
Prof. Waclaw Gajewski’s auditorium (Hall E)

Katarzyna Kosiorek
Genetic and functional analysis of plasmid genes from lactic bacteria with the study of their influence on the chromosomal gene expression (…)

Institute Seminar

dr Joanna Jachowicz

Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Austrian Academy of Science,  Austria

How Xist silences the X, the whole X, and nothing but the X (and few other stories about RNAs) (…)

PhD Students Seminar
Prof. Waclaw Gajewski’s auditorium (Hall E)

Anastasiya Vasileuskaya

Anastasiya Vasileuskaya
Antiproliferative effect of cell-free supernatants derived from lactic acid bacteria cultures on colon cancer cells (…)

PhD thesis defence

MSc Katarzyna Banasiak

“Identification of signals regulating muscular exophergenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans” (…)

Institute Seminar

Dr Michał Dmowski

Laboratory of DNA Replication and Genome Stability, IBB PAS, Poland

Contribution of non-catalytic subunits of the CMGE helicase-polymerase complex to shaping genome stability (…)

Institute Seminar

Dr Stephen Jennings

Department of Antarctic Biology, IBB PAS, Poland

Glaciers: History written in the ice (…)

PhD Students Seminar
Prof. Waclaw Gajewski’s auditorium (Hall E)

Joanna Grochowska
Identification and functional analysis of proteins involved in double-stranded RNA metabolism in human mitochondria

Yusufu Rouzimaimaiti
The catalytic triplex changes between the 1st and 2nd steps of splicing (…)

Institute Seminar

Dr Deborah Tribouillard-Tanvier

French Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM),  Institute for Cellular Biochemistry and Genetics (IBGC), Bordeaux, France

Yeast and mammalian models of mitochondrial diseases: mechanisms and drug screening (…)

PhD Seminar
audytorium im. prof. Wacława Gajewskiego (aula E)

Marta Zajbt-Łuczniewska

Heat Shock Transcription Factors A1 (HSFA1s) and SWI/SNF ATPase BRM regulate polyprenol biosynthesis (…)

PhD Seminar
audytorium im. prof. Wacława Gajewskiego (aula E)

Igor Helbrecht

“DNA methylation detection” (…)

Institute Seminar

Prof. dr hab. Leszek Pączek

Department of Immunology, Transplantology and Internal Diseases, Medical University of Warsaw; Department of Bioinformatics, IBB PAS, Poland

Translational Medicine in 2023 (…)

PhD thesis defence

MSc Anna Stroynowska-Czerwińska

„Contribution of DNA and chromatin reader domains to the targeting of K-specific methyltransferase 2 (KMT2/MLL) proteins” (…)