
PhD Seminar
audytorium im. prof. Wacława Gajewskiego (aula E)

Marta Zajbt-Łuczniewska

Heat Shock Transcription Factors A1 (HSFA1s) and SWI/SNF ATPase BRM regulate polyprenol biosynthesis (…)

PhD Seminar
audytorium im. prof. Wacława Gajewskiego (aula E)

Igor Helbrecht

“DNA methylation detection” (…)

Institute Seminar

Prof. dr hab. Leszek Pączek

Department of Immunology, Transplantology and Internal Diseases, Medical University of Warsaw; Department of Bioinformatics, IBB PAS, Poland

Translational Medicine in 2023 (…)

PhD thesis defence

MSc Anna Stroynowska-Czerwińska

„Contribution of DNA and chromatin reader domains to the targeting of K-specific methyltransferase 2 (KMT2/MLL) proteins” (…)

Institute Seminar

Prof. dr hab. Dorota Gryko

Institute of Organic Chemistry PAS, Poland

Vitamin B12 conjugates for biomedical applications (…)

PhD Students Seminar
Prof. Waclaw Gajewski’s auditorium (Hall E)

Ismail Tahmaz
The function of the molecular co-chaperone prefoldin during cellular homeostasis

Marta Wiśniewska
The enemy within? Detection of the His-brace motif in the N-terminal peptide of HSA-DA (…)

PhD thesis defence

Aniruddha Das, MSc

“Mechanism and function of synergistic cooperation of CHIP and UFD-2 ubiquitin ligases.” (…)

Institute Seminar

Prof. dr hab. Leonora Bużańska

Mossakowski Medical Research Institute PAS, Poland

Modeling neurodevelopment and neurodegeneration with human brain organoids (…)

Institute Seminar

Dr Evangelos Giampazolias

CRUK Manchester Institute, United Kingdom

Natural barriers of cancer immunity. Unmasking cancer through self-deception. (…)

PhD thesis defence

Sylwia Pilch, MSc

“Function of Fmp40 AMPylase in the regulation of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell response to oxidative stress.” (…)

PhD Students Seminar
Prof. Waclaw Gajewski’s auditorium (Hall E)

Magdalena Zaborowska

The role of the SWI/SNF complex in alternative transcription start sites choice in Arabidopsis thaliana (…)

Institute Seminar

Rare Disease Day


Choroby rzadkie – białe kruki zdrowia publicznego (…)