
Number of publications: 170
PODOBAS E.I., BONNA A., POLKOWSKA-NOWAKOWSKA A., BAL W., Dual catalytic role of the metal ion in nickel-assisted peptide bond hydrolysis. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry (2014) 136: 107-114 IF 3.274
LANGIE S.A.S., KOWALCZYK P., TOMASZEWSKI B., VASILAKI A., MAAS L.M., MOONEN E.J., PALAGANI A., GODSCHALK R.W.L., TUDEK B., van SCHOOTEN F.J., VANDEN BERGHE W., ZABIELSKI R., MATHERS J.C. Redox and epigenetic regulation of the APE1 gene in the hippocampus of piglets: The effect of early life exposures. DNA Repair (2014) 18: 52-62 IF 3.362
BELCZYK-CIESIELSKA A., ZAWISZA I., MITAL M., BONNA A., BAL W., Sequence-specific Cu(II)-dependent peptide bond hydrolysis: similarities and differences with the Ni(II)-dependent reaction. Inorganic Chemistry (2014) 53(9): 4639-4646 IF 4.794
HOSER R., LICHOCKA M., ŻURCZAK M., HENNIG J., KRZYMOWSKA M., Emerging role of SGT1 as a regulator of NB-LRR-receptor nucleocytoplasmic partitioning. Plant Signaling & Behavior (2014) 9(4): e28724 (4p.) IF -
PILSYK S., PERLINSKA-LENART U., GORKA-NIEC W., GRACZYK S., ANTOSIEWICZ B., ZEMBEK P., PALAMARCZYK G., KRUSZEWSKA J.S., Overexpression of erg20 gene encoding farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase has contrasting effects on activity of enzymes of the dolichol and sterol branches of mevalonate pathway in Trichoderma reesei. Gene (2014) 544(2): 114-122 IF 2.082
KABALA A., LASSERRE J.-P., ACKERMAN S.H., DI RAGO J.-P., KUCHARCZYK R., Defining the impact on yeast ATP synthase of two pathogenic human mitochondrial DNA mutations, T9185C and T9191C. Biochimie (2014) 100: 200-206 IF 3.123
TARNOWSKI K.J., FITUCH K., SZCZEPANOWSKI R.H., DADLEZ M., KAUS-DROBEK M., Patterns of structural dynamics in RACK1 protein retained throughout evolution: A hydrogen-deuterium exchange study of three orthologs. Protein Science (2014) 23(5): 639-651 IF 2.861
WÓDKIEWICZ M., ZIEMIAŃSKI M., KWIECIEŃ K., CHWEDORZEWSKA K.J., GALERA H., Spatial structure of the soil seed bank of Poa annua L.-alien species in the Antarctica. Biodiversity and Conservation (2014) 23: 1339-1346 IF 2.065
GRABOWSKA E., WROŃSKA U., DENKIEWICZ M., JASZCZUR M., RESPONDEK A., ALABRUDZIŃSKA M., SUSKI-GRABOWSKI C., MAKIELA-DZBEŃSKA K., JONCZYK P., FIJALKOWSKA I.J., Proper functioning of the GINS complex is important for the fidelity of DNA replication in yeast. Molecular Microbiology (2014) 92(4): 659-680 IF 5.026
KAMIENSKA-TRELA K., WOJCIK J., Applications of spin-spin couplings. Chapter in: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance / editors: K.Kamieńska-Trela, J.Wójcik, (550 p.) (2014) 43: 183-229, ISBN: 978-1-84973-955-9 IF -
KACZOROWSKA-HAĆ B., BURZYNSKA B., PLOCHOCKA D., ZAK-JASINSKA K., RAWA K., ADAMKIEWICZ-DROZYNSKA E., The first reported case of G6PD deficiency due to Seoul mutation in Poland. Annals of Hematology (2014) 93(5): 879-880 IF 2.396
WOJCIKOWSKI M., ZIELENKIEWICZ P., SIEDLECKI P., DiSCuS: an open platform for (not only) virtual screening results management. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (2014) 54(1): 347-354 IF 4.068
FERENC K., PIETRZAK P., GODLEWSKI M.M., PIWOWARSKI J., KILIANCZYK R., GUILLOTEAU P., ZABIELSKI R., Intrauterine growth retarded piglet as a model for humans - Studies on the perinatal development of the gut structure and function. Reproductive Biology (2014) 14(1): 51-60 IF 1.048
GRABOWSKA I., SINGLETON D.G., STACHYRA A., GORA-SOCHACKA A., SIRKO A., ZAGORSKI-OSTOJA W., RADECKA H., STULZ E., RADECKI J., A highly sensitive electrochemical genosensors based on Co-porphyrin-labelled DNA. Chemical Communications (2014) 50(32): 4196-4199 IF 6.718
SIENKO M., NATORFF R., SKONECZNY M., KRUSZEWSKA J.S., PASZEWSKI A., BRZYWCZY J., Regulatory mutations affecting sulfur metabolism induce environmental stress response in Aspergillus nidulans. Fungal Genetics and Biology (2014) 65: 37-47 IF 3.262
BAZELA K., SOŁYGA-ŻUREK A., DEBOWSKA R., ROGIEWICZ K., BARTNIK E., ERIS I., L-Ergothioneine protects skin cells against UV-induced damage - a preliminary study. Cosmetics (2014) 1(1): 51-60 IF -
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