHENG-WU H., YANG R., KUCHARCZYK K., SZEWCZYK B., Genetic diversity of hemagglutinin gene of A(H1N1)pdm09 influenza strains isolated in Taiwan and its potential impact on HA-neutralizing epitope interaction. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics (2014) 10(3): 577-585 IF 2.131
ZYLINSKA J., SIEMIANOWSKI K., BOHDZIEWICZ K., PAWLIKOWSKA K.P., KOLAKOWSKI P., SZPENDOWSKI J., BARDOWSKI J.K., Kultury starterowe do produkcji twarogów kwasowych - rola i oczekiwania. Postępy Mikrobiologii (2014) 53(3): 288-298 IF 0.271
WIERZCHOWSKI J., ANTOSIEWICZ J.M., SHUGAR D., 8-Azapurines as isosteric purine fluorescent probes for nucleic acid and enzymatic research. Molecular Biosystems (2014) 10(11): 2756-2774 IF 3.183
KACZMAREK R., BUCZKOWSKA A., MIKOŁAJEWICZ K., KROTKIEWSKI H., CZERWIŃSKI M., P1PK, GLOB, and FORS blood group systems and GLOB collection: biochemical and clinical aspects. Do we understand it all yet? Transfusion Medicine Reviews (2014) 28(3): 126-136 IF 4.538
GONCIARZ M., WIKTOR J., TATAREK A., WEGLENSKI P., STANKOVIC A., Genetic characteristics of three Baltic Zostera marina populations. Oceanologia (2014) 56(3): 549-564 IF 0.927
BACA M., MOLAK M., SOBCZYK M., WEGLENSKI P., STANKOVIC A., Locals, resettlers, and pilgrims: a genetic portrait of three pre-Columbian Andean populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology (2014) 154(3): 402-412 IF 2.514
DUDEK M., ROMANOWSKA J., WITUŁA T., TRYLSKA J., Interactions of amikacin with the RNA model of the ribosomal A-site: computational, spectroscopic and calorimetric studies. Biochimie (2014) 102: 188-202 IF 3.123
OLSZEWSKI P., SZAMBOWSKA A., BARANSKA S., NARAJCZYK M., WEGRZYN G., GLINKOWSKA M., A dual promoter system regulating λ DNA replication initiation. Nucleic Acids Research (2014) 42(7): 4450-4462 IF 8.808
SŁAWIŃSKA A., SIWEK M., ZYLINSKA J., BARDOWSKI J.K., BRZEZIŃSKA J., GULEWICZ K.A., NOWAK M., URBANOWSKI M., PŁOWIEC A., BEDNARCZYK M., Influence of synbiotics delivered in ovo on immune organs development and structure. Folia Biologica-Kraków (2014) 62(3): 277-285 IF 0.478
MAJOREK K.A., DUNIN-HORKAWICZ S., STECZKIEWICZ K., MUSZEWSKA A., NOWOTNY M., GINALSKI K., BUJNICKI J.M., The RNase H-like superfamily: new members, comparative structural analysis and evolutionary classification. Nucleic Acids Research (2014) 42(7): 4160-4179 IF 8.808
MOSKOT M., MONTEFUSCO S., JAKOBKIEWICZ-BANECKA J., MOZOLEWSKI P., WEGRZYN A., BERNARDO D.D., WEGRZYN G., MEDINA L.D., BALLABIO A., GABIG-CIMIŃSKA M., The phytoestrogen genistein modulates lysosomal metabolism and transcription factor EB (TFEB) activation. Journal of Biological Chemistry (2014) 289(24): 17054-17069 IF 4.600
BACA M., MACKIEWICZ P., STANKOVIC A., POPOVIC D., STEFANIAK K., CZARNOGÓRSKA K., NADACHOWSKI A., GĄSIOROWSKI M., HERCMAN H., WEGLENSKI P., Ancient DNA and dating of cave bear remains from Niedźwiedzia Cave suggest early appearance of Ursus ingressus in Sudetes. Quaternary International (2014) 339-340: 217-223 IF 2.128
MIKUŁA E., WYSLOUCH-CIESZYNSKA A., ZHUKOVA L., PUCHALSKA M., VERWILST P., DEHAEN W., RADECKI J., RADECKA H., Voltammetric detection of S100B protein using his-tagged receptor domains for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) immobilized onto a gold electrode surface. Sensors (2014) 14(6): 10650-10663 IF 2.048
MATHYS H., BASQUIN J., OZGUR S., CZARNOCKI-CIECIURA M., BONNEAU F., AARTSE A., DZIEMBOWSKI A., NOWOTNY M., CONTI E., FILIPOWICZ W., Structural and biochemical insights to the role of the CCR4-NOT Complex and DDX6 ATPase in MicroRNA repression. Molecular Cell (2014) 54(5): 751-765 IF 14.464
CZERWIŃSKA J., POZNANSKI J., DEBSKI J., BUKOWY Z., BOHR V.A., TUDEK B., SPEINA E., Catalytic activities of Werner protein are affected by adduction with 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal. Nucleic Acids Research (2014) 42(17): 11119-11135 IF 8.808
GOS M., FAHIMINIYA S., POZNANSKI J., KLAPECKI J., OBERSZTYN E., PIOTROWICZ M., WIERZBA J., POSMYK R., BAL J., MAJEWSKI J., Contribution of RIT1 mutations to the pathogenesis of noonan syndrome: four new cases and further evidence of heterogeneity. American Journal of Medical Genetics-PART A (2014) 164A(9): 2310-2316 IF 2.048
SABAŁA I., JAGIELSKA E., BARDELANG P.T., CZAPIŃSKA H., DAHMS S.O., SHARPE J.A., JAMES R., THAN M.E., THOMAS N.R., BOCHTLER M., Crystal structure of the antimicrobial peptidase lysostaphin from Staphylococcus simulans. FEBS Journal (2014) 281(18): 4112-4122 IF 3.986
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