
PhD thesis defence

Marta Gapińska, MSc

“Structure and mechanism of action of bacterial reverse transcriptases involved in antiphage defense” (…)

Seminarium Instytutowe

Dr Agnieszka Tudek

Nuclear and cytoplasmic RNA 3’end metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (…)

PhD thesis defence

Paweł Ćwiek MSc

“Identification of new signaling mechanisms regulating chromatin transcriptional activity in eukaryotes” (…)

PhD thesis defence

Aleksandra Robak, MSc

“Determining the etiology of pleural effusions using mass spectrometry-based targeted proteomics” (…)

PhD Students Seminar
Prof. Waclaw Gajewski’s auditorium (Hall E)

Adrian Kasztelan

Consequences of GRP8 phosphorylation by ABA-non-responsive SnRK2 kinases (…)

Institute Seminar

Prof. Izabela Makałowska

Institute of Human Biology and Evolution, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland

Sens/antisense pairs formed by two protein coding genes (…)

Obrona rozprawy doktorskiej

Mgr Milena Denkiewicz-Kruk

„Rola kompleksu GINS w utrzymaniu stabilności genomu w komórkach drożdży Saccharomyces cerevisiae.” (…)

PhD thesis defence

MSc Milena Denkiewicz-Kruk

“The role of the GINS complex in the maintenance of genomic stability in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells.” (…)

Institute Seminar

Dr Agnieszka Szczepankowska

Laboratory of Applied Microbiology, IBB PAS

Molecular and environmental aspects of the Lactococcus lactis  lytic phage biology (…)

PhD thesis defence

MSc Marlena Kisiała

“Structural studies of AvaII and TagI restriction endonucleases” (…)

PhD Student’s Seminar
Prof. Waclaw Gajewski’s auditorium (Hall E)

Rafał Jastrząb, MSc
Cytostatic effects of protein fractions produced by Lactococcus lactis

Neuton Gorjão
POLR1D, a common subunit of RNA polymerases I and III, interferes with TOR signalling (…)

Institute Seminar

Dr hab. Magdalena Dziembowska

Laboratory of Molecular Basis of Synaptic Plasticity
Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw, Poland

The role of mitochondria in the pathomechanism of autism-associated neurodevelopmental disorders (…)