The 50’s

” […] The Institute currently has 33 certified positions, including 10 independent scientists. Among the auxiliary research workers, 9 have the title of candidate of science or doctor. The doctoral studies of 4 employees are in progress, and the doctoral studies of 2 employees from outside the Institute are being completed. […] the development of the Institute’s staff was reflected in obtaining scientific degrees. 10 employees of the Institute obtained the degree of candidate of science or doctor, 3 obtained the title of docent, 1 – the degree of docent, 2 – the title of associate professor and 1 – the title of full professor. In addition, 2 people from outside the Institute obtained the degree of candidate of sciences from us. The organizational structure of the Institute includes 3 departments: Evolutionary Biochemistry, Plant Biochemistry and Biophysics, and 2 laboratories: Microbial Biochemistry and Pathological Biochemistry. Three plants and one studio are located in Warsaw, each unit in a different location. The Pathological Biochemistry Laboratory is located in Gdańsk. […] Since 1956, i.e. since the transformation of the Department of Biochemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences into the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the number of published experimental works now reaches 150. […] The Institute has also developed intensive cooperation with foreign countries in various forms. There is a constant exchange of copies of published works with biochemical centers around the world. The Institute sends approximately 500 copies of works annually at the request of other centers.[…]”

Józef Heller, INSTITUTE OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS Assumptions, achievements and perspectives, NAUKA POLSKA, Year IX No. 1 (33) 1961 (selected fragments)