
Number of publications: 87
McINTYRE J., PODLASKA A., SKONECZNA A., HALAS A., SLEDZIEWSKA-GOJSKA E., Analysis of the spontaneous mutator phenotype associated with 20S proteasome deficiency in S. cerevisiae. Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis (2006) 593: 153-163 IF 4,111
BOGUSZEWSKA-CHACHULSKA A.M., KRAWCZYK M., NAJDA-BERNATOWICZ A., KOPANSKA K., STANKIEWICZ-DROGON A., ZAGORSKI-OSTOJA W., BRETNER M., Searching for a new anti-HCV therapy: Synthesis and properties of tropolone derivatives. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (2006) 341: 641-647 IF 2,855
KAMIENSKA-TRELA K., WOJCIK J., Applications of spin-spin couplings. Chapter in: A Specialist Periodical Report. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Senior reporter G.A. Webb. Royal Society of Chemistry (2006) 35: 147-195
NIEMINUSZCZY J., SIKORA A., WRZESINSKI M., JANION C., GRZESIUK E., AlkB dioxygenase in preventing MMS-induced mutagenesis in Escherichia coli: effect of Pol V and AlkA proteins. DNA Repair (2006) 5: 181-188 IF 5,868
BERNATOWICZ P., KOWALEWSKI J., SZYMANSKI S., Nuclear-spin relaxation in nonrigid molecules: discrete multisite local dynamics combined with anisotropic molecular reorientation. The Journal of Chemical Physics (2006) 124: 024108 IF 3,166
HAWKESFORD M.J., HOEFGEN R., GALILI G., AMIR R., ANGENON G., HESSE H., RENTSCh D., SCHALLER J., VAN der MEER I., ROUSTER J., BANFALVI Z., POLGAR Z., SZABADOS L., SZOPA J., SIRKO A., Optimisting nutritional quality of crops. Chapter in: Plant Genetic Engineering. Ed. P.K. Jaiwal. Studium Press, Houston, Texas, (2006) 7: 85-116
LIAV A., HUANG H., CIEPICHAL-GLODOWSKA E., BRENNAN P.J., McNEIL M.R., Stereoselective synthesis of decaprenylphosphoryl β-D-arabinofuranose. Tetrahedron Letters (2006) 47: 545-547 IF 2,509
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