
Participation of IBB PAS in the Life Science job fair – Spotkaj Swojego Pracodawcę 2024

On March 5-6 2024, representatives of IBB PAS participated in the Life Science job fair – Spotkaj Swojego Pracodawcę 2024, which was held at the Warsaw University of Technology. It was a great opportunity to learn about the needs and expectations of Life Science Students. We would like to thank all those who visited our (…)

Rare Disease Day Conference

The last day of February is the World Rare Disease Day. On this occasion, for the seventh time a conference was held, co-organized by the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics PAS, the Institute of Mother and Child, the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine PAS, the EB Polska Foundation, as well as the Polish Biochemical Society, the Polish Alzheimer’s Society and the Polish Chamber of Laboratory Diagnosticians. (…)

47th Anniversary of the Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station

The celebration of the 47th anniversary of the H. Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station took place on February 26. Thank you to all the distinguished guests and see you next year!       (…)

Opening of the Museum of Polar Research in Puławy

On February 21, 2024, representatives of the IBB – Director Jaroslaw Poznanski and Deputy Director Agnieszka Kruszewska – took part in the opening of the Museum of Polar Research in Puławy. Part of the museum’s exhibition consists of artifacts brought from the H. Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station, which were lent to the Museum by IBB PAS. (…)

What you should know to become or raise an ERC laureate

Are you considering submitting an ERC grant or mentoring young scientists who may apply for one in the future? Join us for a meeting about ERC grants, March 7, 2024, IBB PAS in Warsaw (Pawińskiego 5A). (…)

The CePT 2024 Conference will take place on 8 March

Together with the CePT consortium (Center for Pre-Clinical Research and Technology) and its member institutions, we are pleased to announce opening of registration for our joint event “CePT – as platform for the development of innovative biomedicine 2024” which will take place on March 8 at the WUM Teaching Center. (…)

Ambassador of Turkey in IBB PAS

On 13.02.2024 we had the honor of hosting in our Institute the Ambassador of Turkey, Mr. Rauf Alp Denktaş, together with Ms. Rahime İğdeci Abdel Hamid Hosny, 1st Secretary of the Embassy, and Mr. Seyit Öcal, the Embassy Attache. The talks concerned bilateral cooperation between scientific institutions in Turkey and the Institute of Biochemistry and (…)

11 February – the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

On February 11 the world celebrates the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. On this occasion, the 9th International Day of Women and Girls in Science Assembly took place in the United Nations headquarters in New York, on 8-9 February 2024. For more information click here: https://www.un.org/en/observances/women-and-girls-in-science-day/ At IBB PAS we are publishing (…)

Thanks from WOŚP 2024

Jurek Owsiak has thanked IBB PAN for taking part in The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity 32nd edition 2024. (…)

Celebration of the H. Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station

The Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics PAS and the Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station invite you to a traditional meeting celebrating the 47. anniversary of the Station.  Further information and the meeting schedule are available below: (…)

IBB PAS activities in the CEPT consortium

We are pleased to announce that the newspaper “Rzeczpospolita” has published a supplement in which the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics PAS, as a member of the consortium CENTER FOR PRE-CLINICAL RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY (CEPT, [https://cept.wum.edu.pl/cept/]), had the opportunity to present research it is conducting in the field of medical biology. Publication of the supplement (…)

Gramy razem z WOŚP

Wyjątkowa inicjatywa – wspieramy 32 Finał Wielkiej Orkiestry Świątecznej Pomocy. Polska Stacja Antarktyczna im. Henryka Arctowskiego Instytutu Biochemii i Biofizyki PAN bierze udział w tegorocznym finale WOŚP. Serdecznie zapraszamy do udziału w aukcjach. Możecie wylicytować wiele wyjątkowych przedmiotów związanych z Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station lub wesprzeć zbiórkę poprzez eskarbonkę.     Link do aukcji: https://allegro.pl/uzytkownik/IBBPAN-ARCTOWSKI (…)