
Number of publications: 118
KLOSKA A., NARAJCZYK M., JAKOBKIEWICZ-BANECKA J., GRYNKIEWICZ G., SZEJA W., GABIG-CIMIŃSKA M., WEGRZYN G., Synthetic genistein derivatives as modulators of glycosaminoglycan storage. Journal of Translational Medicine (2012) 10: 153 IF 3.474
BLACKFORD A.N., SCHWAB R.A., NIEMINUSZCZY J., DEANS A.J., WEST S.C., NIEDŹWIEDŹ W., The DNA translocase activity of FANCM protects stalled replication forks. Human Molecular Genetics (2012) 21(9): 2005-2016 IF 7.636
PEÑA Á., GEWARTOWSKI K., MROCZEK S., CUÉLLAR J., SZYKOWSKA A., PROKOP A., CZARNOCKI-CIECIURA M., PIWOWARSKI J., TOUS C., AGUILERA A., CARRASCOSA J.L., VALPUESTA J.M., DZIEMBOWSKI A., Architecture and nucleic acids recognition mechanism of the THO complex, an mRNP assembly factor. The EMBO Journal (2012) 31(6): 1605-1616 IF 9.205
MURAWSKA-CIAŁOWICZ E., BAL W., JANUSZEWSKA L., ZAWADZKI M., RYCHEL J., ZUWAŁA-JAGIEŁŁO J., Oxidative stress level in the testes of mice and rats during nickel intoxication. The Scientific World Journal (2012) Volume 2012, Article ID 395741, 5 pages
CHOJNOWSKI G., BUJNICKI J.M., BOCHTLER M., RIBER/DIBER: a software suite for crystal content analysis in the studies of protein-nucleic acid complexes. Bioinformatics (2012) 28 (6): 880-881 IF 5.468
WEGRZYN A., Gene expression-targeted isoflavone therapy. IUMB Life (2012) 64(4): 307-315
WEGRZYN G., LICZNERSKA K., WEGRZYN A., Phage λ—new insights into regulatory circuits. Advances in Virus Research (2012) 82: 155–178 IF 3.971
DZIEDZIC D., NARAJCZYK M., GABIG-CIMIŃSKA M., JAKOBKIEWICZ-BANECKA J., Simultaneous siRNA-mediated silencing of pairs of genes coding for enzymes involved in glycosaminoglycan synthesis. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2012) 59(2): 293-298 IF 1.491
KOPERA E., BELCZYK-CIESIELSKA A., BAL W., Application of Ni(II)-assisted peptide bond hydrolysis to non-enzymatic affinity tag removal. PLOS ONE (2012) 7(5): e36350 IF 4.092
WĄSIK R., WIŃSKA P., POZNANSKI J., SHUGAR D., Synthesis and physico-chemical properties in aqueous medium of all possible isomeric bromo analogues of benzo-1H-triazole, potential inhibitors of protein kinases. Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2012) 116(24): 7259-7268 IF 3.696
JARMOSZEWICZ K., ŁUKASIAK K., RIEZMAN H., KAMINSKA J., Rsp5 ubiquitin ligase is required for protein trafficking in Saccharomyces cerevisiae COPI mutants. PLOS ONE (2012) 7(6): e39582 IF 4.092
PASIKOWSKA M., PALAMARCZYK G., LEHLE L., The essential endoplasmic reticulum chaperone Rot1 is required for protein N- and O-glycosylation in yeast. Glycobiology (2012) 22(7): 939-947 IF 3.580
KANIA A., SKORUPINSKA-TUDEK K., ŚWIEŻEWSKA E., DANIKIEWICZ W., Atmospheric pressure photoionization mass spectrometry as a valuable method for the identification of polyisoprenoid alcohols. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry (2012) 26(15): 1705-1710 IF 2.790
SZCZESNY R.J., BOROWSKI Ł.S., MAŁECKI M., WÓJCIK M.A., STEPIEN P.P., GOLIK P., RNA degradation in yeast and human mitochondria. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Gene Regulatory Mechanisms (2012) 1819(9-10): 1027-1034 IF 4.405
LASKOWSKI Z., KORCZAK-ABSHIRE M., ZDZITOWIECKI K., Changes in acanthocephalan infection of the Antarctic fish Notothenia coriiceps in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, over 29 years. Polish Polar Research (2012) 33(1): 99-108 IF 0.875
TONSKA K., PIEKUTOWSKA-ABRAMCZUK D., KALISZEWSKA M., KOWALSKI P., TAŃSKA A., BARTNIK E., PRONICKA E., KRAJEWSKA-WALASEK M., Molecular investigations of mitochondrial deletions: Evaluating the usefulness of different genetic tests. Gene (2012) 506(1): 161-165 IF 2.341
SZCZEGIELNIAK J., BORKIEWICZ L., SZURMAK B., LEWANDOWSKA-GNATOWSKA E., STATKIEWICZ M., KLIMECKA M.M., CIESLA J.M., MUSZYNSKA G., Maize calcium-dependent protein kinase (ZmCPK11): local and systemic response to wounding, regulation by touch and components of jasmonate signaling. Physiologia Plantarum (2012) 146(1): 1-14 IF 3.112
LOBOCKA M.B., HEJNOWICZ M.S., DĄBROWSKI K., GOZDEK A., KOSAKOWSKI J., WITKOWSKA M., ULATOWSKA M.I., WEBER-DABROWSKA B., KWIATEK M., PARASION S., GAWOR J., KOSOWSKA H., GŁOWACKA A., Genomics of Staphylococcal twort-like phages - potential therapeutics of the post-antibiotic era. Advances in Virus Research (2012) 83: 143-216 IF 3.971
ZIEMINSKA E., STAFIEJ A., TOCZYLOWSKA B., LAZAREWICZ J.W., Acute cytotoxicity evoked by tetrabromobisphenol A in primary cultures of rat cerebellar granule cells outweighs the effects of polychlorinated biphenyls. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies (2012) 21(4): 1079-7087 IF 0.508
RAWA K., ADAMOWICZ-SALACH A., MATYSIAK M., TRZEMECKA A., BURZYNSKA B., Coexistence of Gilbert syndrome with hereditary haemolytic anaemias. Journal of Clinical Pathology (2012) 65(7): 663-665 IF 2.306
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