
Number of publications: 102
WANG Z., JIN L., WEGRZYN G., WEGRZYN A., Screening of the osmotic pressure-inducible promoter regions from the whole genome of Escherichia coli by using a novel cloning method. Biotechnology Letters (2008) 30:707-711 IF 1,222
SZCZESNY P., LINKE D., URSINUS A., BAR K., SCHWARZ H., RIESS T.M., KEMPF V. A.J., LUPAS A.N., MARTIN J., ZETH K., Structure of the head of the Bartonella adhesin BadA. PLoS Pathogens (2008) 4(8): e1000119 (12pp.) IF 9,336
BEDNARSKA S., LEROY P., ZAGULSKI M., BARTOSZ G., Efficacy of antioxidants in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae correlates with their effects on protein thiols. Biochimie (2008) 90: 1476-1485 IF 2,899
SZCZESNY P., LUPAS A.N., Domain annotation of trimeric autotransporter adhesins - daTAA. Bioinformatics (2008) 24(10): 1251-1256 IF 5,039
COURTOIS C., BESSON-BARD A., DAHAN J., BOURQUE S., DOBROWOLSKA G., PUGIN A., WENDEHENNE D., Nitric oxide signalling in plants: interplays with Ca2+ and protein kinases. Journal of Experimental Botany (2008) 56(2): 155-163 IF 3,917
BESSON-BARD A., COURTOIS C., GAUTHIER A., DAHAN J., DOBROWOLSKA G., JEANDROZ S., PUGIN A., WENDEHENNE D., Nitric oxide in plants: production and cross-talk with Ca2+ signaling. Molecular Plant (2008) 1(2): 218-228 IF-
MALTSEV S., SIZOVA O., UTKINA N., SHIBAEV V., CHOJNACKI T., JANKOWSKI W., ŚWIEŻEWSKA E., Prenyl sulfates as alkylating reagents for mercapto amino acids. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2008) 55(4): 807-813 IF 1,261
BENTINGER M., TEKLE M., BRISMAR K., CHOJNACKI T., ŚWIEŻEWSKA E., DALLNER G., Stimulation of coenzyme Q synthesis. BioFactors (2008) 32(1): 99-111 IF 1,095
KRASZEWSKA E., The plant nudix hydrolase family. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2008) 55(4): 663-671 IF 1,261
WĄSOWICZ M., VISWANATHAN S., DVORNYK A., GRZELAK A., KLUDKIEWICZ B., RADECKA H., Comparison of electrochemical immunosensors based on gold nano materials and immunoblot techniques for detection of histidine-tagged proteins in culture medium. Biosensors and Bioelectronics (2008) (24): 284-289 IF 5,061
MACIAG M., PLOCHOCKA D., ADAMOWICZ-SALACH A., JACKOWSKA T., MENDEK-CZAJKOWSKA E., PAWELCZYK A., ZDEBSKA E., BURZYNSKA B., Diversity of thalassemia variants in Poland - screening by real-time PCR. Acta Haematologica (2008) 120: 153-157 IF 1,564
KALISZEWSKI P., ZOLADEK T., The role of Rsp5 ubiquitin ligase in regulation of diverse processes in yeast cells. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2008) 55(4): 649-662 IF 1,261
JANKOWSKA A., WRZESINSKI M., LAUBITZ D., KAZIMIERCZAK W., SKRZYPEK H., BARDOWSKI J.K., ZABIELSKI R., GRZESIUK E., Intestinal MMC-related electric fields and pancreatic juice control the adhesion of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria to the gut epithelium - in vitro study. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology (2008) 59: 795-810 IF 4,466
PAWLOWSKI P.H., BURZYNSKA B., ZIELENKIEWICZ P., Theoretical model of thalassemic erythrocyte shape transformation. Journal of Theoretical Biology (2008) 254: 575-579 IF 2,323
WOJAS S., CLEMENS S., HENNIG J., SKŁODOWSKA A., KOPERA E., SCHAT H., BAL W., ANTOSIEWICZ D.M., Overexpression of phytochelatin synthase in tobacco: distinctive effects of AtPCS1 and CePCS genes on plant response to cadmium. Journal of Experimental Botany (2008) 59(8): 2205-2219 IF 3,917
WITEK A., WITEK K., HENNIG J., Conserved Cys residue influences catalytic properties of potato endo-(1-3)-ß-glucanase GLUB20-2. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2008) 55 (4): 791-797 IF 1,261
GROMADZKA B., ŚMIETANKA K., DRAGUN J., MINTA Z., GORA-SOCHACKA A., SZEWCZYK B., Detection of changes in avian influenza genome fragments by multitemperature single-strand conformational polymorphism. Molecular and Cellular Probes (2008) 22: 301-304 IF 2,364
POLKOWSKA-KOWALCZYK L., MONTILLET J.L., AGNEL J.P., TRIANTAPHYLIDES CH., WIELGAT B., MACIEJEWSKA U., Changes in the initial phase of lipid peroxidation induced by elicitor from Phytophthora infestans in Solanum species. Journal of Plant Physiology (2008) 165: 1929-1939 IF 2,239
WIECZOREK G., ZIELENKIEWICZ P., Influence of macromolecular crowding on protein-protein association rates - a brownian dynamics study. Biophysical Journal (2008) 95: 5030-5036 IF 4,757
BRAGOSZEWSKI P., KUPRYJANCZYK J., BARTNIK E., RACHINGER A., OSTROWSKI J., Limited clinical relevance of mitochondrial DNA mutation and gene expression analyses in ovarian cancer. BMC Cancer (2008) 8: 292 / 9pp. IF 2,71
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