
Number of publications: 116
SUNITA S., PURTA E., DURAWA M., TKACZUK K.L., SWAATHI J., BUJNICKI J.M., SIVARAMAN J., Functional specialization of domains tandemly duplicated within 16S rRNA methyltransferase RsmC. Nucleic Acids Research (2007) 35(13): 4264-74 IF 6.317
CZYZ A., STILLMOCK K.A., HAZUDA D.J., REZNIKOFF W.S., Dissecting Tn5 transposition using HIV-1 integrase diketoacid inhibitors. Biochemistry (2007) 46(38): 10776-89 IF 3.633
ULANOWSKA K., MAJCHRZYK A., MOSKOT M., JAKOBKIEWICZ-BANECKA J., WEGRZYN G., Assessment of antibacterial effects of flavonoids by estimation of generation times in liquid bacterial cultures. Biologia (Bratislava) (2007) 62(2): 132-135 IF 0.213
SANTINI G.P.H., PAKLEZA CH., AUFFINGER P., MORIOU C., FAVRE A., CLIVIO P., COGNET J.A.H., Dinucleotide TpT and its 2'-O-Me analogue possess different backbone conformations and flexibilities but similar stacked geometries. Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2007) 111(31): 9400-9409 IF 4.115
LIU Y., ELSHOLZ B., ENFORS S.-O., GABIG-CIMIŃSKA M., Confirmative electric DNA array-based test for food poisoning Bacillus cereus. Journal of Microbiological Methods (2007) 70(1): 55-64 IF 2.442
SARNOWSKA E., GRZYBOWSKA E.A., SOBCZAK K., KONOPIŃSKI R., WILCZYŃSKA A., SZWARC M., SARNOWSKI T.J., KRZYŻOSIAK W.J., SIEDLECKI J.A., Hairpin structure within the 3'UTR of DNA polymerase beta mRNA acts as a post-transcriptional regulatory element and interacts with Hax-1. Nucleic Acids Reserch (2007) 35(16): 5499-510 IF 6.317
McINTYRE J., BARANOWSKA H., SKONECZNA A., HALAS A., SLEDZIEWSKA-GOJSKA E., The spectrum of spontaneous mutations caused by deficiency in proteasome maturase Ump1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Current Genetics (2007) 52: 221-228 IF 2,507
ŁOŚ M., GOLEC P., ŁOŚ J.M., WEGLEWSKA A., CZYZ A., WEGRZYN A., WEGRZYN G., NEUBAUER P., Effective inhibition of lytic development of bacteriophages λ, Pl and T4 by starvation of their host, Escherichia coli. BMC Biotechnology (2007) 7:13 BS IF 2,742
MARCZEWSKI A., CIEPICHAL-GLODOWSKA E., CANH L.X., BACH T.T., ŚWIEŻEWSKA E., CHOJNACKI T., The search for polyprenols in dendroflora of Vietnam. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2007) 54(4): 727-732 IF 1,363
LEWANDOWSKA M., BORCZ B., KAMINSKA J..,WAWRZYNSKI A., SIRKO A., Polyadenylation and decay of 26S rRNA as part of Nicotiana tabacum response to cadmium. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2007) 54(4): 747-755 IF 1,363
MIAZGA A.A., FELCZAK K., SIWECKA M.A., LIPNIACKI A., PIASEK A., KULIKOWSKI T., Synthesis and anti-HIV properties of novel 6-phenylselenenyl-5-propyluracils. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2007) 54(4): 863-868 IF 1,363
SKORUPINSKA-TUDEK K., PYTELEWSKA A., ZELMAN-FEMIAK M., MIKOSZEWSKI J., OLSZOWSKA O., GAJDZIS-KULS D., URBANSKA N., SYKLOWSKA-BARANEK K., HERTEL J., CHOJNACKI T., ŚWIEŻEWSKA E., In vitro plant tissue cultures accumulate polyisoprenoid alcohols. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2007) 54(4): 847-852 IF 1,363
MADEJA Z., RAK M., WYBIERALSKA E., ROZANSKI I., MASNYK M., CHMIELEWSKI M., LYSEK R., CHOJNACKI T., JANKOWSKI W., CIEPICHAL-GLODOWSKA E., ŚWIEŻEWSKA E., TEKLE M., DALLNER G., New cationic polyprenyl derivative proposed as a lipofecting agent. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2007) 54(4): 873-876 IF 1,363
MACIAG M., PLOCHOCKA D., JABLONSKA-SKWIECINSKA E., MENDEK-CZAJKOWSKA E., GOLASZEWSKA E., STROJNY W., BALWIERZ W., ZDEBSKA E., BURZYNSKA B., Molecular analysis of three novel G6PD variants: G6PD Pedopolis-Ckaro, G6PD Piotrkow and G6PD Krakow. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2007) 54(4): 877-881 IF 1,363
ZHUKOV I., BAYER P., SCHOLERMANN B., EJCHART A., 15N magnetic relaxation study of backbone dynamics of the ribosome- associated cold shock response protein Yfia of Esterichia coli. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2007) 54(4): 769-775 IF 1,363
CZERSKI I., KAMIENSKA-TRELA K., KOZMINSKI W., RATAJCZYK T., SZYMANSKI S., WOJCIK J., J(F,H), J (C,H) and J (H,H) couplings involving the individual methyl group protons in 1,2,3,4-tetrachloro-5,6,7,8-tetrafluoro-9methyltriptycene. evidence of blue-shifting hydrogen bond. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry (2007) 45: 1040-1044 IF 1,58
LISZEWSKA F., LEWANDOWSKA M., PLOCHOCKA D., SIRKO A., Mutational analysis of O-acetylserine (thiol) lyase conducted in yeast two-hybrid system. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Proteins and Proteomics (2007) 1774: 450-455 IF 3,311
CHEN M. M., WEERAPANA E., CIEPICHAL-GLODOWSKA E., STUPAK J., REID CH.W., ŚWIEŻEWSKA E., IMPERIALI B., Polyisoprenol specificity in the Campylobacter jejuni N-linked glycosylation pathway. Biochemistry 2007 46: 14342-14348 IF 3,237
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