
Number of publications: 103
ZIELENKIEWICZ U., CEGŁOWSKI P., The toxin-antitoxin system of the streptococcal plasmid pSM19035. Journal of Bacteriology (2005) 187: 6094-6105 IF 3,993
POZNANSKI J., Partial molar volume as an important thermodynamics parameter. Application for uracil methyl derivatives. Journal of Molecular Liquids (2005) 121: 15-20 IF 1,106
POZNANSKI J., SZYMANSKI J., BASINSKA T., SLOMKOWSKI S., ZIELENKIEWICZ W., Aggregation of aqueous lysozyme solutions followed by dynamic light scattering and 1H NMR spectroscopy. Journal of Molecular Liquids (2005) 121: 21-26 IF 1,106
BANACH-ORLOWSKA M., FIJALKOWSKA I.J., SCHAAPER R.M, JONCZYK P., DNA polymerase II as a fidelity factor in chromosomal DNA synthesis in Escherichia coli. Molecular Microbiology (2005) 58: 61-70 IF 5,634
FLIS K., HINZPETER A., EDELMAN A., KURLANDZKA A., The functioning of mammalian CIC-2 chloride channel in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells requires an increased level of Kha1p. Biochemical Journal (2005) 390: 655-664 IF 4,1
KUBAN W., BANACH-ORLOWSKA M., BIALOSKORSKA M., LIPOWSKA A., SCHAAPER R.M, JONCZYK P., FIJALKOWSKA I.J., Mutator phenotype resulting from DNA polymerase IV overproduction in Escherichia coli: preferential mutagenesis on the lagging strand. Journal of Bacteriology (2005) 187: 6862-6866 IF 3,993
NOWOSIELSKA A., WRZESINSKI M., NIEMINUSZCZY J., JANION C., GRZESIUK E., Mutator activity and specificity of Escherichia coli dnaQ49 allele - effect of umuDC products. Mutation Research. Fundamental and Molecular Mechanism Mutagenesis (2005) 575: 113-122 IF 4,111
JARMULA A., RYPNIEWSKI W.R., FELCZAK K., RODE W., X-ray crystal and Ab Initio structures of 3',5'-di-O-Acetyl-N(4)-Hydroxy-2'-Deoxycytidine and its 5-Fluoro analogue: models of the N(4)-OH-dCMP and N(4)-OH-FdCMP molecules interacting with thymidylate synthase. Structural Chemistry (2005) 16: 541-549 IF 1,51
SARNOWSKI T.J., RIOS G., JASIK J., SWIEZEWSKI S.S., KACZANOWSKI S., LI Y., KWIATKOWSKA A., PAWLIKOWSKA K.P., KOZBIAL M., KOZBIAŁ P., KONCZ C., JERZMANOWSKI A., SWI3 subunits of putative SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling complexes play distinct roles during Arabidopsis development. Plant Cell (2005) 17: 2454-2472 IF 9,868
SZCZERBAKOWA A., BOLTOWICZ D., LEBECKA R., RADOMSKI P., WIELGAT B., Characteristics of the interspecific somatic hybrids Solanum pinnatisectum (+) S. tuberosum H-8105. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum (2005) 27: 265-273 IF 0,528
SOKOLOWSKA M., BAL W., Cu(II) complexation by "non-coordinating" N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N'-2-ethanesulfonic acid (HEPES buffer). Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry (2005) 99: 1653-1660 IF 2,654
KAMIENSKA-TRELA K., WOJCIK J., Applications of spin-spin couplings. Chapter in: A Specialist Periodical Report. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Senior reporter G.A. Webb. Royal Society of Chemistry (2005) 34: 160-207
BEBENEK A., CARVER G.T., KADYROV F.A., KISSLING G.E., DRAKE J.W., Processivy clamp gp45 and ssDNA-binding-protein gp32 modulate the fidelity of bacteriophage RB69 DNA polymerase in a sequence-specific manner, sometimes enhancing and sometimes compromising accuracy. Genetics (2005) 169: 1815-1824 IF 4,242
ŚWIEŻEWSKA E., DANIKIEWICZ W., Polyisoprenoids: structure, biosynthesis and function. Progress in Lipid Research (2005) 44: 235-258 IF 12,235
BRUECKNER B., GARCIA BOY R., SIEDLECKI P., MUSCH T., KLIEM H.CH., ZIELENKIEWICZ P., SUHAI S., WIESSLER M., LYKO F., Epigenetic reactivation of tumor suppressor genes by a novel small-molecule inhibitor of human DNA methyltransferases. Cancer Research (2005) 65: 6305-6311 IF 7,656
LOZINSKI T., WIERZCHOWSKI K.L., Mg2+-modulated KMnO4 reactivity of thymines in the open transcription complex reflects variation in the negative electrostatic potential along the separated DNA strands. Footprinting of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase complex at the λPR promoter revisited. FEBS Journal (2005) 272: 2838-2853 IF 3,033
HOFFMAN-SOMMER M., GRYNBERG M., KUCHARCZYK R., RYTKA J., The CHiPS domain - ancient traces for the hermansky-pudlak syndrome. Traffic (2005) 6: 534-538 IF 6,612
BAL W., KASPRZAK K.S., Modeling of biological ligand binding. Chapter in: Handbook of Elemental Speciation II - Species in the Environment, Food, Medicine and Occupational Health. Ed. R. Cornelis, J. Caruso, H. Crews, K. Heumann. Wiley (2005): 728-736
GOCH G., VDOVIENKO S.I., KOZLOWSKA H., BIERZYNSKI A., Anfinity of S100A1 protein for calcium increases dramatically upon glutathionylation. FEBS Journal (2005) 272: 2557-2565 IF 3,033
FILIP K., OLESZCZUK M., WOJCIK A., CHUNG N.N., SCHILLER P.W., PAWLAK D., ZIELENIAK A., PARCINSKA A., WITKOWSKA E., IZDEBSKI J., Cyclic enkephalin and dermorphin analogues containing a carbonyl bridge. Journal of Peptide Science (2005) 11: 347-352 IF 1,801
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