
Number of publications: 119
KONOPKA-POSTUPOLSKA D., CLARK G., HOFMANN A., Structure, function and membrane interactions of plant annexins: An update. Plant Science (2011) 181: 230-241 IF 2.481
BRZEŹNIAK L.K., BIJATA M., SZCZESNY R.J., STEPIEN P.P., Involvement of human ELAC2 gene product in 3'end processing of mitochondrial tRNAs. RNA Biology (2011) 8(4): 616-626 IF 5.597
JEDRZEJCZAK R., WANG J., DAUTER M., SZCZESNY R.J., STEPIEN P.P., DAUTER Z., Human Suv3 protein reveals unique features among SF2 helicases. Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography (2011) D67: 988-996 IF 6.326
VENØ S.T., KULIKOWICZ T., PESTANA C., STEPIEN P.P., STEVNSNER T., BOHR V.A., The human Suv3 helicase interacts with replication protein A and flap endonuclease 1 in the nucleus. Biochemical Journal (2011) 440: 293–300 IF 5.016
TRAPANI L., MELLI L., SEGATTO M., TREZZA V., CAMPOLONGO P., JÓŹWIAK A., ŚWIEŻEWSKA E., PUCILLO L.P., MORENO S., FANELLI F., LINARI M., PALLOTTINI V., Effects of myosin heavy chain (MHC) plasticity induced by HMGCoA-reductase inhibition on skeletal muscle functions. The FASEB Journal (2011) 25: 4037-4047 IF 6.515
MUSZEWSKA A., TAYLOR J., SZCZESNY P., GRYNBERG M., Independent subtilases expansions in fungi associated with animals. Molecular Biology and Evolution (2011) 28(12): 3395-3404 IF 5.510
JAKOBKIEWICZ-BANECKA J., PIOTROWSKA E., GABIG-CIMIŃSKA M., BORYSIEWICZ E., SŁOMIŃSKA-WOJEWÓDZKA M., NARAJCZYK M., WEGRZYN A., WEGRZYN G., Substrate reduction therapies for mucopolysaccharidoses. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (2011) 12: 1860-1865 IF 3.455
TOCZYLOWSKA B., PIOTROWSKI M., CHALIMONIUK M., 31P high resolution NMR spectroscopy in analysis of phosphate-containing compounds of bile. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering (2011) 31(1): 63-71 IF 0.207
NIEBROJ-DOBOSZ I., MADEJ-PILARCZYK A., MARCHEL M., SOKOLOWSKA B., HAUSMANOWA-PETRUSEWICZ I., Osteopontin - a fibrosis-related marker - in dilated cardiomyopathy in patients with Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical & Laboratory Investigation (2011) 71: 658-662 IF 1.629
SOKOLOWSKA B., MACIEJEWSKA A.M., JÓŹWIK A., KUSMIEREK J.T., Estimation of significance of AlkB and AlkA proteins in DNA repair in Escherichia coli model. Journal of Medical Informatics & Technologies (2011) 17: 321-326 IF-
FORONCEWICZ B., MUCHA K., GRYSZKIEWICZ J., FLORCZAK M., MULKA A., CHMURA A., SZMIDT J., PATKOWSKI W., PĄCZEK L., Dietary supplements and herbal preparations in renal and liver transplant recipients. Transplantation Proceedings (2011) 43: 2935-2937 IF 0.993
FORONCEWICZ B., MUCHA K., SZPARAGA B., RACZYŃSKA J., CISZEK M., PILECKI T., KRAWCZYK M., PĄCZEK L., Rehabilitation and 6-minute walk test after liver transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings (2011) 43: 3021-3024 IF 0.993
WŁODARSKI T., KUTNER J., TOWPIK J., KNIŻEWSKI Ł., RYCHLEWSKI L., KUDLICKI A., ROWICKA M., DZIEMBOWSKI A., GINALSKI K., Comprehensive structural and substrate specificity classification of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae methyltransferome. PLoS ONE (2011) 6(8): e23168 IF 4.411
LUBAS M., CHRISTENSEN M.S., KRISTIANSEN M.S., DOMAŃSKI M., FALKENBY L.G., LYKKE-ANDERSEN S., ANDERSEN J.S., DZIEMBOWSKI A., JENSEN T.H., Interaction profiling identifies the human nuclear exosome targeting complex. Molecular Cell (2011) 43: 624-637 IF 14.194
KOMOROWSKA B., SIEDLECKI P., KACZANOWSKI S., HASIÓW-JAROSZEWSKA B., MALINOWSKI T., Sequence diversity and potential recombination events in the coat protein gene of Apple stem pitting virus. Virus Research (2011) 158: 263-267 IF 2.905
NIEBROJ-DOBOSZ I., MADEJ-PILARCZYK A., MARCHEL M., SOKOLOWSKA B., HAUSMANOWA-PETRUSEWICZ I., Circulating tenascin-C levels in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy in the course of Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy. Clinica Chimica Acta (2011) (17-18): 1533-1538 IF 2.389
RANGONE H., WEGEL E., GATT M.K., YEUNG E., FLOWERS A., DEBSKI J., DADLEZ M., JANSSENS V., CARPENTER A.T.C., GLOVER D.M., Suppression of scant identifies endos as a substrate of greatwall kinase and a negative regulator of protein phosphatase 2A in mitosis. PLoS Genetics (2011) 7(8): e1002225 IF 9.543
ALABRUDZIŃSKA M., SKONECZNY M., SKONECZNA A., Diploid-specific genome stability genes of S. cerevisiae: genomic screen reveals haploidization as an escape from persisting DNA rearrangement stress. PLoS ONE (2011) 6(6): e21124 IF 4.411
DĄBROWSKA M., SKONECZNY M., RODE W., Functional gene expression profile underlying methotrexate-induced senescence in human colon cancer cells. Tumor Biology (2011) 32(5): 965-76 IF 2.026
WOJTAL I., PIONTEK P., GRZELA R., JARMOŁOWSKI A., ZAGORSKI-OSTOJA W., CHROBOCZEK J., Analysis of potyvirus terminal protein VPg-transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2011) 58(3): 349-53 IF 1.234
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