
Number of publications: 103
KAZIMIERCZUK K., COVA L., NDEBOKO B., SZCZYRK U., TARGOSZ A., BRZOZOWSKI T., SIRKO A., Genetic immunization of ducks for production of antibodies specific to Helicobacter pylori UreB in egg yolks. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2005) 52: 261-266 IF 1,363
HOPKINS L., PARMAR S., BLASZCZYK A.K., HESSE H., HOEFGEN R., HAWKESFORD M.J., O-acetylserine and the regulation of expression of genes encoding components for sulfate uptake
and assimilation in potato.
Plant Physiology (2005) 138: 433-440 IF 6,125
WAWRZYNSKA A.K., LEWANDOWSKA M., HAWKESFORD M.J., SIRKO A., Using a suppression subtractive library-based approach to identify tobacco genes regulated in response to short-term sulphur deficit. Journal of Experimental Botany (2005) 56: 1575-1590 IF 3,63
KACZMAREK P., JEZOWSKA-BOJCZUK M., GATNER K., BAL W., Oxidative reactivity of Cu-TESHHK- and its alanine analogues. Dalton Transaction (2005): 1985-1988 IF 3,012
KOZIOL S., ZAGULSKI M., BILIŃSKI T., BARTOSZ G., Antioxidants protect the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae against hypertonic stress. Free Radical Research (2005) 39: 365-371 IF 2,536
SAMUEL M.A., HALL H., KRZYMOWSKA M., DRZEWIECKA K., HENNIG J., ELLIS B.E., SIPK signaling controls multiple components of harpin-induced cell death in tobacco. Plant Journal (2005) 42: 406-416 IF 6,565
EJCHART A., ZHUKOV I., NMR-based structure determination of proteins in solution. Chapter in: The Proteomics Protocols Handbook. Ed. J.M. Walker. Humana Press (2005): 967-982
BOLTOWICZ D., SZCZERBAKOWA A., WIELGAT B., RAPD analysis of the interspecific somatic hybrids Solanum bulbocastanum (+) S. tuberosum. Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters (2005) 10: 151-162 IF 1,238
DANDANELL G., SZCZEPANOWSKI R.H., KIERDASZUK B., SHUGAR D., BOCHTLER M., Escherichia coli purine nucleoside phosphorylase II, the product of the xapA gene. Journal of Molecular Biology (2005) 348: 113-125 IF 4,89
BORYS-BRZYWCZY E., ARCZEWSKA K.D., SAPARBAEV M.K., HARDELAND U., SCHAR P., KUSMIEREK J.T., Mismatch dependent uracil/thymine-DNA glycosylases excise exocyclic hydroxyethano and hydroxypropano cytosine adducts. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2005) 52: 149-165 IF 1,363
SZCZESNY P., WIECZOREK G., ZIELENKIEWICZ P., MOFOID - not only the protein modeling server. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2005) 52: 267-269 IF 1,363
BARTOSIK A.A., JAGURA-BURDZY G., Bacterial chromosome segregation. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2005) 52: 1-34 IF 1,363
WOJTAS M., BIENKOWSKI T., ZELMAN-FEMIAK M., TATEYAMA S., SAGAMI H., CHOJNACKI T., DANIKIEWICZ W., ŚWIEŻEWSKA E., Dolichols of the fern Matteucia struthiopteris. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2005) 52: 255-259 IF 1,363
CHOUDA M., JANKOWSKI W., The occurrence of polyprenols in seeds and leaves of woody plants. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2005) 52: 243-253 IF 1,363
BAJDA A., CHOJNACKI T., HERTEL J., ŚWIEŻEWSKA E., WOJCIK J., KACZKOWSKA A., MARCZEWSKI A., BOJARCZUK T., KAROLEWSKI P., OLEKSYN J., Light conditions alter accumulation of long chain polyprenols in leaves of trees and shrubs throughout the vegetation season. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2005) 52: 233-241 IF 1,363
GRABINSKA K., SOSINSKA G., ORLOWSKI J., ŚWIEŻEWSKA E., BERGES T., KARST F., PALAMARCZYK G., Functional relationships between the Saccharomyces cerevisiae cis-prenyltransferases required for dolichol biosynthesis. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2005) 52: 221-232 IF 1,363
KAMINSKA J., KWAPISZ M., GRABINSKA K., ORLOWSKI J., BOGUTA M., PALAMARCZYK G., ZOLADEK T., Rsp5 ubiquitin ligase affects isoprenoid pathway and cell wall organization in S. cerevisiae. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2005) 52: 207-220 IF 1,363
PERLINSKA-LENART U., KURZATKOWSKI W., JANAS P., KOPINSKA A., PALAMARCZYK G., KRUSZEWSKA J.S., Protein production and secretion in an Aspergillus nidulans mutant impaired in glycosylation. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2005) 52: 195-205 IF 1,363
ZARĘBSKA Z., ZIELINSKA J., ZHUKOV I., MASLINSKI W., Apoptosis induced by membrane damage in human lymphocytes; effects of arachidonic acid and its photoproducts. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2005) 52: 179-194 IF 1,363
SPEINA E., CIESLA J.M., GRAZIEWICZ M.-A., LAVAL J., KAZIMIERCZUK Z., TUDEK B., Inhibition of DNA repair glycosylases by base analogs and tryptophan pyrolysate, Trp-P-1. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2005) 52: 167-178 IF 1,363
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