
Festiwal Nauki

The 26th Science Festival

IBB PAS traditionally takes part in The Science Festival in Warsaw. The 26th Science Festival started on Friday, with over 670 events planned: debates, meetings, exhibitions, and lessons for young people. This year’s festival is dedicated to energy, health and education. The event will last until September 30. The festival meetings are organized by scientific (…)

18th Congress of the Polish Biophysical Society (PTBF)

On 6-9 September 2022, the 18th Congress of the Polish Biophysical Society will be held at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw. This year’s preliminary program of the Congress is presented on website https://18zjazd.ptbf.pl/congress/scope-of-the-congress/ and is devoted to the issues of Mechanisms of ligand-receptor interactions, Medical applications of proteins and nucleic acids, (…)

PASIFIC Fellowship for Dr Jonak

We are happy to announce that Dr Katarzyna Jonak has been awarded the PASIFIC Postdoctoral Fellowship in the second Call of the programme. PASIFIC is organized by the Polish Academy of Sciences under Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Horizon 2020. In the second Call, 200 candidates applied for the Fellowship, and only 15 stipend holders were selected. (…)

Pasteur Jubilee Conference, November 29-30, Warsaw

The life of Ludwik Pasteur was a path of epochal discoveries in the field of chemistry, biology and medicine, and at the same time an example of extraordinary intuition, research inquisitiveness, as well as enormous perseverance and determination. This year’s jubilee is a unique occasion to commemorate the life and achievements of one of the (…)

Dr Katarzyna Tołkacz laureate of the 6th edition of the SONATINA!

We are pleased to announce that Dr Katarzyna Tołkacz received grant from National Science Center. The winners of the 6th edition of the SONATINA call for proposals address research problems that are crucial for modern science, e.g. in agriculture or ecology. Dr Katarzyna Tołkacz analyses an influence of climate change on the distribution of external (…)

Dr. Katarzyna Jonak laureate of EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowship

Our colleague, Dr. Katarzyna Jonak has been awarded the prestigious EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowship! EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships support excellent postdoctoral researchers to conduct their research for a period of two years. Within the project, Katarzyna will study how ribosome heterogeneity contributes to the regulation of protein synthesis and affects health- and lifespan in aged organisms. Her (…)

IBB PAS scientists make important discoveries about plant viruses

New Phytologist, one of the most prestigious journals in plant science with over 120 years of tradition, has recently published an article entitled “The Rysto immune receptor recognizes a broadly conserved feature of potyviral coat proteins”. The authors of the article are colleagues from our Institute: Marta Grech-Baran, Anna Grupa-Urbańska, Małgorzata Lichocka, Jarosław Poznański and (…)

PASIFIC Fellowship at IBB

We are pleased to inform that Dr. Abdel Aziz Gad received a grant in the first Call of the PASIFIC Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme announced by the Polish Academy of Sciences. The awarded project “Heterologous production of L-gulono lactone oxidase fused with human elastin like-polypeptide” (Acronym: HELP-GULO) will be conducted in the Laboratory of Plant Protein (…)

IBB PAS researchers received funds from National Science Center

We are happy to report the successes of our researchers. Seven employees of the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics Polish Academy of Sciences received grants in the recently announced Sonata 17 and Opus 22 competitions of the National Science Center. The two recently concluded calls attracted 3005 proposals with a total budget of nearly 3.3 (…)

START Scholarship

Mgr inż. Aleksandra Tymoszewska z Pracowni Mikrobiologii Stosowanej otrzymała prestiżowe stypendium w programie START organizowanym przez Fundację na rzecz Nauki Polskiej. Stypendia są przyznawane dla najlepszych młodych naukowców z Polski, którzy reprezentują wszystkie dziedziny nauki. Gratulujemy! Mgr inż. Aleksandra Tymoszewska ukończyła z wyróżnieniem studia na Wydziale Chemicznym Politechniki Warszawskiej, kierunek: Biotechnologia. Następnie kontynuowała kształcenie w (…)

IBB PAN uczestniczy w Pikniku Naukowym!

Piknik Naukowy Polskiego Radia i Centrum Nauki Kopernik jest największą w Europie imprezą plenerową o tematyce naukowej. Tematem tegorocznego 25 Pikniku Naukowego jest woda. Instytut Biochemii i Biofizyki PAN jest w gronie instytucji propagujących wiedzę w ramach Pikniku Naukowego. Staramy się pokazać naukę jako niezwykle ekscytującą i pasjonującą dziedzinę życia. Odwiedzając stanowisko IBB PAN https://pikniknaukowy.pl/artykul/2935367 (…)

Stand with PhD students from Ukraine – Cолідарні з аспірантами з України

We invite Ukrainian doctoral students (aspirants) to participate in an internship in IBB PAS laboratories. The internship should start no later than June 10, 2022. Planned internship completion – September 30, 2022. The internship scholarships will be financed from the project awarded to the Institute by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA). For (…)