
Piotr Zielenkiewicz, PhD, DSc, Prof.

Department of Bioinformatics

ORCID: 0000-0001-8151-6874


Research Scope

Our laboratory applies in silico approaches to address molecular biology problems.


Main Scientific Achievements

  • We established the general methodology for the construction of protein-protein interaction peptide inhibitors and successfully applied it to a number of biologically meaningful examples.
  • We discovered novel potent deltaF508-CFTR correctors as potential drugs against Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
  • We proposed a comprehensive, genome-wide model of translation.
  • We described the role of plant miRNAs in the antiinflammatory properties of selected edible plants.

Research Description

Scientific interests of our laboratory include, but are not limited to:

  • Protein-protein recognition and the design of protein-protein interaction inhibitors.
  • Macromolecular crowding.
  • Modeling and modifying the regulation of basic cellular processes and metabolic pathways.
  • Protein modeling.
  • Analyses of genome sequence data (particularly in the context of phylogenetic analysis).
  • Development of drug design methodologies.
  • Analyses of protein interaction networks.
  • Literature mining.


In our laboratory, we use software tools for:

  • Sequence and structure analysis (e.g., EMBOSS).
  • Visualization and structure modeling (e.g., Chimera, YASARA, Swiss-PDBViewer).
  • Pathway and metabolic pathway modeling and analysis (e.g., Cytoscape, IPA, Gepasi)
  • Docking (e.g., DOCK).
  • Molecular dynamics (e.g., AMBER, GROMACS).
  • Home-developed tools (e.g., kalasanty, pafnucye, plec, oddt, transimulation, ht-sas, elise, tools4mirs).

Our HPC infrastructure is built around HP blade servers with Intel Xeon X5650 6-core processors and AMD Opteron 6174 12-core processors. Each core has 2 MB of RAM. The servers are diskless and connected with a high speed (32 Mb/s) InfiniBand QDR40 connection. This interconnect provides direct memory access and enables ultra-low latency between computing nodes. The infrastructure consists of 32 Intel-based servers and 16 AMD servers, for a total of 1152 cores. This environment is further enriched by 8 GPU Nvidia TESLA C2080 cards with 448 cores each. Storage is built around LustreFS, a special-purpose modular system that is designed for high I/O memory (6 rack servers, 72 Intel cores) and a HITACHI AMS2500 storage system with 0.5 PB of storage size. Additionally, five application servers provide virtualization capacities, with a total of 240 cores and 1 TB of RAM installed). Software that is used in this installation is almost exclusively free and open source stack (Linux, Torque, Maui, Xen, MySQL, Apache, and others). Altogether, our HPC environment is able to achieve over 40 Tflops.

Selected Publications

  • Discovery of novel potent ΔF508-CFTR correctors that target the nucleotide binding domain. Odolczyk N, Fritsch J, Norez C, Servel N, da Cunha MF, Bitam S, Kupniewska A, Wiszniewski L, Colas J, Tarnowski K, Tondelier D, Roldan A, Saussereau EL, Melin-Heschel P, Wieczorek G, Lukacs GL, Dadlez M, Faure G, Herrmann H, Ollero M, Becq F, Zielenkiewicz P, Edelman A. EMBO Mol Med. 2013 Oct;5(10):1484-501. doi: 10.1002/emmm.201302699.
  • A comprehensive, quantitative, and genome-wide model of translation. Siwiak M, Zielenkiewicz P. PLoS Comput Biol. 2010 Jul 29;6(7):e1000865. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000865.
  • Mapping Protein-Protein Interactions of the Resistance-Related Bacterial Zeta Toxin-Epsilon Antitoxin Complex (ε₂ζ₂) with High Affinity Peptide Ligands Using Fluorescence Polarization. Fernández-Bachiller MI, Brzozowska I, Odolczyk N, Zielenkiewicz U, Zielenkiewicz P, Rademann J. Toxins (Basel). 2016 Jul 16;8(7):222. doi: 10.3390/toxins8070222.


