Tomasz J. Sarnowski, PhD, DSc, Prof. of IBB PAS
Laboratory of Gene Expression RegulationThe Laboratory is interested in deciphering the evolutionarily conserved and diversified molecular properties of SWI/SNF chromatin remodelling complexes in various models including human, plants and shrimps. We aim to understand (…)
Anna Sikora, PhD, DSc, Prof. of IBB PAS
Laboratory of White BiotechnologyOur laboratory is interested in microbial interactions and functions in built-environment microbiomes, especially anaerobic digestion microbiomes. The long-term goal of our studies is the microbial production of biohydrogen and biomethane (…)
Agnieszka Sirko, PhD, DSc, Prof.
Laboratory of Plant Protein HomeostasisOur laboratory focuses on the role of protein degradation in the plant response to abiotic stress. We seek to dissect the complex network that is responsible for the selectivity of (…)
Adrianna Skoneczna, PhD, DSc, Prof. of IBB PAS
Laboratory of Genetic Stability MechanismsThe maintenance of genome stability is an essential task that ensures proper cell function. Under stressful conditions, it becomes crucial for survival. Our research uses budding yeast as an experimental (…)
Ewa Śledziewska-Gójska, PhD, DSc, Prof.
Laboratory of Mutagenesis and DNA Damage ToleranceWe are interested in processes that affect DNA stability by regulating DNA damage tolerance pathways via translesion synthesis (TLS), with a special focus on TLS DNA polymerases in yeast and (…)
Agata Starosta, PhD, DSc
Laboratory of TranslatomicsOur lab is interested in gene expression regulation on a translational level in various bacteria. Using Next Generation Sequencing techniques (including ribosome profiling) in combination with molecular biology and biochemical (…)
Ewa Kula-Świeżewska, PhD, DSc, Prof.
Laboratory of Lipid BiochemistryOur studies focus on identifying cellular functions of isoprenoids and the regulatory mechanisms that govern their biosynthesis. We seek to elucidate the biochemical pathways that lead to the formation of (…)
Szymon Świeżewski, PhD, DSc, Prof. of IBB PAS
Laboratory of Seeds Molecular BiologySeed dormancy reflects the ability of plants not to germinate despite favorable conditions. Seed dormancy is a fascinating seed property that underlies seed-plant ecological success and forms the overall basis (…)
Roman J. Szczęsny, PhD, DSc
Laboratory of RNA BiologyOur laboratory is interested in mechanisms that control the quality, quantity, and processing of RNAs that originate from expression of the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes in humans. Our main goal (…)