
Institute Seminar

Dr Aleksandra Tymoszewska

Laboratory of Applied Microbiology, IBB PAS

Studies on the mechanisms of bacteriocins action and resistance development (…)

PhD thesis defence

Magdalena Polakowska, MSc

“Conformational plasticity and cysteine reactivity in posttranslational regulation of multifunctional human S100A8 and S100A9 proteins” (…)

PhD thesis defence

Przemysław Surowiecki, MSc

“Characterization of selected cis-prenyltransferases involved in the biosynthesis of polyisoprenoids in Arabidopsis thaliana” (…)

PhD thesis defence

Jakub Kwiatowski, MSc

“Effect of calcium levels on structure and function of HopQ1 – a virulence factor of phytopathogenic bacteria Pseudomonas syringae” (…)

PhD thesis defence

Magdalena Chmielewska-Jeznach, MSc

“Genomic and physiological characteristic of Lactococcus bacteriophages and functional analysis of DNA replication‐related elements” (…)

PhD thesis defence

Anna Znój, MSc

“Rhizosphere microbiota of invasive and native Magnoliophyta plants in Antarctica.” (…)

PhD thesis defence

Jakub Boreczek, MsC

“Analysis of microbial diversity in sourdoughs towards selection of bacterial strains for starter cultures dedicated for the whole meal bread production” (…)

PhD thesis defence

Elżbieta Lewandowska-Gnatowska, MSc

“Plant response to mechanical wounding: the role of Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinases (CDPKs) and DNA methylation in maize and barley stress signaling pathways” (…)

PhD thesis defence

Dominik Cysewski, MSc

“Local translation in the synapse – proteomic analysis” (…)

PhD Student’s Seminar

Małgorzata Rogala
Polyhydroxyalkanoates of polar region bacteria (…)

Institute Seminar

Mgr Bianka Świderska

Mass Spectrometry Facility, IBB PAS

New perspectives in proteomics: technologies and their applications in biological and medical research (…)

PhD thesis defence

Aleksandra Tymoszewska, MSc

“Class II bacteriocins of Gram-positive bacteria – interactions with the receptor and the development of resistance” (…)