New IBB Website

We are happy to announce that the main work on our new web-site development has been completed. Please note, however, that page has not been fully filled in with the content yet (this will be progressively done in the coming weeks).

Some of the content on the new web-site is accessible only for registered users. In order to register, please click “Log in” icon, and then click “Register” link. Enter the details you are asked for, including your IBB email address. Importantly, because of security reasons, it is only possible to use your IBB email address. Once the form is submitted, you will be sent an email with an activation link, that will guide you the password setting screen and allowing for completion of the registration. Again for security reasons, use complex passwords (at least 8 characters, including at least one capital letter and one number).

In “My account” panel, users have an access to the account settings and “Documents and Forms” download section, which again will be successively filled in with the content.

Finally, if you are in possession of nice, eye-catching graphics that you think would fit to our web-site, and you would like to share them, please sent them to When sending the pictures please include:

  1. The author name;
  2. A short statement granting us permission to freely use the graphic on the web-site.

The picture/graphic should meet the following criteria:

  1. File format: jpg/tif
  2. Size:
    • For banners: at least 1920×560 pixels
    • For News: at least 760×448 pixels
  3. Alternatively, other original high resolution/vector files, we will deal with them.


Under the link For media (in the Footer), you will find an updated logotype of the Institute in several easy to use formats as well as the Brand Book that will guide you through the proper use of the logotype.