  • Joerg Rademann, Freie Universitaet Berlin, D
  • Aleksander Edelman, INSERM, FR
  • Sarah Reece, Edinburgh University, UK
  • Chris Janse, Leiden University, NL
  • Wolfram Saenger, Freie Universitaet Berlin, D
  • Grażyna Faure-Kuźmińska, Institute Pasteur, Paris, France
  • Stephanie Trudel, Universitaire Amiens Picardie, Amiens, France

Publications (IBB PAS affiliated)

WIECZOREK G., ZIELENKIEWICZ P., Influence of macromolecular crowding on protein-protein association rates - a brownian dynamics study. Biophysical Journal (2008) 95: 5030-5036 IF 4,757
WIECZOREK G., ZIELENKIEWICZ P., F508 mutation increases conformational flexibility of CFTR protein. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis (2008) 7: 295-300 IF 1,550
PAWLOWSKI P.H., KACZANOWSKI S., ZIELENKIEWICZ P., Protein interaction network. Double exponential model. Journal of Proteomics & Bioinformatics (2008) 1(2): 061-067 IF-
GŁADKI A., SIEDLECKI P., KACZANOWSKI S., ZIELENKIEWICZ P., e-LiSe-an online tool for finding in the '(Medline) haystack'. Bioinformatics (2008) 24(8): 1115-1117 IF 5,039
WIECZOREK G., ZIELENKIEWICZ P., Using tetrahedral grid-based protein models in docking. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter (2007) 19: 8pp BS IF 2,038
ORLOWSKI J., KACZANOWSKI S., ZIELENKIEWICZ P., Overrepresentation of interactions between homologous proteins in interactomes. FEBS Letters (2007) 581: 52-56 IF 3,372
BURZA A.M., PEKALA I., SIKORA J., SIEDLECKI P., MALAGOCKI P., BUCHOLC M., KOPER L., ZIELENKIEWICZ P., DADLEZ M., DOBROWOLSKA G., Nicotiana tabacum osmotic stress-activated kinase is regulated by phosphorylation on ser-154 and ser-158 in the kinase activation loop. Journal of Biological Chemistry (2006) 281: 34299-34311 IF 5,808
PAWLOWSKI P.H., BURZYNSKA B., ZIELENKIEWICZ P., Theoretical model of reticulocyte to erythrocyte shape transformation. Journal of Theoretical Biology (2006) 243: 24-38 IF 2,264
SIEDLECKI P., ZIELENKIEWICZ P., Mammalian DNA methyltransferases. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2006) 53: 245-256 IF 1,363
SIEDLECKI P., GARCIA BOY R., MUSCH T., BRUECKNER B., SUHAI S., LYKO F., ZIELENKIEWICZ P., Discovery of two novel, small-molecule inhibitors of DNA methylation. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2006) 49: 678-683 IF 5,115
BRUECKNER B., GARCIA BOY R., SIEDLECKI P., MUSCH T., KLIEM H.CH., ZIELENKIEWICZ P., SUHAI S., WIESSLER M., LYKO F., Epigenetic reactivation of tumor suppressor genes by a novel small-molecule inhibitor of human DNA methyltransferases. Cancer Research (2005) 65: 6305-6311 IF 7,656
SZCZESNY P., WIECZOREK G., ZIELENKIEWICZ P., MOFOID - not only the protein modeling server. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2005) 52: 267-269 IF 1,363
PAWLOWSKI P.H., ZIELENKIEWICZ P., FEDMA - a simple algorithm for theoretical modeling of linear metabolic pathways: from fuzzy data sets to prediction and experiment. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2005) 52: 71-86 IF 1,363
PAWLOWSKI P.H., ZIELENKIEWICZ P., Biochemical kinetics in changing volumes. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2004) 51: 231-243 IF 1,032



    • Compounds as modulators of a mutant CFTR protein and their use for treating diseases associated with CFTR protein malfunction. ODOLCZYK, Norbert ; ZIELENKIEWICZ, Piotr; WIECZOREK, Grzegorz; EDELMAN, Aleksander; TONDELIER, Danielle; FRITSCH, Janine. US ( 2018) 10,398,665, ; US 10,420,738,; US 10,463,639
    • Use of a mir172 molecule for decreasing inflammation. Łukasik, Anna; Zielenkiewicz, Piotr; Szweykowska-Kulińska, Zofia; Paczek, Leszek; Nowaczyk, Maria. (2018) EP3035941