
PhD Student’s Seminar

Anna Niemiro
“Role of NBR1 and LSU in regulation of catalase upon sulfur starvation”

Anna Stroynowska-Czerwińska
“Clustered PHD domains in mixed lineage leukemia proteins are attracted by acetylation-rich active promoters and enhancers” (…)

PhD thesis defence

mgr Michał Krawczyk

“New mechanisms engaging Mms2 protein in shaping genetic stability of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells” (…)

PhD thesis defence

mgr Karolina Wojciechowska

“ESCRT-I depletion sensitizes cancer cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis through accumulated TRAILR2” (…)

Institute Seminar

Prof. Bożena Kamińska-Kaczmarek

Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS

FNP Prize Lecture (…)

Institute Seminar

Dr Lien Brzeźniak

Laboratory of Seeds Molecular Biology, IBB PAS

A general transcription factor, TFIIB, controls transcriptional memory by stabilizing gene topology in Arabidopsis thaliana (…)

PhD thesis defence

mgr Agnieszka Fatalska

“Structural studies of core centriolar proteins and their complexes using hydrogen-deuterium exchange monitored by mass spectrometry” (…)

PhD Student’s Seminar

Katarzyna Dąbrowska

“Mass spectrometry-based structural analysis of gp43 polymerase and gp61 primase complex from bacteriophage” (…)

Institute Seminar

dr Grzegorz Zając

AstraZeneca Pharma Poland

R&D Seminar Series (…)

PhD Student’s Seminar

Bartosz Baranowski
“ProFaNA – Protein Family Neighborhood Analysis, tool for determining the function of unknown genes”

Aleksandra Robak
“Diagnosis of pleural effusions using mass spectrometry-based targeted proteomics” (…)

Institute Seminar

Prof. Thomas Meier

Imperial College London, UK

Structure of ATP synthase and its role as a new drug target against infectious diseases (…)

Institute Seminar – Poster Session

Posters #1-30

We invite you to participate in the Poster Session on November 30, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. Posters #1-30 prepared for the Scientific Session of IBB PAS will be presented. The session will last until 10:45 am. (…)

PhD Student’s Seminar

Anna Znój
„Rhizosphere microbiota of invasive and native Magnoliophyta plants in Antarctica”

Dominik Rafalski
„The sequence specificity of mammalian Tet dioxygenases” (…)