
Number of publications: 102
MICIALKIEWICZ A., CHELSTOWSKA A., The essential function of Swc4p - a protein shared by two chromatin-modifying complexes of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae - resides within its N-terminal part. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2008) 55(3): 603-612 IF 1,261
KRUSZEWSKA J.S., PERLINSKA-LENART U., GORKA-NIEC W., ORLOWSKI J., ZEMBEK P., PALAMARCZYK G., Alterations in protein secretion caused by metabolic engineering of glycosylation pathways in fungi. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2008) 55 (3): 447-456 IF 1,261
ANTOSIEWICZ D.M., SIRKO A., SOWIŃSKI P., Trace element transport in plants. Chapter in: Trace elements as contaminants and nutrients: Consequences in ecosystems and human health. Ed. M.N.V. Prasad. Wiley: New Jersey 2008; ISBN 978-0-470-18095-2 p.413-447 IF-
LEWANDOWSKA M., SIRKO A., Recent advances in understanding plant response to sulfur-deficiency stress. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2008) 55(3): 457-471 IF 1,261
BANDURSKA K.M., BRODZIK R., SPITSIN S., KOHL T., PORTOCARRERO C., SMIRNOV Y., POTREBNYAK N., SIRKO A., KOPROWSKI H., GOLOVKIN M., Plant-produced Hepatitis B core protein chimera carrying anthrax protective antigen domain-4. Hybridoma (2008) 27(4): 241-247 IF 0,411
TONSKA K., KURZAWA M., AMBROZIAK A.M., KORWIN-RUJNA M., SZAFLIK J.P., GRABOWSKA E., SZAFLIK J.,BARTNIK E., A family with 3460G>A and 11778G>B mutations and haplogroup analysis of Polish Leber hereditary optic neuropathy patients. Mitochondrion (2008) 8: 383-388 IF 3,209
STAWIECKA M., KAMINSKA J., URBAN-GRIMAL D., HAINES D.S., ZOLADEK T., Nedd4, a human ubiquitin ligase, affects actin cytoskeleton in yeast cells. Experimental Cell Research (2008) 314: 3318-3325 IF 3,695
BUKOWY Z., HARRIGAN J.A., RAMSDEN D.A., TUDEK B., BOHR V.A., STEVNSNER T., WRN exonuclease activity is blocked by specific oxidatively induced base lesions positioned in either DNA strand. Nucleic Acid Research (2008) 36(15): 4975-4987 IF 6,954
KNIŻEWSKI Ł., GINALSKI K., JERZMANOWSKI A., Snf2 proteins in plants: gene silencing and beyond. Trends in Plant Science (2008) 13(10): 557-565 IF 8,995
STANKIEWICZ-DROGOŃ A., PALCHYKOVSKA L., KOSTINA V., ALEXEEVA I.V., SHVED A.D., BOGUSZEWSKA-CHACHULSKA A.M., New acridone-4-carboxylic acid derivatives as potential inhibitors of Hepatis C virus infection. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry (2008) 16: 8846-8852 IF 2,662
JANION C., Inducible SOS response system of DNA repair and mutagenesis in Escherichia coli. International Journal of Biological Sciences (2008) 4(6): 338-344 IF unofficial 3,24
KALISZEWSKI P., SZKOPINSKA A., FERREIRA T., ŚWIEŻEWSKA E., BERGES T., ZOLADEK T., Rsp5p ubiquitin ligase and the transcriptional activators Spt23p and Mga2p are involved in co-regulation of biosynthesis of end products of the mevalonate pathway and triacylglycerol in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids (2008) 1781: 627-634 IF 3,539
CENA A., KOZLOWSKA E., PLOCHOCKA D., GRYNBERG M., ISHIKAWA T., FRONK J., KURLANDZKA A., The F658G substitution in Sacharomyces cerevisiae cohesin Irr1/Scc3 is semi-dominant in the diploid and disturbs mitosis, meiosis and the cell cycle. European Journal of Cell Biology (2008) 87: 831-844 IF 3,224
LAMPKOWSKA J.B., FELD L., MANAGHAN A., TOOMEY N., SCHJORRING S., JACOBSEN B., VAN DER VOET H., ANDERSEN S.R., BOLTON D., AARTS H., KROGFELT K.A., WILCKS A., BARDOWSKI J.K., A standardized conjugation protocol to asses antibiotic resistance transfer between lactococcal species. International Journal of Food Microbiology (2008) 127: 172-175 IF 2,581
KRAMEROV A.A., SAGHIZADEH M., CABALLERO S., SHAW L.C., LI CALZI S., BRETNER M., MONTENARH M., PINNA L.A., GRANT M.B., LJUBIMOV A.V., Inhibition of protein kinase CK2 suppresses angiogenesis and hematopoietic stem cell recruitment to retinal neovascularization sites. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry (2008) 316: 177-186 IF 1,707
BRETNER M., NAJDA-BERNATOWICZ A., LEBSKA M., MUSZYNSKA G., KILANOWICZ A., SAPOTA A., New inhibitors of protein kinase CK2, analogues of benzimidazole and benzotriazole. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry (2008) 316: 87-89 IF 1,707
QIN XINYUE,KWANSA HERMAN,BUCCI E., DORE S., BOEHNING D., SHUGAR D., KOEHLER RAYMOND C., Role of heme oxygenase-2 in pial arteriolar response to acetylocholine in mice with and withaut transfusion of cell-free hemoglobin polymers. American Journal of Physiology- Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology (2008) 295: R498-R504 IF 3,661
KULINSKA A., CZEREDYS M., HAYES F., JAGURA-BURDZY G., Genomic and functional characterization of the modular broad-host-range RA3 plasmid, the archetype of the IncU group. Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2008) 74(3): 4119-4132 IF 4,004
BRODACKI BOGDAN,STASZEWSKI J., TOCZYLOWSKA B., KOZLOWSKA E., DRELA NADZIEJA,CHALIMONIUK M., STĘPIEŃ A., Serum interleukin (IL-2, IL-10, IL-6,IL-4), TNFα, and INFγ concentrations are elevated in patiens with atypical and idiopathic parkinsonism. Neuroscience Letters (2008) 441: 158-162 IF 2,085
KAMIENSKA-TRELA K., WOJCIK J., Applications of spin-spin coupling. Chapter in: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Specialist Periodical Reports. RSC Publishing (2008) 37: 145-179; ISBN: 0 85404 362 4
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